Tell Europe to End Patents on Plants and Animals Name not displayed, WA Mar 04, 22:19 Ms. Mary Ch, ON Feb 18, 11:33 Please watch show "Healthy Living" on www.suprememastertv.com for a happy and long life. send a green star Ian Brown, United Kingdom Feb 17, 09:26 No one should be allowed to patent plants. send a green star Name not displayed, Finland Jan 07, 04:10 Name not displayed, Greece Dec 17, 12:13 Name not displayed, Belgium Dec 15, 10:38 Name not displayed, Australia Nov 30, 22:05 Mrs. Nov 27, 06:26 The European Patent Office should stop issuing patents for non-GMO plants and animals. send a green star Mr. Nov 25, 07:46 send a green star Name not displayed, Portugal Nov 23, 11:05 Izabela Czartoryska, Netherlands Nov 18, 12:41 Plants and animals evolved on this planet, they cannot be patented. send a green star Name not displayed, ON Nov 12, 17:31 Please stop patenting plants and animals! Name not displayed, Sweden Nov 12, 01:10 Name not displayed, Germany Nov 11, 21:24 Joris Claeys, Belgium Nov 11, 15:35 send a green star Mrs. Nov 10, 14:47 send a green star Mr.
Agricultores ecológicos Encuentra agricultores y consume productos locales, frescos y de temporada. ¿Eres agricultor ecológico? Añade tu ficha para ser localizado.Ver Opciones y Alta ¡¡HAZTE AGRICULTOR PREMIUM POR SOLO 3,75 €/MES!! Esta ficha es un ejemplo de las opciones que tienes al crear tu ficha de Agricultor ecológico y contratar la opción Premium. El... Cultivos: AROMÁTICAS, MEDICINALES-CÍTRICOS-FRUTALES-FRUTOS SECOS-HORTALIZAS-TUBÉRCULOS, RAÍCES-VID Certificado: AAA Possessio Son Gall 5.00 / 5 5 Son Gall se trata de un negocio familiar, con una larga tradicción agrícola. Cultivos: AROMÁTICAS, MEDICINALES, RECOLECCIÓN SILVESTRE, LEGUMBRES-CÍTRICOS-FRUTALES-HORTALIZAS- TUBÉRCULOS, RAÍCES-VID Certificado: CBPAE Cultivos: HORTALIZAS-OLIVAR Certificado: CAAE Cultivos: CÍTRICOS Certificado: AGROCOLOR Cultivos: FRUTOS SECOS-OLIVAR-CEREALES, LEGUMBRES Certificado: DGIDR Cultivos: FRUTALES-FRUTOS SECOS-CEREALES, LEGUMBRES Certificado: CPAEN Cultivos: FRUTALES-VID-FRUTOS SECOS-OLIVAR Certificado: CRAEX Cultivos: OLIVAR
Farm land grab Birinder Singh of Karuturi Global Ltd in Ethiopia This website contains mainly news reports about the global rush to buy up or lease farmlands abroad as a strategy to secure basic food supplies or simply for profit. Its purpose is to serve as a resource for those monitoring or researching the issue, particularly social activists, non-government organisations and journalists. The site, known as farmlandgrab.org, is updated daily, with all posts entered according to their original publication date. This site was originally set up by GRAIN as a collection of online materials used in the research behind Seized: The 2008 land grab for food and financial security, a report we issued in October 2008. farmlandgrab.org is an open project. If you find this website useful, please consider helping us cover the costs of the work that goes into it. Practical tips: * All pictures in the articles on this site can be accessed in their original, full size.
Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland It is commonly heard today that small farmers produce most of the world's food. But how many of us realise that they are doing this with less than a quarter of the world's farmland, and that even this meagre share is shrinking fast? If small farmers continue to lose the very basis of their existence, the world will lose its capacity to feed itself. GRAIN took an in depth look at the data to see what is going on and the message is crystal clear. Download the PDF version of this report here Download the printer friendly dataset in PDF format here. Download the fully-referenced dataset as a spreadsheet here. Alcides Raméon Ramírez, a member of one of 200 peasant families fighting to defend their land in Curuguaty, Paraguay. Governments and international agencies frequently boast that small farmers control the largest share of the world's agricultural land. Rural people don't simply make a living off the land, after all. Then there is the other part of the picture: that concerning food. 1. 2.
Semences : l'incroyable cadeau fait aux multinationales alimentaires La Commission Européenne a adopté le 6 mai une proposition de règlement sur les semences [1], qui est désormais entre les mains du Parlement et du Conseil Européens. La Coordination Européenne Via Campesina (ECVC) dénonce cet incroyable cadeau fait aux brevets et titres de propriété de l’industrie agro-alimentaire, l’agression violente que cette proposition représente contre les droits des agriculteurs et des jardiniers, et le contrôle bureaucratique qui s’y retrouve renforcé, et dont le seul résultat ne peut être que de définitivement tuer la biodiversité. Le résultat obtenu est donc l’inverse des raisons invoquées par la Commission pour réformer la législation existante, à savoir une nécessité de simplification administrative et de protection de la biodiversité. « Dans cette proposition, la Commission Européenne laisse la porte grande ouverte à la commercialisation sans restriction de plantes brevetées. Complément d’information Notes 1- Lien
Nutrients For All | Vitality for People and the Planet CRBM | Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale Want to double world food production? Return the land to small farmers! The data show that the concentration of farmland in fewer and fewer hands is directly related to the increasing number of people going hungry every day. The United Nations declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. As part of the celebrations, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) released its annual 'State of Food and Agriculture', which this year is dedicated to family farming. Family farmers, FAO say, manage 70-80% of the world's farmland and produce 80% of the world's food. But on the ground - whether in Kenya, Brazil, China or Spain - rural people are being marginalised and threatened, displaced, beaten and even killed by a variety of powerful actors who want their land. A recent comprehensive survey by GRAIN, examining data from around the world, finds that while small farmers feed the world, they are doing so with just 24% of the world's farmland - or 17% if you leave out China and India. Just what is a 'family farm' Small farmers are ever more squeezed in
Agriculture : la réutilisation des semences sera sanctionnée Le Parlement a adopté, lundi 28 novembre, une proposition de loi UMP sur "les certificats d'obtention végétale". Il devrait simplifier l'utilisation de semences de variétés protégées. Une simplification contestée par certains syndicats professionnels, qui estiment qu'elle "bafoue" des pratiques agricoles ancestrales. Le texte du sénateur UMP Christian Demuynck a été adopté par le Sénat en première lecture le 8 juillet et transpose une convention internationale pour la protection des obtentions végétales de 1991. Voté dans les mêmes termes par l'Assemblée, lundi soir, le texte est donc adopté par le Parlement définitivement. Il conforte les spécificités du "certificat d'obtention végétale", un droit de propriété intellectuelle original créé par la France pour les semences afin d'éviter le recours aux brevets mis en place notamment aux Etats-Unis pour le vivant. Selon M. Germinal Peiro (PS) a parlé de "dîme" et exhorté en vain le ministre à modifier le point sur les semences de ferme.
How farmers can help fight climate change The other week, I spent some time interviewing several business leaders for the North Carolina Sustainability CEnter, asking them about their reactions to President Obama's climate speach. Their responses were decidedly mixed, but one discussion stayed with me. When I asked Charles Sydnor, the owner of Braeburn Farm, about the urgency of climate policy for his industry—he had this to say: "As a farmer, when we look at climate change there are two sides to the story – but we only really talk about one – namely the production of greenhouse gases. Sydnor has a powerful point. No-till farming NRCS Soil Health/CC BY 2.0 Soil has the potential to store huge amounts of carbon. Planting crops directly into the soil, surrounded by crop residues from previous plantings, allows farmers to save time, fuel, and labor—and decreases the amount of fertilizer that's needed too. Home gardeners can also try their own equivalent of no-till farming by incorporating no-dig gardening into their vegetable patch.
Only Organics Can Feed the Hungry World: Here's Why Students working on UGA's organic demonstration farm in summer 2012. (Photo: UGA College of Ag)A new approach to agriculture that combines the best in industrial production with organic and sustainable practices is the key to meeting the changing needs of a changing world, where resources are rapidly depleted by a growing population. "Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?" is the title of a controversial report released last week by Stanford University's Center For Health Policy. The press weighed in with a bewildering range of instant reactions. The LA Times, on the other hand, pointed out in an editorial that the study largely ignored the ill effects of pesticide residues on conventionally-grown produce, and the hormones and antibiotic-resistant bacteria that taint factory-farmed meat and poultry. "When I started out farming," he told me, "it was like showing up at an assembly line day in and day out. No surprise there.