Rails Tutorial for Devise with RSpec and Cucumber
Devise with RSpec and Cucumber Introduction Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using Devise with RSpec and Cucumber.
Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. Atwood’s Law (2007) World Wide Web – zobacz jak wyglądała pierwsza strona WWWPierwsze aplikacje WWW – CGI ↬ PHP (≈ 2000 r.)Comparison of web application frameworksRuby on Rails: Potrzebne nam gemy wyszukujemy na The Ruby Toolbox.RSpec – a testing tool for the Ruby programming language; RSpec RailsPolskie forum Ruby on RailsRails Rumble; check winnersWho is already on Rails?: GitHub – ok. 4 mln programistówTwitter – „hits half a billion tweets a day” (26.10.2012)Nitrous.io – coding on remote boxesDave Kennedy, Give Vagrant a Place in Your WorkflowDocker – an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container Praktyczne rzeczy… Nie znasz języka Ruby – zacznij od Try Ruby!
For the Single Founder Who Can’t Code
Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Mick Hagen (@mickhagen), founder and CEO of Undrip. He was previously the founder of Zinch which was acquired by Chegg last year. He made headlines in the Fall with his rap campaign – an unorthodox approach to fundraising. You can learn more about him at MickHagen.com.
Rails Tutorial for Devise with CanCan and Twitter Bootstrap
Basic Tutorials Devise, RSpec, Cucumber Devise, Mongoid OmniAuth, Mongoid Subdomains Premium Tutorials
Beginning Ruby
Ruby is perhaps best known as the engine powering the hugely popular Ruby on Rails web framework. However, it is an extremely powerful and versatile programming language in its own right. It focuses on simplicity and offers a fully object-oriented environment.
Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey
Rails Tutorial for a Startup Prelaunch Signup Site
by Daniel Kehoe Last updated 8 September 2012 Note: This tutorial is overdue for a round of revisions since it no longer matches the current rails-prelaunch-signup example application.
19 Rails Tricks Most Rails Coders Don’t Know
New to Rails 3? Check out the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial book and screencast. A book and screencast series showing you how to develop and deploy industrial-strength Rails apps in a direct, step by step way. The screencast series includes 12 lessons over more than 15 hours!
Features - Sugar
Arrays Sugar begins by fixing broken support for standard Javascript 1.6 array methods, such as indexOf, forEach, reduce, etc. These methods are also enhanced to accept arguments that browser native methods won't, such as nested objects, iterating functions, regexes, or strings that provide a shortcut to an iterating function.
Rails Tutorial for Devise with Mongoid
by Daniel Kehoe Last updated 19 August 2012 Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using Devise with Mongoid.
74 Quality Ruby on Rails Resources and Tutorials
Learning Rails from scratch can be a pain. But don't fret, this guide provides the best Rails resources the Web has to offer. Ruby on Rails is quickly becoming one of the most popular modern programming language framework combinations. Specifically, Ruby is a programming language that has been around for a few years and Rails is a framework for Ruby that is a bit newer and is just about the hottest thing in application and web development right now.
10 CoffeeScript One Liners to Impress Your Friends
You may have read "10 Scala One Liners to Impress Your Friends" at Marcus Kazmierczak's blog recently featured on HN. Although I don't know Scala (or Java), it all looks quite nice, so I decided to impress my friends too - folks go from Java to Scala, we go from Javascript to CoffeeScript. Assume node.js as the environment for all examples. 1. Multiply each item in a list by 2 Marcus starts by showing off the map function.
Rails Tutorial for OmniAuth with Mongoid
by Daniel Kehoe Last updated 23 November 2012 Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a Rails 3.2 application using OmniAuth with Mongoid. OmniAuth gives you ready-made authentication using a service provider such as Twitter or Facebook. Mongoid gives access to a MongoDB datastore for quick development without schemas or migrations. This tutorial also gives you the option of using Haml, RSpec and Cucumber, showing how to integrate each option.
Ruby Regular Expressions
A regular expression is a special sequence of characters that helps you match or find other strings or sets of strings using a specialized syntax held in a pattern. A regular expression literal is a pattern between slashes or between arbitrary delimiters followed by %r as follows: Syntax: /pattern//pattern/im # option can be specified%r!/usr/local!
.."and then optionally do the free tutorial at Rails for Zombies.." ( ) by finneycanhelp May 15
Need to learn some Ruby? "...short interactive tutorial at Try Ruby.." by finneycanhelp May 15
One of the best tutorials for Ruby on Rails by alobaid Dec 23