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250 Quality Conversation Starters: The Only List You'll Need

250 Quality Conversation Starters: The Only List You'll Need
Here are some great questions for starting a conversation. There are a lot of random conversation starters to get you started and then conversation questions listed by topic. You can start with the random questions or find a topic that interests you. There’s no right place to start, just scroll down to wherever you want and get started! There are tons of ways to use these questions. I find that the most rewarding way is for everyone to pull up this list of conversation starters on a phone or tablet, and then take turns letting everyone choose a question to ask the group. The title would have you believe that there are 250 questions, but there are actually more. Random Conversation Starters What was the last funny video you saw? What do you do to get rid of stress? What is something you are obsessed with? Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)? What’s your favorite way to waste time? Do you have any pets? Where did you go last weekend? Who is your oldest friend?

Related:  TalkingBetter yourself

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Conversation Starter Tips Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life. Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you!

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Networking Ahead for Business When networking with people at meetings, conferences, association meetings or conventions, learn to ask more interesting open-ended questions to get the conversation going. Rather than the standard “what do you do for a living?”, why not ask a more creative, open-ended question to get a conversation going and enrich the human exchange. You will learn more about the other person in a shorter amount of time. You also stand to find more common interests and deeper connections than you would if you only share your job descriptions. (p.s. It’s only natural. After all, they are trying to talk in a language they are still working on learning. Still, silence can be deadly in the ESL classroom for your students and you. When you want to get your students to speak up, try one of these fun and simple games to get them talking in class. 1This is How We RollYou can use this simple game as a get to know you at the start of school or later as a get to know you better activity. 101 Conversation Starters (Also see How to Start a Conversation) Ice Breakers Where did you grow up?
