ANNIE WU: Sketches.
Related: Drawing
Truly Inspired Traditional Black and White Drawings
Many people think that the tradition artwork will die in the time of digital life. Actually, the digital art is just another trend of the art development through the history. Unlike the digital computer arts, the traditional pencils and colors give you a physical sense of the artwork that you can touch and walk around. The sculpture is one of the traditional arts’ examples that cannot be replaced with a digital version or digital sculpture.
Body Painting by Craig Tracy
Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: Body painting is form of art in which Craig Tracy excels.
50 Ultra Realistic Female Portrait Drawings
Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme, illustrating everything that you could possibly imagine. But, we still have the “classics”, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art. And this is what we are going to present to you today. 50 outstanding portraits of women created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real people, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are.
How to Draw Celtic Knotwork - StumbleUpon
The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program. I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw.
Incredible and Unique Drawings by Brooks Salzwedel
All of Brooks Salzwedel’s drawings are hand drawn graphite on Duralar cast in layers of resin. Color in the pieces are made by layers of transparent tape. Her style is very unique and beautiful. Come across any awesome art lately?
Awesome Pencil Drawings From Students Notebooks
Awesome Pencil Drawings From Students Notebooks Posted on 28 June 2010 Crni When I was in high school I was pretty bored on the most of the lessons I had to attend, especially maths and physics. So, I used to scrible different objects in my notebook and at the end of the year my notebook looked like true piece of artwork. However that wasn’t very helpful when I had to pass the exams.
Robert Liberace Robert Liberace is equally accomplished in drawing, painting, and sculpture. His work is inspired by the centuries of knowledge, skill, and elegance of the old masters. He works in a variety of mediums including pencil, chalk, pen and ink, watercolor, and oil. In the February 2006 issue of The Artists' Magazine Rob was selected as one of the top 20 artists under the age of forty. DRAWING Rob is perhaps best known for his classic and distinctive style of figure drawing.
Tape, Pencil and Resin: The Art of Brooks Salzwedel
I’m very intrigued by Californian artist Brooks Salzwedel’s unique style and approach to these delicate works, that combine nature and rigid human-made structures. It’s nice to see work that brings in different non-digital materials to what we’re used to. Using a combination of Staedler Graphite pencils ranging from 6H to 9B, tape and ‘Awful toxic resin‘, Brooks creates images that look like relics of nature and other objects frozen in time. I also love the gloomy and almost real effect that’s created by having elements between semi-transparent layers. They are also reminiscent of some of the pictures of flattened leaves you’d get in school science books.
Graphic Design