The 10 Free Tech Tools Your Class Should Be Using
Classroom Tools | Feature The 10 Free Tech Tools Your Class Should Be Using By Andy Jeter07/22/13 Even the most tech savvy teachers face challenges when it comes to selecting and implementing the right tools to enhance instruction. One of the biggest: Engaging students in rigorous and relevant learning using tools they’re already accustomed to amidst the ocean of potential distractions provided by the web. Overcoming this obstacle requires developing fresh and exciting projects that utilize these tools.
Apps for Autism: Using Game Mechanics to Learn and Grow - Gamification Co
Imagine for a moment that you had no internal volume control. Everything you saw, heard, and felt was perceived by your brain at equal intensity–from the birds singing outside your window and the dripping of the faucet to the person giving you instructions. Imagine that you were unable to prioritize this information, to sort out the unnecessary or redundant images to focus on the information central to your needs and purposes. If you can do this, you’re on the start to understanding what a person with autism experiences on a daily basis. Yuan Kai, an art student at Edinburgh College of Art, understands this. She has contributed designs to Find Me, a free iPad app that uses game mechanics to teach autistic children develop the skills to filter out distracting input and focus on social interaction.
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5 Ed Tech Resources Low-Income Class
This past year I worked for a public school in New Orleans. More than 80% of my students received free or reduced lunch and the school in general was under-resourced compared to the average U.S. public school district. Often times low-income classrooms lack resources that include anything from textbooks, to craft supplies, to a lack of technology. Here are five resources I used in my class last year that turned up my learning a notch, and saved me from extra hours of figuring things out for myself: 1. Pinterest for Educators
The effectiveness of SPARX, a computerised self help intervention for adolescents seeking help for depression: randomised controlled non-inferiority trial
Adolescents suffering from depression can benefit just as much from specialised computer therapy as they do from one-to-one therapy with a clinician, a study published on finds. Depression is common in adolescents, but many are reluctant to seek professional help. So researchers from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, set out to assess whether a new innovative computerised cognitive behavioural therapy intervention called SPARX could reduce depressive symptoms as much as usual care can. SPARX is an interactive 3D fantasy game where a single user undertakes a series of challenges to restore balance in a virtual world dominated by GNATs (Gloomy Negative Automatic Thoughts).
New: 10 of the best Apple and Android apps for education in 2013
Last year we presented “New: 10 of the best Apple apps for education in 2012,” which highlighted some of the best apps for iPhones and iPods. However, with new upgrades in touch technology, and the emphasis on Common Core State Standards and school reform in general, we’ve come up with a new list of the best Apple- and Android-based education apps for 2013. This year’s list includes some of the most highly rated apps, both by educators and by parents, and features a range that spans from interactive iBooks to current images of the universe, and from free video software to award-winning STEM curricula.
Playmoolah - The Fun Way to Master Your Money
Conventional wisdom has it that sales people love competition. They want a challenge, beat their friends and colleagues, and be on top of the leaderboard. And sales managers constantly use carrots and competition, because this is what “motivates" sales agents. But is this true? We know that sales reps have to make money for the company.
AdobeEducation Exchange
About the Train the Trainer Course Overview The Train the Trainer course is a ten-week online course designed to equip education trainers worldwide with the knowledge, skills, and tools to successfully design and deliver effective and engaging Adobe professional development workshops. Upon course completion, participants will be able to design professional development sessions that empower and inspire students, teachers, and faculty to foster creativity and design innovative digital media. Throughout the course, participants will
The 'Gamification' of Personal Finance
Most consumers know they ought to pay down debt or save for a rainy day. In reality, though, many people don't. "Gamifying" personal finance—that is, using game mechanics to reward positive behavior and educate players about money in a fun format—is one strategy for bridging that gap between what people know they should do and motivating them to actually do it. [See 50 Ways to Improve Your Finances.]
WELCOME NEA MEMBERS! Find lesson plans, units, student games, interactive resources and more. Get started with a TOUR or search for materials below. On What Is The Purpose Of Education? by Kim Jones
Teemo App Turns Exercising Into A Travel Game
Runkeeper and Nike+ are fantastic tools for people who are already exercising as a habit, but how do you get someone who’s inactive off the couch for the first time--how do you make exercising appealing to the undecideds, so to speak? Teemo is a new, free iPhone app by Bonnier R&D and Ammunition that takes short interval exercises and places them in the context of worldwide adventure. It’s designed, not for the athlete or the would-be athelete, but for the masses of the rest of us. “We know there is a large portion of the population that wants to feel fit, but they are stuck in a stressful holding pattern,” Ammunition’s Matt Rolandson tells Co.Design.
Fluency 21 - Unit Planner
Our cloud-app Fluency21 Unit Planner was created to help you make the shift to a learning environment where students use higher-level thinking to create products as solutions to relevant real-world problems. Aligned with the 21st Century Fluencies and the processes outlined in our book, Literacy is Not Enough , this tool will allow you to create units that develop the essential skills so that students will not only be prepared for the tests, but also be prepared for life. You're not alone, we designed this cloud-app so that you can collaborate and share with like-minded educators around the world that are also committed to making a difference.