20 + Things you can do with QR codes in your school QR codes are possibly one of the most underused useful features of new technology. Perhaps one of the main reasons for this is that many people see them as a form of barcode and wrongly believe that they can only be produced by companies, but the reality is anyone can produce a QR code within seconds. QR literally stands for 'quick response' and it enables you to transfer various types of digital content onto a mobile device in seconds without having to type any URLs. There are two essential things you need to make QR codes work for you. 1. 6 Great Interactive Tools to Try Out in Your Class December 13, 2017 Here are six of our favourite interactive tools you can use with students in your class. These are all tools created and shared by ReadWriteThink. Some of the things students can do with these tools include: mapping out arguments for a persuasive essay or debate, summarizing and synthesizing information using cube Creator, creating newspapers and brochures, preparing for reading activities using K-W-L Creator and many more.
Six Amazing Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger Long writing activities are not very frequently done in class. I tend to think that my students are like me; I need the right kind of atmosphere. Writing requires time, silence and lots of inspiration. Ideally, at this time of the year, I would probably wish to be sitting next to a fireplace with the most perfect instagrammable snow falling outside my window while drinking a nice cup of coffee waiting for inspiration to strike. 10 of My Favorite Writing Craft Sites The writing journey is all about discovering what works best of for each of us as individual, and very unique, writers. Learning from others is valuable in helping us glean tips and fit together the puzzle pieces that will form our own writing processes. Today, I’d like to share with you ten of the sites that inspire, educate, and help me refine my process—plus, they’re run by a bunch of super awesome folks!
Tux Paint Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6). Tux Paint is used in schools around the world as a computer literacy drawing activity. It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program. Kids are presented with a blank canvas and a variety of drawing tools to help them be creative. Comprehensive List of Digital Resources Digital Literacies in a Networked World is a graduate seminar at Penn, in which the class explores and analyzes how literacy and learning are constantly evolving, as students become not only consumers, but also makers of digital media. During our time in this course, we engaged with, and challenged how meaning making happens in and out of the classroom, and how diverse digital tools can be useful in empowering students and teachers toward becoming informed, collaborative and active contributors to their local and global communities. As a way of participating in the Digital Literacies community, each week students were asked to contribute to the course wiki, a digital space where they contributed and described educational tools that they would recommend to students and other educators. Week after week, students not only researched new tools, they also explored, tested, and utilized the tools that were recommended by their classmates. Annotation PDF Cabinet
5 Good Alternatives to Google Image Search Google Images tends to be the default image search tool of students and adults who haven't been introduced to better options. Google Images is convenient, but it's not the best place for students to find images that are in the public domain or images that have been labeled with a Creative Commons license. Here are five better options. Unsplash offers a huge library of images that are either in the public domain or have a Creative Common license.
Pernilla's English Classroom: Simple checklist for evaluation of websites - digital literacy A little ahead time I put these up here just to get you acquainted with them. During week 10 we will work with digital literacy and the checklist below. We will also do certain parts of Skolverket's exercises about digital literacy as well as their self-assessment. If you want to, have a closer look at it already.. 20 Terrifying Two-Sentence Horror Stories. I Didn't Think It Was Possible Until #5... When The Hair On My Neck Stood Up March 5, 2014 Ever since I was a little kid I've loved sharing ghost stories around a campfire which is probably why I love watching horror movies. And every single time I finish watching one, well, a good one... I kick myself for not picking out a comedy instead. Someone on reddit asked the question, "What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences?" I honestly didn't think it was possible to give me chills from such a limited amount of words...
English language learning games ESL/English learning games on Digital Dialects are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are designed for ESL students of all ages. Each ESL revision topic includes vocabulary lists and practice games with audio for teaching correct pronunciation. Materials are of use to beginner level English as a second or other language students, though those with some familiarity with the language may wish to try the English/ESL spelling games. Games for English as a second language include: Numbers in English - learn the English numbers from 1-12, 13-20 and 0-100. Arithmetic games in which you add the English words for numbers together to choose the correct answer.
Beautiful.ai Save 20% by paying annually Everything you need to jumpstart your visual story: 60+ Smart Slides ready to goCustomizable ThemesFree Image LibraryRich Icon LibraryCollaboration between Multiple UsersExport to PDF/Powerpoint Everything in Basic, plus: A Powerful Blogging Activity for Almost Any Classroom A question that often comes up in my workshops about blogging is, "what should I have my students write about?" There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of possible answers to this question. The suggestion that I often make is to start with a simple reflection activity. Set aside time in your Friday schedule to have your students sit down and write a short reflection on what they learned during the week. These reflections don’t have to be long, a few sentences will do in elementary school. Simply ask your students to share one thing they learned and one thing they still have questions about.
Online Editor – Grammar Checker First, write out your text as usual in any word processing program that you prefer. Review it yourself first to catch any stray words or thoughts and bring them into order. When you’re done, enter your text into the form above (bookmark this page now for later use!) How to Write a News Article (with Downloadable Sample Articles) Edit Article Four Parts:Sample ArticlesPlanning Your ArticleWriting Your News ArticleProofing Your ArticleCommunity Q&A Writing a news article is different from writing other articles or informational pieces, because news articles present information in a specific way. It's important to be able to convey all the important information in a limited word count and giving the best information to your targeted audience. Knowing how to write a news article can help you expand a journalism career, exercise your writing skills and convey information clearly and concisely.