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Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi - Black - starring Norah Jones

Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi - Black - starring Norah Jones
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JOS Home Page Julius Orion Smith III Home Page Online Books Publications JOS Global Index Courses Curriculum Vitae Education | Work Experience | Honors | Publications | Music CCRMA World Update 2021 Blogs Videos Address Julius O. DALE COOPER QUARTET & THE DICTAPHONES - QUATORZE PIECES DE MENACE [CD|2xLP|DIGITAL] buy records buy mp3buy merch QUATORZE PIÈCES DE MENACE [CD|2xLP|DIGITAL] This new full-length of the cult French Dark Jazz collective is the follow up of the highly acclaimed 2011 output "Métamanoir" - the second release for the German experimental music label Denovali. Halfway from their debut "Parole de Navarre"'s ambient and drone driven soundscapes and the more orchestrated "Métamanoir", this new collection of tracks is following their quest for dreamy but mysterious places. A hint of 50s cool jazz, a truckload of noise and melodies, again tiny references to Twin Peaks' series soundtrack and some ghostly and deep tone voices: the Dale Cooper Quartet pushes the genre Dark Jazz towards other spaces. Recorded in Brest, Britanny, France, this album always conveys an atmosphere of strangeness and beauty, the trademark of each of the Quartet's records.

Great North Fest 09/27-29/2013 Louise Roam : le clip de "Raptus" en exclu En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de nos cookies afin de vous offrir une meilleure utilisation de ce site Internet. Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer vos cookies, cliquez ici Goldmund: Threnody Marco Donnarumma | new media art, live media performance, sound design The art of sonification - An interview with Jonas Gruska Born in Czechoslovakia. Studied at Institute of Sonology in The Hague (Netherlands) and at Music Academy in Cracow (Poland). Works mostly with computers and electronics as a musician and sound artist under his civil name, or as Mrkva or Binmatu. Performed and exhibited his work in Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia; on festivals such as Kraak (Belgium), Audio Art (Poland), Mélos-Ethos (Slovakia) or Next (Slovakia). You describe yourself as a sonologist where composing means writing code and writing algorithms is writing music, and yet you seem to apply an empiric approach rather than a scientific one when creating specific works. It varies quite a bit – I have worked in so many various domains already, it is difficult to find one singular starting point. I guess one starting point, when it comes to installations and exterior projects, is site-specificity. Regarding my music, it varies quite a bit. This line of work is still going on. Correct. Definitely!

swimming bird | Stephen Barrass – Portfolio Vocal Vibrations: Expressive Performance for Body-Mind Wellbeing Tod Machover, Charles Holbrow, Elena Jessop, and Rebecca Kleinberger. Vocal Vibrations explores the relationships between human physiology and the resonant vibrations of the voice. The voice is an instrument everyone possesses. It is incredibly individual, infinitely expressive, and intimately linked to the physical form. In collaboration with Le Laboratoire in Paris and The Dalai Lama Center at MIT, we are examining the hypothesis that the singing voice can influence mental and physical health through physicochemical phenomena and in ways consistent with contemplative practices. We premiered a vocal art installation at Le Laboratoire in Paris, where it will run from March 28 - September 29, 2014 before coming to Cambridge in the fall of 2014. The Vocal Vibrations team: Simone Ovsey, Elena Jessop, Tod Machover, Rebecca Kleinberger, and Charles Holbrow The public "Chapel" space encourages careful and meditative listening. Listen to an excerpt from the Cocoon composition.

Designing Ambiences in Max/MSP Guest article by Andreas Jonsson DSP beginnings Last year, I undertook a one-year Masters in Sound for Moving Image at the Glasgow School of Art, which got me properly introduced to the wonderful world of DSP and the seemingly endless possibilities of Max/MSP. Having dabbled briefly in Pure Data and coming from a background of computer programming, it didn’t take long before it got me completely hooked. So I started to imagine other possible ideas that I could use for my final project and my mind eventually settled on an idea for an “Ambience Designer”. While I knew that this type of system would never have sufficient flexibility or variation needed to accommodate the subtle nuances of most professional sound design, it seemed a useful tool for hobbyists and had interesting educational potential. From idea to execution I identified three main types of implementation: Looping stereo layers Granular samples The MONO and STEREO FX modules use this granular approach. Procedural synthesis

Jeremy Soule Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Jeremy Soule Certaines de ses bandes originales sont créées avec l'aide de son frère Julian, également compositeur, avec qui il a par ailleurs fondé en 2000 Artistry Entertainment, société de services audiovisuels et de production musicale. En 2002 Artistry Entertainment est consacré meilleur distributeur de musique pour l'industrie du jeu vidéo par la sociétié d'étude de marché NPD[2]. Compositions pour le jeu vidéo[modifier | modifier le code] Notes[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Trevor Jones (composer) Trevor Alfred Charles Jones (born 23 March 1949) is a South African orchestral film score composer. Although not especially well known outside the film world, he has composed for numerous films and his music has been critically acclaimed for both its depth and emotion. At the age of five, Jones already had decided to become a film composer. In 1967 he attended the Royal Academy of Music in London with a scholarship and afterwards worked for five years for the BBC on reviews of radio and television music. In 1974 Jones attended the University of York from which he graduated with a Masters Degree in Film and Media Music. Jones followed Excalibur with scores for films like The Sender (1982) and the pirate adventure Nate and Hayes (1983). Cooper, David, Christopher Fox & Ian Sapiro (eds.), CineMusic?
