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DataArt - Visualisations

DataArt - Visualisations
Related:  Data Visualisation Examples

50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations

Python: création de cartes dynamiques Google Maps avec Google Charts (kml) Pour créer les graphiques avec Python, nous avons utilisé jusqu'à présent matplotlib mais il y a énormément d'autres possibilités ( Parmi celles-ci, il y en a qui utilisent des services web dynamiques comme Google Chart. Le montre comment utiliser Google Chart dans un fichier kml pour fournir des cartes dynamiques. Cette particularité est exploitée par Luis Apiolaza qui illustre sur son site comment le faire avec Python. C'est cette démarche que nous allons analyser ( Google Charts Créé en 2007, Google Charts est une API qui renvoie une image au format PNG à partir d'une URL simple avec une série de paramètres. exemple: En tant qu'API REST, les données sont envoyées directement dans l'URL dont la longueur est limitée par le GET (2k). <?

Exhibitions Invisible Forces Featuring: Class Wargames, Kimathi Donkor, Laura Oldfield Ford, The Hexists, IOCOSE, Dave Miller, Edward Picot, Olga P Massanet and Thomas Cade Aston, and YoHa. Our social, economic and cultural institutions are being dismantled. Control over the provision of social care, urban and rural development, education and freedom of expression, is being redistributed to private enterprise at a global level. Undeterred artist-visionaries respond to these invisible forces with clear eyes, spontaneity, experimentation, play and a sense of adventure. The resulting mix of installations, digital video, net art, painting and drawings deal with conspiracy, money, politics, hidden signals and frustration fatigue.

Infografika 15 Stunning Examples of Data Visualization Data Visualization is a method of presenting information in a graphical form. Good data visualization should appear as if it is a work of art. This intrigues the viewer and draws them in so that they can further investigate the data and info that the graphic represents. In this post there are 15 stunning examples of Data Visualization that are true works of art. Click on the title or image for a larger view of each visualization. The Strengths of Nations Here’s an image that discusses the variations in how different nations pursue science. Madrid.Citymurmur CityMurmur tries to understand and visualize how media attention reshapes the urban space and city. Genome Jules & Jim This visual represents the relationship between characters in the movie Jules & Jim. One Week of the Guardian This is one day in a series that takes the news from one week of the Guardian newspaper, and visually represents it as a series of static visualisations. One Week of the Guardian Leisure & Poverty Stock Data Related Posts

Open Data, le partage de données reste toujours associé à un risque Crédit D.R. Une étude menée par la société de conseil Bluenove fait le point sur l'ouverture des données tant du côté public que privé, offreurs que consommateurs de données. Le principe des données ouvertes est surtout connu pour son utilisation dans le secteur public pour offrir de l'information gratuitement (journal officiel, données géographiques, etc.) qui pourra le cas échéant servir à des entreprises pour créer des services. Or le secteur privé peut aussi être offreur de données ouvertes. Cette ouverture peut être limitée et loin d'être totale. « L'Open Data a un problème d'image : c'est une démarche progressive alors que l'on attend souvent tout gratuitement et tout de suite, l'existant étant par conséquent vécu non pas comme une avancée mais comme une déception » déplore Martin Duval, PDG fondateur du cabinet de conseil BlueNove. Ce cabinet a réalisé une étude baptisée Open Data : quels enjeux et opportunités pour l'entreprise ? L'Open Data connu mais méconnu

F.A.T. Marcin Ignac : Generative art and data visualization A Beautiful Poster Packed With a Year of Global Weather Data | Wired Design The Weather Radials poster is about as much meteorological data as you can cram onto a single sheet of paper. Raureif GmbH Each day of 2013 is represented by a single line. The bottom is the low temp; the top is the high. The color is dictated by the average. Reykjavik looks fairly miserable year round. Mumbai is always hot. Look at Sydney's spiky winter. Seattle's reputation as a rainy city bears out with its steady band of blue, from roughly September to May. An unseasonably cold spell in December brought the first snow Cairo had seen in a century. 2013 was a wet year for Berlin. <div class="slide" data-slide-id="631549" ><img title="" alt="" width="650px" src=" data-image-width="1400" data-image-height="1050" /><p class="caption">The Weather Radials poster is about as much meteorological data as you can cram onto a single sheet of paper. Weather apps are something of a designers’ playground.

20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries There are plenty of JavaScript libraries out there for rendering your otherwise plain and boring numerical data into beautiful, interactive, and informative visualizations. The beauty of using JavaScript for data visualization is that, if created correctly, your data will be highly accessible (usually via HTML tables). A long time ago (2008), I wrote about JavaScript solutions for graphing and charting data and this article revisits the topic with twenty more JavaScript libraries that you can use to bring your data to life. 1. Highcharts is one of the most promising JavaScript charting libraries to hit the scene recently, with its large array of features including seven charting types (line, pie, and bar among them), the ability to zoom in and out of charts, and tooltips for offering more information about data points. 2. gRaphaël gRaphaël is a charting library based on Raphaël, a vector graphics drawing JavaScript library. 3. 4. jQuery Visualize Plugin 5. moochart 6. 7. dygraphs 8. 9. 10.

Graffiti Research Lab The United States of America is going out of business! But here at the U.S. Department of Homeland Graffiti, we want to turn this moment of national embarrassment and hard times into real savings for you and your family. From June 4th through the 28th, the U.S.D.H.G and the Graffiti Research Lab are liquidating all confiscated, high-tech graffiti artifacts and tools, expunged evidence, court exhibits, redacted documents and office furnishings, priced to sell. Artist’s Reception: First Friday, June 6th, 2008 8 p.m. ’til late • free and open to the public Exhibition runs from June 4th – June 28th Terrortites 2-layer U.S.D.H.G. Homeland Security Advisory Canvas U.S.D.H.G. More SALE items here on fuckflickr. The Art of Data Visualization | Marvels 100 Diagrams That Changed the World Since the dawn of recorded history, we’ve been using visual depictions to map the Earth, order the heavens, make sense of time, dissect the human body, organize the natural world, perform music, and even concretize abstract concepts like consciousness and love. 100 Diagrams That Changed the World (public library) by investigative journalist and documentarian Scott Christianson chronicles the history of our evolving understanding of the world through humanity’s most groundbreaking sketches, illustrations, and drawings, ranging from cave paintings to The Rosetta Stone to Moses Harris’s color wheel to Tim Berners-Lee’s flowchart for a “mesh” information management system, the original blueprint for the world wide web. It appears that no great diagram is solely authored by its creator. Most of those described here were the culmination of centuries of accumulated knowledge. Most arose from collaboration (and oftentimes in competition) with others. Christianson offers a definition:
