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Los 10 mejores plugins de Wordpress para tu blog de aula WordPress es una de las plataformas más usadas por profesores y investigadores académicos a la hora de trabajar y enseñar online. Para mejorar su usabilidad y productividad existen interesantes plugins pensados para el campo de la educación. Un plug-in es básicamente una aplicación que permite complementar las funcionalidades o el contenido que por defecto te encuentras en un blog o página web de WordPress. En general son de fácil instalación y aquí puedes encontrar algunos de los mejores desarrollados: 1.

Photo Story 3 for Windows Pros Works on Windows 8. I have the 32 bit version which could be why. 12 Good Tools for Gathering Real-time Feedback from Students Chatrooms and polling services provide good ways to hear from all of the students in a classroom. These kind of tools allow shy students to ask questions and share comments. For your more outspoken students who want to comment on everything, a feedback mechanism provides a good outlet for them too. This summer I tried out a few new tools for gathering real-time feedback from students.

The ultimate web presentation tool Drop in great online & offline content Add your comments & insights SendHub: Servicio gratuito para enviar mensajes a grupos de clase Aplicaciones web ChatSala Hazte Fan en y Compártelo! Tema añadido el: Lunes, 01 de Octubre del 2012 - Ha sido leido: 935 veces Si eres un profesor y necesitas un servicio con el cual poder comunicar tanto a padres como alumnos sobre alguna cosa, entonces debes echarle un vistazo a SendHub. SendHub es un servicio que le permite enviar mensajes de texto, a grupos de hasta cincuenta personas a la vez de forma totalmente gratuita. Upload & Share Presentations Online 12 Good Tools for Gathering Real-time Feedback from Students Chatrooms and polling services provide good ways to hear from all of the students in a classroom. These kind of tools allow shy students to ask questions and share comments. For your more outspoken students who want to comment on everything, a feedback mechanism provides a good outlet for them too. This summer I tried out a few new tools for gathering real-time feedback from students. Those new tools are featured at the top of my updated list of backchannel and informal assessment tools. Newer tools on the block...

OracleVoice: 10 Tech Trends That Will Transform Your Industry I have bad news for companies that are struggling to improve their customer engagement—it’s only going to get more difficult. Social-savvy, smartphone-carrying consumers will switch allegiances faster than you can say “customer relationship management.” “Customers are going to get harder to deal with, not easier—less loyal, more picky,” says Oracle Oracle President Mark Hurd. Hurd was speaking at Oracle Industry Connect in Boston, where more than 1,500 business and technology executives from the communications, financial services, health sciences, retail, and utilities industries, and those from project-intensive industries such as construction and manufacturing, came together to delve deeply into what’s happening in their sectors.

El Blog Educativo - ineveryCREA Argentina ¿Tenes un blog en tu escuela o uno educativo personal? En Ineverycrea es fácil participá de la categoría Blog y compartilo con nosotros como Blog recomendado HelloSlide - Bring your slides to life 12 Good Tools for Gathering Real-time Feedback from Students Chatrooms and polling services provide good ways to hear from all of the students in a classroom. These kind of tools allow shy students to ask questions and share comments. For your more outspoken students who want to comment on everything, a feedback mechanism provides a good outlet for them too. This summer I tried out a few new tools for gathering real-time feedback from students. Those new tools are featured at the top of my updated list of backchannel and informal assessment tools. Newer tools on the block...

10 Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Mobile Site (infographic) On my post “Nonprofit Websites & Responsive Design,” I talked about designing websites having mobile users in mind. The reason behind it is that people are increasingly accessing the Web and conducting transactions, such as making donations, on their smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices. A few days ago, I ran across this well-done infographic by AD:60.

Crea diagramas, organigramas... desde tu Google Drive (Google Docs) con #Diagramly #app #Chrome Diagramly es una aplicación gratuita para Google Chrome que nos permite poder crear un documento desde nuestro Google Drive (Doogle Docs) y dibujar ahí diagramas, organigramas, mapas mentales, esquemas eléctricos... Aunque son muchos los servicios que nos permiten realizar mapas mentales, diagramas... Diagramly es de los pocos que nos guarda los resultados directamente en nuestro Google Drive como un documento más. Esto confiere a Diagramly una clara ventaja frente a sus competidos: hace la vida más sencilla al usuario, que no tiene porque exportar los documentos a otras plataformas.
