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50 most stunning examples of data visualization and infographics

50 most stunning examples of data visualization and infographics
50 most stunning examples of data visualization and infographics Posted by Richie on Thursday, April 15, 2010 · 86 Comments “A picture is worth a thousand words”, if I had a penny for every time I heard that!! There is so much data in the world today that it has become impossible for us to analyze them with patience. Data as we perceive it, need not be boring, bland and cumbersome to remember. To make complex things seem simple, is Creativity and using pictures to represent data has been an age old method to analyze data in a fun way.

20 Inspiring Uses of Data Visualization Data is boring, information is interesting! I’ve always used this statement whenever the issue of data is being discussed. No one is really interested in looking at a large number of data rows, or even a small one. The Good, the Sad and the Nerdy « Stop. Datatime. I do hope that most of you have paid attention to the first British election debate held last week on national television. The leaders of the three main parties were invited to discuss questions asked by a sample of British citizens and selected beforehand by broadcasters. A fortnight before the main event, a set of 76 detailed rules were announced, to prevent from any kind of uneven treatment. Just like for any other political live debate, the issue of airtime was most crucial. Besides, I found it worthy of interest that the audience was carefully selected in order not to favour a political party over the other two.

50 Great Examples of Data Visualization… Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media

Data Visualization and Infographics Resources Advertisement Data visualizations and infographics can make complex datasets easier to understand and comprehend. By creating a graphical represenatation of data and statistics, complicated concepts and information can make more sense in less time. Quand nos requêtes aident à tracer les évolutions de la grippe Par Hubert Guillaud le 20/11/08 | 3 commentaires | 4,281 lectures | Impression Google vient de dévoiler un outil expérimental, baptisé Google Flu Trends, capable de tracer l’intensité et l’étendu des fluctuations de la grippe à travers les Etats-Unis, simplement en observant les requêtes sur ce sujet des utilisateurs de son moteur de recherche. Google Flu Trends s’appuie sur un constat simple : avant d’aller chez le docteur, nombre d’internautes ont tendance à chercher des informations sur les symptômes qu’ils ressentent. L’outil de Google se contente d’agréger les données relatives à la grippe tapées par les internautes dans son moteur et à les géolocaliser comme il le propose sur Google Insight, le service d’analyse des requêtes des internautes. D’autres systèmes existent encore comme HealthMap, qui permet de cartographier des informations de santé pour montrer comment se répandent des maladies.

Data Visualization, Design and Informat… Perl Perl 5.005 or greater and the following CPAN modules GD compiled with True Type font support Config::General DBI File::Basename Pod::Usage Math::Bezier, if you would like to use Bezier curves to draw your table links SQL::Translator, if you would like to parse SQL schema dumps Generic SQL database support You will need access to a SQL database and permission to list tables and table fields for the database you wish to generate a schema ball. You'll also need the appropriate DBI driver for your database.

About The Author Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running … More about Vitaly Friedman … Data presentation can be beautiful, elegant and descriptive. There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables, histograms, pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day, in every project and on every possible occasion. Du rôle prédictif des données à la gouvernementalité algorithmique Sur Place de la Toile, le 12 décembre dernier, Xavier de la Porte recevait Guillaume Main, consultant et statisticien, qui s’occupe du site Statosphère ; Erick Alphonse, maître de conférences au Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN) et responsable d’Idaaas, une société qui construit des modèles prédictifs, notamment via PredictiveDB, un logiciel prédictif et Antoinette Rouvroy, chercheuse au Fonds national de la Recherche scientifique, qui travaille sur les formes de pouvoir induites par l’usage des données. Réécouter l’émission en ligne, ou parcourez le transcript augmenté de liens. Il y a de multiples formes de données, rappelle en préambule Xavier de la Porte : données sociales, messages, commentaires, celles qu’on publie chez les autres ou que les autres publient sur soi. Il y a bien sûr les données comportementales : celles qui mesurent ce que vous faites sur l’internet, les données géographiques, les données publiques, les données privées. Erick Alphonse : Oui.

Walrus - Gallery Visualization & Naviga… Walrus - Gallery: Visualization & Navigation These screenshots and animations are simply intended to give a feel for what visualization and navigation in Walrus are like. The data shown are not necessarily meaningful in themselves. Click on a thumbnail for the larger version. Microsoft OLAP Blog by Hilmar Buchta dimensional modeling When it comes to dimension design a common question is about dealing with attributes that are changing over time. A frequently used pattern for such attributes was developed by Ralph Kimball with his concept of slowly changing dimensions (SCD). One aspect is to handle source systems that simply overwrite their master data, while you want to preserve past attribute properties for your analytics. I’m not going in to too much detail here, but focus on the 2 most important types:

List of suggested datasets to test PowerPivot Do you want to test what PowerPivot can do, but cannof find data that you could use for your tests and blog about? Might I suggest for you a few websites: Microsoft Contoso BI Demo Dataset for Retail Industry - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database backup. How Journalists are Using Social Media for Real Results The Real Results series is supported by Gist, an online service that helps you build stronger relationships. By connecting your inbox to the web, you get business-critical information about key people and companies. See how it works here. Journalists are, by nature, crafty folk who are wonderfully adept at stalking — I mean, finding sources and relevant information for various and sundry stories. Well, the advent of social media has made the process of reporting all the more nuanced, and has served as a vital channel for everything from finding leads to contacting sources to sharing and furthering one's brand. Still, as the Internet continues to expand, it can be difficult to pick and choose which tools are right for you as a journalist — it can be daunting to litter one's desktop with Twitter applications, social networks, location-based tools and blogs.

Scraping for Journalism: A Guide for Collecting Data Photo by Dan Nguyen/ProPublica Our Dollars for Docs news application lets readers search pharmaceutical company payments to doctors. We’ve written a series of how-to guides explaining how we collected the data. Most of the techniques are within the ability of the moderately experienced programmer. Introduction to Linked Open Data for Visualization Creators on Datavisualization Introduction to Linked Open Data for Visualization Creators Last week ReadWriteWeb asked: “Is Linked Data Gaining Acceptance?” Our answer: definitely yes.
