LaTeX:Commands From AoPSWiki This page introduces various useful commands for rendering math in LaTeX, as well as instructions for building your own commands. Math Commands Here are some commonly used math commands in LaTeX. Exponents and Subscripts Make exponents in LaTeX with ^ and subscripts with _ as shown in the examples below. Notice that we can apply both a subscript and an exponent at the same time, and that we can use {} to tell LaTeX what to apply a subscript or exponent to (compare the examples on the bottom row). Finally, notice that we use {} for any exponent or subscript that is more than one character. or when you really want Fractions Most fractions look better in display mode (remember, you don't need the declaration if you are in \[...\] or $$...$$ mode.) Use \cfrac for continued fractions: Radicals Sums, Products, Limits and Logarithms We use _ to get the 'bottom' parts of summations, products, and limits, as well as the subscripts of logarithms. Some of these are prettier in display mode: Mods
About Morphbank :: Biological Imaging - Morphbank :: Biological Imaging Morphbank :: Biological Imaging is a continuously growing database of images that scientists use for international collaboration, research and education. Images deposited in Morphbank :: Biological Imaging document a wide variety of research including: specimen-based research in comparative anatomy, morphological phylogenetics, taxonomy and related fields focused on increasing our knowledge about biodiversity. The project receives its main funding from the Biological Databases and Informatics program of the National Science Foundation (Grant DBI-0446224). Morphbank :: Biological Imaging was established in 1998 by a Swedish-Spanish-American group of entomologists and is currently housed at the School of Computational Science (SCS) at Florida State University. Overall, Morphbank :: Biological Imaging facilitates research efforts by making it possible to store, discuss and share detailed images of specimens from all over the world. We welcome new projects and individual biologists.
Crea imágenes ampliables con Zoomify Photoshop cuenta con un buen número de funciones de sobras conocidas por todos. Pero también con un buen número de perlas escondidas entre sus decenas de menús. Una de ellas es Zoomify, un comando que nos permite crear imágenes ampliables mediante zoom en páginas web. Su funcionamiento no podría ser más simple y los resultados son más que dignos. En las próximas líneas explicamos dónde se encuentra esta función y cómo sacarle el máximo provecho. Abrimos Photoshop y una imagen que queramos publicar en nuestra página web personal, por ejemplo. A continuación nos dirigimos a Archivo > Exportar > Zoomify. Inmediatamente después se nos abrirá la ventana emergente de la Exportación Zoomify. En primer lugar, podemos seleccionar entre distintas opciones el tipo de plantilla que queremos. También podemos seleccionar la carpeta en la que guardaremos todos los archivos generados, la calidad de las opciones de azulejo de la imagen y activar o desactivar la función de optimizar tablas.
Getting Bibtex to spell out the first name OpenRefine Etherpad Integrating Inkscape graphics in LaTeX Getting good-looking diagrams and figures into a LaTeX document can be tricky. My favourite software (and I think it ought to be anyone's favourite) for drawing such figures is Inkscape. This post explains how to get text in the proper font into Inkscape, how to put equations into Inkscape drawings, and how to get those drawings out of Inkscape and into your LaTeX document. It is a good idea to use the latest version of Inkscape, because the program is rapidly being improved all the time. LaTeX font in Inkscape To make your figure look good in its environment, you can use the same font family that the surrounding body text uses. Installing fonts As Computer Modern is written in the METAFONT format, it cannot be directly used in Inkscape. The BaKoMa font bundle provides the Computer Modern font in these and some more formats. Windows Open up Fonts in the Control Panel and drag-and-drop all files from the ttf directory into here. Ubuntu Linux Creating the figure Or, almost seamlessly.
Tabula Simple Map Making With Google Fusion Tables A quicker than quick recipe to make a map from a list of addresses in a simple text file using Google Fusion tables… Here’s some data (grabbed from The Gravesend Reporter via this recipe) in a simple two column CSV format; the first column contains address data. Here’s what it looks like when I import it into Google Fusion Tables: Now let’s map it:-) First of all we need to tell the application which column contains the data we want to geocode – that is, the addrerss we want Fusion Tables to find the latitude and longitude co-ordinates for… Then we say we want the column to be recognised as a column type: Computer says yes, highlighting the location type cells with a yellow background: As if by magic a Map tab appears (though possibly not if you are using Google Fusion Tables as apart of a Google Apps account…) The geocoder also accepts hints, so we can make life easier for it by providing one;-) Once the points have been geocoded, they’re placed onto a map: Here’s my map:-) Like this:
The font - Thesis in LaTeX At the beginning of the thesis typesetting I used only one typeface — default LaTeX font, computer modern roman (CMR; see also Latin Modern): \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} After several months of working with 11pt CMR both on screen and paper, I have decided to look for some alternative, because CMR text appeared to me too "light". A brief search resulted in finding a good collection of free LaTeX fonts, where besides the font appearance one can get information on the installation and activation of a particular font in LaTeX. After few weeks of trying different fonts from that collection, I have stopped my choice on Bitstream Charter (Charter BT) as the font for the "body" text: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\usepackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign} Compared to other fonts, one of the things I really like in Charter is its good scalabilitybut I would not say this about bold Charter, at leastscalability of particular characters on screen. Greek "mu" story Headings Chapter title font
LaTeX appliqué aux sciences humaines La réputation de LaTeX n’est plus à faire pour ses nombreuses applications dans les domaines scientifiques. Néanmoins, on pense habituellement que l’écriture avec LaTeX est réservée aux mathématiques où aux disciplines très formelles. Pourtant, les sciences humaines ont elles aussi de tels besoins, avec d’autres exigences notamment sur le plan de la mise en forme des textes, de la gestion de la bibliographie, etc. Aujourd’hui, un livre est exclusivement consacré à l’utilisation de LaTeX dans les sciences humaines .Il est édité chez Atramenta sous licence CC-By-Sa. Son téléchargement est gratuit et la version papier au modeste prix de 13 euros. Lien direct. PrésentationPendant longtemps LaTeX n’a été utilisé que dans le domaine des sciences dites «exactes ».