Registry Analysis (Windows Forensic Analysis) Part 7
Finding Users Information about users is maintained in the Registry, in the SAM hive file. Under normal circumstances, this hive is not accessible, even to administrators, not without taking special steps to manually edit the access permissions on the hive. There’s a good reason for this: Although much of the Registry can be "messed with," there are areas of the Registry where minor changes can leave the system potentially unusable.
daily grml snapshots / builds
About This page provides automatically generated snapshots of the Grml Linux Live system which were built using grml-live. If you don't know what Grml is, please see the Grml FAQ. WARNING: Feel free to use the ISOs but please note that they are not official stable releases. They contain the latest code, but bugs are also likely. In fact, these snapshots may not work at all.
Users Guide · log2timeline/plaso Wiki
This page is work in progress. How to get started First determine which version of plaso is must suitable to your needs, for more information see Releases and roadmap Installing the packaged release
GnackTrack - Gnome Based Penetration Distro
GnackTrackR6!!! GnackTrackR6 is now officially released. R6 has recieved support from some new DEVs so we now have more fingers working on GnackTrack. We have added patches to the compat-wireless modules so R6 has better support for injection and monitor mode.
How I Cracked your Windows Password (Part 2)
If you would like to read the first part in this article series please go to How I Cracked your Windows Password (Part 1). Introduction In the first part of this series we examined password hashes and the mechanisms Windows utilizes to create and store those values. We also touched upon the weaknesses of each method and possible avenues that can be used to crack those passwords. In the second and final article in this series I will actually walk you through the process of cracking passwords with different free tools and provide some tips for defending against having your password cracked. It is always crucial to note that the techniques shown here are strictly for educational purposes and should not be used against systems for which you do not have authorization for.
Justin Ribeiro / How to use Perl, Tor, and cURL to game an IP check voting engine
10 Jul 2009 Every once in a while I like to spend some time looking at a problem that isn't even a problem. Maybe it's a proof of concept, maybe it's something that just vastly has the potential to be something more. Other times, maybe I just want to game the system just because I can. I can have fun too. Gaming online voting has been around since the invention of online voting.
Experts and expert witnesses
This was an appeal by a claimant in a clinical negligence claim. The defendant was a general practitioner who treated the claimant’s son. Despite treatment, the son died and the claimant sought damages for psychiatric injury based on the defendant’s alleged negligence.
Hacking Illustrated: Computer security videos
Phreaknic 12 (2008) Hacker Con This is a quick and dirty video documentary of the things that when on around the talks and event at Phreaknic 12 (2008). Don't watch if you get sick at shaky cam movies like Blair Witch or Cloverfield.
DF marking form - Excellent - A thorough investigation and a very clearly structured, written and presented report. Most significant evidence recovered - certainly enough to mount a prosecution."
AntiSec and Anonymous: Is Law Enforcement Barking up the Wrong Tree?
Image Credit: AnonOps Following a series of high end hacks against US authorities, analysts have come to question whether law enforcement can ever really deal with the Anonymous collective. The debate re-emerged on 3 January after Anonymous posted a link to an MP3 recording of a conference call between the FBI and Scotland Yard. The call chronicled a conversation between the FBI and British authorities discussing the two's ongoing LulzSec and Anonymous investigations.