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Stock photos that don’t suck

Stock photos that don’t suck

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Iconographic Database The Warburg Institute Iconographic Database contains digitised images from the Institute's Photographic Collection and Library. The material for which the Warburg Institute holds the copyrights is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 3.0 Unported License. Search by iconographic keywords or browse the iconographic classification system.To search by artist, date, location, or other parameters, please use the advanced search menu. The iconographic classification system of the database is based on that of the Warburg Institute Photographic Collection. Please note, however, that the database is not the digital equivalent of the Photographic collection. 11 Best Free Stock Photo Sites As designers and visual communicators, we need to make sure to use photos to help tell a story and to convey a message. While it's best to use high quality original photos whenever possible, sometimes they just won't fit into the workflow. Either you ran out of time, don't have access to the subject matter, or you don't have the equipment or patience to take a really great photo.

Top 5 des meilleures alternatives gratuites à photoshop Vous avez besoin d'un logiciel de retouche d'image et vous ne sentez pas encore prêt à l'idée d'acheter une licence Photoshop. Hormis les sites de retouches en ligne, il existe aussi des alternatives gratuites adaptées pour chaque usage du fameux logiciel d'Adobe qui vous permettront de bricoler du pixel à moindres frais. GIMPDisponible sur Windows, Mac et Linux Gimp est sûrement l'alternative gratuite la plus connue. Il faut dire que c'est aussi la plus complète car on y retrouve les principales fonctionnalités de Photoshop : système de calques, retouche des couleurs, filtres, outils de selection intelligents (baguette magique), pinceaux, ça va, on n'est pas trop perdu.

The Best Places to Find Free Stock Images for Your WordPress Site A picture paints a thousands words, or so the old adage goes. Images can tell a story in a quick glimpse more than endless paragraphs on a page. This is even up by data that shows 90 per cent of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. Online, visuals are even more important. Research has found 46 per cent of people say a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of a company. But how do you find the right images for your website?

jay mantri People Silhouettes Category: ‘People silhouettes’ Silhouettes of people – most popular silhouettes nowadays. That is why it is largest category of my sillhouette collection. In this section you’ll find all kind of people silhouettes in vector format (AI + CSH): business man silhouette, people figure, female silhouettes, kids silhouettes, dancing and jumping people, sportsmen and extreme silhouettes, sexy girls and even anime characters… a many many others! Attention to all bloggers, web masters and tutorial writers.

Quick Picture Tools: 12 risorse online per modificare immagini Se siete alla ricerca di strumenti per il foto editing online da utilizzare con gli studenti in classe, Quick Picture Tools è probabilmente quello che fa per voi. Si tratta di un kit di 12 strumenti che gli studenti possono utilizzare per modificare le immagini senza bisogno di alcuna registrazione. Tutti gli strumenti sono utilizzabili gratuitamente e non richiedono alcuna installazione di software. Altro aspetto interessante di questi strumenti è la semplicità d'uso e l'interfaccia assolutamente intuitiva.

6 outils gratuits de création de vidéos pour les réseaux sociaux La vidéo a pris une place considérable dans les stratégie de communication sur les réseaux sociaux, mais il est souvent difficile de créer des vidéos si on a pas les compétences nécessaires. Heureusement, il existe plusieurs outils gratuits permettant de créer des vidéos et animations pour le réseaux sociaux facilement. Je vous en propose 6 parmi les plus intéressants. 1.

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