Fennel, Medicinal Properties of Fennel, Saunf, Fenniculum Vulgare
Fennel is an aromatic, yellowish green, biennial or perennial herb. The leaves of the fennel are digestive, appetizing and stimulating. Oil of fennel, distilled from the dry seeds is aromatic, carminative and antispasmodic. It is used in various carminative preparations. Funnel consist of moisture 6.3 percent, fat 10 percent, protein 9.5 percent, minerals 13.4 percent, fiber 18.5 percent and carbohydrates 42.3 percent.
Low-protein food products are recommended to persons with particular types of metabolic disorders such as Homocystinuria (HCU), Phenylketonuria (PKU), Methylmalonic Acidemia(MMA) and Tyrosinemia. Each of these disorders require food products which are low in particular type of amino-acid. i.e. methonine in the case of HCU, phenylalanine in the case of PKU. However it is not easy to find high protein foods with low content of these amino acids. Hence, the patients are given low-protein foods . A lot of mouth-watering recipes can be found in www.lowprotein.com, www.tasteconnections.com, www.cambrookefoods.com,
Alternative Medicine Solutions: Spice Up your Life
Cinnamon This spice which is considered to perform detoxification to the organism and stimulate brain function, has antiseptic properties that have proved like most effective for urinary tract infections. Also contains components that have calming properties and are also useful for reducing pain. Besides that through his beautiful taste its improving your mood, cinnamon also protects the blood vessels and contributes to improve circulation. It is considered that cinnamon affects on the regulation of glucose level in blood, because of that the traditional medicine recommends cinnamon as a food supplement for people with diabetes. Rosemary
chrychek's Channel
Presenting Christian Laurette's RUN 2 THE CURE - The Cure for Cancer Documentary PREVIEW TRAILER #1 of the long-awaited sequel to the independent documentary RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story (February 2008) which led to an international people's recognition of how cannabis oil kills cancers and other so-called "incurable" diseases, while exposing the cancer/pharmaceutical industry's dark reputation for holding back natural medicines that work, in favor of continuing the status quo for maximum profit at the cost of human lives. Governments are not acting responsibly with our lives and it is "high" time we took our health back, with no more tolerance for prohibition. We don't have time to wait for studies.
Herbal Medicine from Your Garden or Windowsill
The teasel, Dipsacus fullonum, is also known as fuller's teasel or Venuscup teasle. It's not a plant one would normally associate with herbal medicine, but is surprisingly useful. It is not related to thoroughwort (also sometimes called teasel). Normally, you would expect to see teasel used as an ornamental and everlasting.
Eggs' antioxidant properties may help prevent heart disease and cancer, study suggests
One of nature's most perfect foods may be even better for us than previously thought. While eggs are well known to be an excellent source of proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers at the University of Alberta recently discovered they also contain antioxidant properties, which helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Jianping Wu, Andreas Schieber and graduate students Chamila Nimalaratne and Daise Lopes-Lutz of the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed typical diets of either primarily wheat or corn. They found the yolks contained two amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, which have high antioxidant properties. After analyzing the properties, the researchers determined that two egg yolks in their raw state have almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple and about the same as half a serving (25 grams) of cranberries.
Taking Charge of Your Health
Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates (460-377 BC) You need only to view the movie Super Size Me to understand how foods impact the body. In the movie, the director Morgan Spurlock chronicles the adverse health outcomes he experienced from eating nothing but fast food for several weeks.
Type 2 diabetes in newly diagnosed 'can be reversed'
24 June 2011Last updated at 01:19 Researchers found that blood sugar levels of all participants had returned to normal in one week. An extreme eight-week diet of 600 calories a day can reverse Type 2 diabetes in people newly diagnosed with the disease, says a Diabetologia study. Newcastle University researchers found the low-calorie diet reduced fat levels in the pancreas and liver, which helped insulin production return to normal.
12 Herbs to Curb Heart Palpitations - NaturalON
Photo credit: bigstock.com Although some people experience rapid heartbeats, missed heartbeats, and even irregular heartbeats, these are not signs of true heart trouble, but rather a symptom from another underlying problem such as hormone fluctuations, certain prescription drugs, anxiety or panic attacks, excessive caffeine consumption, menopause, or even an overactive thyroid gland. If you are experiencing irregular heartbeats, be certain that you check with your doctor or cardiologist first to be sure that you do not have heart disease or any other type of heart issue. Once your doctor has given you the OK, check out this list of the top 12 herbs that are known to help calm those heart palpitations that are caused by things other than heart disease or heart malfunctions. 1. Lavender
Snake Oil? The scientific evidence for health supplements
See the data: bit.ly/snakeoilsupps. See the static versionSee the old flash version Check the evidence for so-called Superfoods visualized. Note: You might see multiple bubbles for certain supplements. These is because some supps affect a range of conditions, but the evidence quality varies from condition to condition. For example, there’s strong evidence that garlic can lower blood pressure.
What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Coke
Don’t drink cola if you want to be healthy. Consuming soft drinks is bad for so many reasons that science cannot even state all the consequences. If you do drink soft drinks, as well as other sugary foods, you need the two products listed at the bottom of this article. One thing we know for sure is that drinking Coke, as a representative of soft drinks, wreaks havoc on the human organism.
10 Power Food Combos
The Oscar winning visionary filmmaker opened up during a Reddit AMA on Saturday afternoon. James Cameron, the acclaimed filmmaker behind sci-fi classics like Terminator, Aliens, and Terminator 2, as well as the blockbuster behemoths Titanic and Avatar, participated in a surprisingly candid Reddit AMA on Saturday afternoon. The self-proclaimed “king of the world” was online promoting Years of Living Dangerously, a 9-part documentary series about the filmmaking styles of top directors, which will premiere on Sunday, April 13 on Showtime. And Redditors, as is their wont, didn’t let Cameron off easy, prodding him with questions ranging from how to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370—Cameron knows how, apparently!—to his thoughts on climate change, Leonardo DiCaprio, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more. Here’s the cream of the crop.
Top 7 Surprising Reasons Why Coriander was so Popular in All Ancient and Modern Civilizations - Tiptop Home Remedies
Mostly people use coriander for cooking, but also many of them don’t know other ways how to use it for improving their health. When it comes to the health benefits of coriander (also known as cilantro), it also includes various treatments for high cholesterol levels, inflammation of the skin and other disorders, anemia, menstrual cycle disorders, smallpox, blood sugar disorders, as well as certain benefits in eye care. This herb is full of Magnesium, Vitamins B, A and C and also Iron. Also very important essential oils are present in it. Almost all parts of this plant are used, the seeds, leaves, stems, essential oil, and roots, they can help with some digestive problems, coughs, bronchitis, also joint pain and rheumatism. 1) Coriander is a great source of powerful antioxidants, so it can fight successfully certain oxidative damage.
An interesting lecture explaining how we are getting poisoned through our addiction(socially and economically) to fructose. by hapkido690 Jun 7