Related: Community • SM Blogers5 Key Characteristics Every Social Media Community Manager Should Have Social media is an effective tool to engage your target audience, drive website traffic and, ultimately, boost sales; so why do so few companies employ a social media community manager? You know, the person that manages the whole thing? It seems crazy, in the midst of a global financial crisis, to suggest that companies should go to the expense of hiring a community manager to oversee their social media presences. But at our company, Tomorrow People , we've been developing our community management team and processes to real effect over the past 16 months. I also know that HubSpot invests in employees dedicated solely to managing their social media presence, as well as many other companies we work with -- and they're all seeing great results from it. So how do you make the leap?
The Importance of Blogging: You Can’t Pin an Instagram Photo — Love By Hand Welcome to the first installment of "Sew Biz!" I'm super excited about a new content direction I plan bringing to Love By Hand on a weekly basis to share business and marketing advice for those of you with a sewing related business - bloggers, pattern and fabric designers, makers, fabric shop owners - everyone really! After my class on blogging and social media at Sew South this year, I had such a great and overwhelming response to share more. So, I'm sharing! For those of you who are new or maybe don't know much about me - I'm a digital marketing professional in my day-job and have been in marketing, public relations and advertising for the past 10 years. So, I thought combining my day job and my passion for online marketing along with my love of sewing and fabric would be a perfect match.
Social Media Inspired Outfits I used to think I would transport myself back to the 50s and 60s if I could, but then I realized that would mean voluntarily stripping myself of the internet and social media, which to me is like… slamming the car door on your own leg or poisoning yourself with syphilis.It’s like, what did people 10 years ago do with those moments in their day when they eat/decide/see something completely irrelevant to the rest of the world? You mean they just… kept it to themselves? Well, that’s just crazy talk. So in honor of social media, here are some outfits inspired by my favorite platforms.
Award winning blog about analytics content & general web domination Startup Chat #65 – Freedom, travel and entrepreneurship with Natalie Sisson This week we chat with Entrepreneur and author Natalie Sisson, the Suitcase Entrepreneur. Natalie travels the world working out of her suitcase and inspires other to do the same. 11 Facebook Marketing Tips and Tactics for B2B Marketers Facebook has an image problem. It started as a social network that was initially invented to provide a voting platform on rating the popularity of the fairer sex. It was more about girls than commerce. Conversation Agent Customers are going more and more online, and are becoming increasingly demanding. They choose when and where to ask questions, talk about issues and share complaints, blurring the line between Marketing and Customer Service. Social technologies have a way of blurring traditional (and I would add artificial) lines. Is the customer finally in charge?
What Makes The Perfect Blog Post: From Headline to Call-To-Action Writing your next, greatest article or blog post is an ongoing thought for many professionals. You should always ask yourself which factors contribute to an article that everyone will want to read? Is there a specific pattern that your readers enjoy the most? ARE WE HARD YET Remix collaboration project: ZEITGUISED vs. photographer duo Nick&Chloé. Zeitguised and Nick&Chloé recently received two Amercian Photography Awards for the results of a joint image making battle. With the 'Are we hard yet?' series, a new form of creative collaboration between design studio and photographers takes the stage of fine art photography.
Do Things that Don't Scale July 2013 One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale. A lot of would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. 5 B2B Facebook Pages Worth Copying Facebook pages for consumer brands are sexy, they have millions of followers and they attract all the attention. The reality is that a lot of people do not want Lady Gaga to build them a website or provide professional services or paint their house, she is there for the show. Facebook for B2B brands are seen as boring, drab and conservative and not worth asking out for a date. The use of Facebook for business that are not B2C requires a different approach and one that is more about educating and solving your customers challenges. The focus should be about providing great content rather than fluff , light entertainment and a giggle.