Mountain Lakes Curriculum I know that we educators love our acronyms, but perhaps I went to far with the title of this blog post. However, every time I sign a PO for a textbook order and I see the price, my stomach drops. That is why I am a fierce advocate for teachers to “Do It Yourself” and create their own textbook, especially now when there are so many “Open Educational Resources” or OER, out there. This post looks to highlight some of them already out there: Boundless is a new platform that I just heard about and I am impressed! “Boundless has thousands of PowerPoints, quizzes, readings, and textbooks you can use to make your teaching more effective.
Browse: Collection: Khan Academy .desu si egaugnal gnimmargorp avaJ ehT .gninnalp dna ,tnemeganam ,ecneics ,gnireenigne ni ... (more) .desu si egaugnal gnimmargorp avaJ ehT .gninnalp dna ,tnemeganam ,ecneics ,gnireenigne ni smelborp gnivlos rof seuqinhcet gnipoleved no si sisahpmE .scipot decnavda detceles dna scihparg retupmoc ,gnihcraes dna gnitros ,serutcurts atad ,sdohtem laciremun ,secafretni resu lacihparg ,stpecnoc gnimmargorp revoc smelborp gnimmargorp ylkeeW .esruoc eht fo sucof eht si tnempoleved dna ngised erawtfos detneiro-tcejbO .snoitacilppa cifitneics dna gnireenigne rof sdohtem lanoitatupmoc dna tnempoleved erawtfos latnemadnuf stneserp esruoc sihT (less)
Cursos Gratuitos A Fundação Getulio Vargas é a primeira instituição brasileira a ser membro do OpenCourseWare Consortium – OCWC –, um consórcio de instituições de ensino de diversos países que oferecem conteúdos e materiais didáticos sem custo, pela internet. Membro desde julho de 2008, o FGV Online venceu, em 2011, a primeira edição do OCW People's Choice Awards – premiação para as melhores iniciativas dentro do consórcio –, na categoria de programas mais inovadores e de vanguarda. Para ter acesso aos cursos que o FGV Online oferece a você nesse consórcio, veja as opções abaixo. Beginners' Latin This tutorial is a beginners' guide to the Latin used in documents between 1086 and 1733. It is the first online tutorial to help you learn the Latin from this period. Try our new Advanced Latin The tutorial covers Latin as used in England between 1086 and 1733, when it was the official language used in documents. Please note that this type of Latin can be quite different from classical
Creative Commons Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license. Here are some recently added bits and pieces: Attribution License OpenStax CNX - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities
Swinburne Commons guest Swinburne Commons Swinburne Commons Log in to Swinburne Commons Swinburne Commons draws together quality learning objects and media from across the University.About | Copyright | Toolkit | Contact Capilano University OpenCourseWare — Capilano University Open Course Ware Basics in music acoustics Music Acoustics: Basics Some basic questions about the science of music are listed here. There is also a non-specialist Frequently Asked Questions in music acoustics on this site. General topics String topics Woodwind topics zasoby edukacyjne szkolne Jeśl tylko interesują Cie piękne mapy lub potrzebujesz jednej np. jako ilustracji, ale takiej za darmo, do przerobienia i pięknej… oto Idealne miejsce w sieci, w którym nie tylko wygenerujesz mapę dowolnego miejsca (o ile jest ono na mapach z OpenStreetMap) w kilku stylach. Całość projektu dostępna jest nalicencji CC BY, a dane na nich […]
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