NZ Curriculum Online
Teaching as inquiry is a fundamental part of ensuring success for all the students in your class. Here you will find ideas, resources and tools to support your inquiry journey, as well as school stories to help provide inspiration and promote discussion. This resource is presented in a way that will suit you if you are new to the inquiry process, or if you have experienced it before. The resource gives you the option to look at what is most relevant to you, revisit for more information, and be challenged by new ideas. Teaching as inquiry-FAQsThis supporting blog post takes a closer look at teaching as inquiry, answering five commonly asked questions.
Free Middle School Social Studies Lesson Plans
Kidipede - History for Kids home page NEW! Kidipede's pages organized according to California state standards Teachers' guides for what to do in class (religion, philosophy, environment...)
Subcomission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, ICS » Working Groups
15.1.2015 Article in the Berlin daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel - Anthropozän : Fallout und Plastik markieren das Menschenzeitalter. 16.1.2015 Article in the München (Munich) daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung - Am Limit (At the limit). Rocks made of plastic found on Hawaiian beach. Angus Chen reports on a new type of rock cobbled together from plastic, volcanic rock, beach sand, seashells, and corals that has begun forming on the shores of Hawaii on the Science website. Archaeologists say that the 'Anthropocene' is here - but it began long ago. Science 340 19.04.13. The discussion can be viewed on the Science website and YouTube.
Canada's Digital Collections - Sharing the Canadian Identity on the Internet - The Archivist - Publications
Archived Content This archived Web page remains online for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. This page will not be altered or updated. Web pages that are archived on the Internet are not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards. As per the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, you can request alternate formats of this page on the Contact Us page. No. 119 Canada’s Digital Collections: Sharing the Canadian Identity on the Internet
The Met Around the World
The Met Around the World presents the Met’s work via the global scope of its collection and as it extends across the nation and the world through a variety of domestic and international initiatives and programs, including exhibitions, excavations, fellowships, professional exchanges, conservation projects, and traveling works of art. The Met Around the World is designed and maintained by the Office of the Director.
What is global education?
The heart of global education is enabling young people to participate in shaping a better, shared future for the world. Global education emphasises the unity and interdependence of human society, developing a sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity, affirmation of social justice and human rights, as well as building peace and actions for a sustainable future in different times and places. Global education promotes positive values and assists students to take responsibility for their actions and to see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Australian global educators place particular emphasis on developing relationships with our neighbours in the Asia–Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. Global Perspectives, A framework for global education in Australian schools is a concise, practical and philosophical guide to including a global perspective across the curriculum.
PISA Treatment? Exploring the Side Effects of Education Reform
by Alma Harris, Yong Zhao, and Michelle Jones In this the latest post in the Leading Futures Series, edited by Alma Harris and Michelle Jones, and Yong Zhao, Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas, discuss some of the key ideas in Zhao’s latest book, What Works May Hurt – Side Effects in Education. For a related discussion, see Zhao, Harris, and Jones’ latest piece in TES. The PISA bandwagon continues. This juggernaut of educational assessment has dominated the global debate about educational change for almost two decades now.
Citadel on the Move > Open Data > Convert My Dataset
Here you can transform your data into the Citadel format. Using the Citadel format will allow you to use our Application Generation Tool to make apps and make your data useful to other people. Citadel have created this convertor to make is easy for you to change your excel sheets, CSV files or other information into the Citadel format. To use the convertor, you will need a basic level of technical knowledge and to your data to have the following characteristics: Each entry in the dataset should have a Title, an Address, a Category (e.g. event, restaurant, parking space ect...) and an ID (a number attached to each record) all in separate columns.
Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century
The emergence of the Dutch school of painting in the early seventeenth century is one of the most extraordinary phenomena in the history of the visual arts. The Netherlands had only recently become a political entity and was still suffering from the effects of a long and arduous war with Spain. Yet the small republic’s success in gaining independence from such a powerful adversary resulted in an enormous sense of self-esteem.
Connections by theme
I'm Thomas Campbell. In my first few months as director of the Metropolitan Museum, some colleagues and I developed the idea of a series that would get people thinking about the Met's collection in a new way. The result is Connections, an exploration of the Met's holdings by staff from around the Museum.
Virtual Teacher
Australian History Trove Pictures of Australia Take a look at the Picture Australia site.
HP Reveal - Products
HP Reveal includes a powerful drag-and-drop web studio that enables anyone to easily create, manage, and track augmented reality campaigns. Intuitive and easy to use interface Upload assets and assemble Auras in our easy to use interface - so fast and easy, it can be done in under 60 seconds. Personalized AR Public campaigns to audience segments through sophisticated targeting tools, such as platform, region, time of day, and much more. Real-time campaign insights Measure campaign results through a comprehensive analytics dashboard. Try It Now Discover augmented reality (AR) experiences, create your own AR, and share the magic with friends.
Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking
Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. Using the video, handouts, and facilitation tips below, we will take you step by step through the process of hosting or participating in a 90 minute design challenge.
Rauschenberg Research Project · SFMOMA
The Essay pages include a citation tool that will generate the preferred citation for a selected passage of text. To activate the tool, highlight the area you would like to cite and click the “Create Citation” button that will appear along the right side of the page. When citing full essays or other pages within the Rauschenberg Research Project, please refer to the examples below.