GC1M2NP A Lesson in Ciphers # 1 (Unknown Cache) in Missouri, United States created by TripCyclone This cache series is designed to give you an introduction to the world of ciphers. It will not cover every type of cipher out there, instead focusing on a small variety of different ciphers. Hopefully, you will walk away from solving this series with a new set of puzzle solving skills. And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to go to that puzzle that's always bothered you and begin to see it with a new pair of eyes. I have designed this series such that you will not be able to solve them all in one swipe. The Voynich Manuscript Decoded? I give examples to show that the code used in the Voynich Manuscript is probably a series of Italian word anagrams written in a fancy embellished script. This code, that has been confusing scholars for nearly a century, is therefore not as complicated as it first appears. All attempts over the past century to decode this mysterious manuscript have met with failure. This is probably due to the initial error made by Voynich and his followers attributing the authorship of the manuscript to Roger Bacon, the 13th century British scientist, monk and scholar. As I showed in a previous paper on my Website, The Voynich Manuscript, was the author left handed?, Roger Bacon could not have written this manuscript and I suggested that a young (around 8 to 10 years old) Leonardo da Vinci was a likely author.
en.wikibooks.org Welcome[edit] A floral illustration on page 32. The colors are still vibrant. The Voynich manuscript, described as "the world's most mysterious manuscript",[1] is a work which dates to the early 15th century, possibly from northern Italy.[2][3] It is named after the book dealer Wilfrid Michael Voynich, who purchased it in 1912. Some pages are missing, but the current version comprises about 240 vellum pages, most with illustrations. Much of the manuscript resembles herbal manuscripts of the time period, seeming to present illustrations and information about plants and their possible uses for medical purposes. MP3Stego When looking at the steganographic tools available on the Net, it occurred to me that nothing had been done to hide information in MP3 files, that is sound tracks compressed using the MPEG Audio Layer III format. There is a growing interest world-wide in MP3 or indeed WMA files because they offer near-CD quality at compression ratio of 11 to 1 (128 kilobits per second). This gives a very good opportunity for information hiding.
Le mystère du manuscrit de Voynich Le célèbre manuscrit de Voynich est un véritable casse-tête depuis près de cinq siècles : le texte n'a pas de titre, nous ignorons qui l’a écrit et sa langue nous est inconnue ! À ce jour, personne n’a percé la totalité des secrets de cet étrange document. Il s’agit de l’un des manuscrits les plus mystérieux de l’Histoire : son contenu demeure indéchiffrable et a fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches et hypothèses…infructueuses… Son origine est également sujette à de nombreuses interrogations. Est-ce un canular,un livre codé, un authentique travail scientifique du Moyen Age ? Son nom vient du collectionneur et bibliophile, Wilfrid Voynich, qui le (re) découvrit en 1912, parmi une collection de manuscrits anciens conservés dans la Villa Mondragone, à Frascati, près de Rome. Selon les estimations les plus couramment admises, il aurait été écrit entre 1450 et 1520. 234 pages composent ce document abondamment illustré de plantes, des diagrammes astrologiques, de femmes nues.
Cryptography When I wrote my first book, Fermat’s Last Theorem, I made a passing reference to the mathematics of cryptography. Although I did not know it at the time, this was the start of a major interest in the history and science of codes and code breaking, which has resulted in a 400-page book on the subject, an adaptation of the book for teenagers, a 5-part TV series, numerous talks and lectures, the purchase of an Enigma cipher machine and the development of an interactive crypto CD-ROM. In the Crypto Corner, you will find details about my book on cryptography (The Code Book), information about my TV series based on the book (The Science of Secrecy) and you can explore the Black Chamber, which is an interactive encryption and codebreaking section. You will also find a section about the Cipher Challenge, there are some cryptograms (coded messages) for you to try and crack, a free downloadable CD-ROM version of The Code Book, and a quick Q&A based on the questions I am most often asked.
Littérature - L'énigme séculaire du manuscrit de Voynich J’en perds mon latin! Après le disque de Phaistos, on continue sur notre lancée en abordant un autre grand mystère irrésolu: celui du manuscrit de Voynich, un livre mystérieux de 234 pages. En 1912, un amateur éclairé de littérature polonaise, Wilfrid M. Voynich, achète un manuscrit étrange à une communauté de jésuites. Ce qui peut ressembler de prime abord à un recueil de botanique ou d’astrologie s’avérera en réalité une des plus importantes énigmes de l’Histoire! Car l’écriture utilisée est unique et indéchiffrable.
Sharky's Vigenere Cipher This page is for amusement only. Instructions are given below this form. instructions: Enter the string to encrypt or decrypt in the Input field (you may copy and paste it from another text editor). Le manuscrit de Voynich Decrypté par un membre du Blog De l’Etrange ? Petit Récapitulatif: Le manuscrit de Voynich est un livre illustré écrit entre 1408 et 1436 à l’aide d’un alphabet inconnu par un auteur inconnu. Le mystère demeure entier quant à la nature exacte de ce manuscrit puisque les thèses les plus diverses s’affrontent. Certains le jugent authentique, et émettent des théories pour expliquer son apparente inintelligibilité pour les chercheurs et soutenir l’hypothèse d’un contenu signifiant. D’après les travaux de Gordon Rugg, il pourrait aussi s’agir d’une supercherie.
Keyed Caesar One variation to the standard Caesar cipher is when the alphabet is "keyed" by using a word. In the traditional variety, one could write the alphabet on two strips and just match up the strips after sliding the bottom strip to the left or right. To encode, you would find a letter in the top row and substitute it for the letter in the bottom row. Le mystérieux manuscrit Voynich Le mystérieux manuscrit Voynich Le manuscrit Voynich apparaît le 19 août 1666, lorsque le recteur de l'Université de Prague, Joannes Marcus Marci, l'envoie au célèbre jésuite Athanase Kircher qui était entre autres choses spécialiste de cryptographie. Il se présente comme un octavo de 15 cm sur 27, la couverture manque et selon la pagination, vingt-huit pages sont perdues. Le texte est enluminé de bleu, de jaune, de rouge, de brun et de vert. Les dessins représentent des femmes nues de petite taille, des diagrammes (astronomiques ?) et environ quatre cents plantes imaginaires.
Home - www.simplesite.com/the_runes “For me the magic moment came on page 2 where the green picture could mean any of three things. I identified the picture almost at once but could not see in which of the three directions it might go. And I knew that I had to find out!” “This should come with a warning label on it. ...It's highly additive. I've put it down with good intentions of getting back to life and work. But I couldn't keep away! Le manuscrit Voynich Le mystère du manuscrit de Voynich Pour la Science no 323, Septembre 2004 Gordon Rugg est professeur au Département de mathématiques et d'informatique de l'Université de Keele, en Angleterre, et rédacteur en chef de la revue Expert Systems. Une nouvelle analyse d'un document médiéval énigmatique suggère qu'il ne contient que des suites de mots dépourvues de sens. En 1912, Wilfrid Voynich, un libraire américain spécialiste de livres rares, fit la découverte de sa vie dans la bibliothèque de la Villa Mandragone près de Rome: un manuscrit de quelque 230 pages écrit en caractères étranges et illustré de surprenants dessins de plantes, de sphères célestes et de baigneuses. À première vue, le manuscrit ressemblait à un manuel d'alchimiste ou d'herboriste, mais il était entièrement codé.
As far as the Voynich Manuscript, the vast majority of researchers focused on trying to decipher the code letter. Great respect for them. According to me , the text is intentionally used a hoax aimed to engage readers in a fruitless search for the code of the manuscript just as deliberately scattered like puzzle Centuries of Nostradamus. I am in my searches focused on the symbolic meaning of illustration. For someone who has only a scientific look at the issue of encryption, all suggest it may seem too unreliable, not falsifiable. Manuscript, namely the part of Herb is, according to me, a compendium of knowledge about the Evolution of Life on Earth - from its cosmological aspect, through Human Evolution (Theory Darwin ) to the Prehistory, History and Contemporary. In the following section, the author Herb encrypted all the important events of our common history with such precision that many a textbook of history might have envied accuracy. For more information: by grzegorzostrowski Feb 2