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Listphile: Shared lists, atlases, and databases

Listphile: Shared lists, atlases, and databases

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List of lists of lists Some articles that consist of a list of things that are themselves about lists of things, such as the lists of lists listed below. General reference[edit] Culture and the arts[edit] Literature[edit] Art and the arts[edit] Performing arts[edit] Tackle Any Issue With a List of 100 The List of 100 is a powerful technique you can use to generate ideas, clarify your thoughts, uncover hidden problems or get solutions to any specific questions you’re interested in. The technique is very simple in principle: state your issue or question in the top of a blank sheet of paper and come up with a list of one hundred answers or solutions about it. “100 Ways to Generate Income”, “100 Ways to be More Creative” or “100 Ways to Improve my Relationships” are some examples. “One hundred entries? Isn’t that way too many?” Bear with me: it’s exactly this exaggeration that makes the technique powerful. When starting your list you may believe that there’s no way to get it done.

The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013 Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived! Welcome to one of the web’s most anticipated lists of the year: The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013. This is the second such list I have made since founding DailyTekk and it’s very special. A website can only be featured ONCE in this annual series, so make sure to check out last year’s list so you don’t miss 100 other amazing sites and blogs.

FlexLists - Create Simple Free Database and Lists Online The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2012 (Categorized) Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived! I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly running into so many cool websites I want to remember or recommend to people but I don’t always have time to make a note of them, add them to Evernote, bookmark them in Delicious, etc. So this is a good example of a post I created as a personal (and completely unscientific) resource that other people will probably benefit from as well. Some of these sites are pretty new while others have been around for a while now, but they are all awesome right now in 2012.

Formulists Explore Weird & Wonderful Lists At Snagsta What results is that you find all sorts of wonderful and weird lists including tourism advice, motivation tips, startup advice, book lists, movie lists and much more. There’s always new lists to check out, so it’s definitely somewhere you could head back to on a regular basis just to get a little more inspiration. Signing up at Snagsta only takes a moment, regardless of whether you create a log in or use Facebook Connect to log in. You’ll be ready to go in no time at all.

Listorious: Twitter people search and lists directory Bucket List Creation Websites & Apps With so many list creation sites out there it can be difficult to choose which one to use. You’ll want to consider where your friends are gathering to share their lists. Aside from that, here are some thoughts about 19 sites and 19 apps and what they have to offer. Almost all are free and generally require registering an account to use. - a place to stash your information 101 Things in 1001 Days Some of you will remember my 101 Things to do in 1001 Days challenge, which I started way back at the start of 2009 in Estonia, and ended a few days before my 30th birthday last year. For those of you who don’t, the idea is that you come up with 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days, and aim to check them all off your list. The goals must be specific, not vague – things that you can confidently check off the list as having completed. (For example – instead of “get fit”, find measurable ways of achieving that, like “go to the gym 3 times a week for 3 months”, or “go to an exercise class”.)

Listal - List the stuff you love! Movies, TV, music, games and books 101 Things in 1001 days UPDATE: I have a new 101 Things to do in 1001 days list… keeping the tradition alive. {And still trying to finish a lot of things left from my original 101 list.} A while back I heard about this of “101 things to do in 1001 days” list. I was intrigued because the “lifelist” (aka bucket list) wasn’t going so well for me. Site Map - Refdesk
