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Ten things I wish someone had told me before I moved to Sweden

Ten things I wish someone had told me before I moved to Sweden
Sweden, much, much colder than you think. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT British writer Clement Boateng loves his new life in Sweden. He just wishes someone had warned him about these ten things first... I am a London-boy born and raised, now currently living and nesting in Stockholm in the hope of a new life, new career, new adventure and new experiences. I made the decision to relocate to Sweden after experiencing Midsummer and was happy about that as I feel Stockholm suits my personality. 1. I previously thought London was cold. 2. It really is tough if you do not speak Swedish. 3. Black seems to be the uniform colour here for everything. 4. There is another unspoken rule that says one must never be within an arm's reach of each other. 5. For a while now, the Swedish have been mislabelled as quite forward, blunt or even harsh with their use of English. 6. Completely off topic but still important nonetheless, is the topic of pizza. 7. Not five minutes late or five minutes early. 8. 9. 10.

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