NOSQL Patterns Over the last couple years, we see an emerging data storage mechanism for storing large scale of data. These storage solution differs quite significantly with the RDBMS model and is also known as the NOSQL. Some of the key players include ...GoogleBigTable, HBase, HypertableAmazonDynamo, Voldemort, Cassendra, RiakRedisCouchDB, MongoDB These solutions has a number of characteristics in commonKey value storeRun on large number of commodity machinesData are partitioned and replicated among these machinesRelax the data consistency requirement.
Jenkins - Promoted Builds Plugin Plugin Information This plugin allows you to distinguish good builds from bad builds by introducing the notion of 'promotion'.Put simply, a promoted build is a successful build that passed additional criteria (such as more comprehensive tests that are set up as downstream jobs.) The typical situation in which you use promotion is where you have multiple 'test' jobs hooked up as downstream jobs of a 'build' job. You'll then configure the build job so that the build gets promoted when all the test jobs passed successfully. This allows you to keep the build job run fast (so that developers get faster feedback when a build fails), and you can still distinguish builds that are good from builds that compiled but had runtime problems. Another variation of this usage is to manually promote builds (based on instinct or something else that runs outside Jenkins.)
Srinath's Blog :My views of the World: List of Known Scalable Architecture Templates For most Architects, "Scale" is the most illusive aspect of software architectures. Not surprisingly, it is also one of the most sort-out goals of todays software design. However, computer scientists do not yet know of a single architecture that can scale for all scenarios. Instead, we design scalable architectures case by case, composing known scalable patterns together and trusting our instincts. XQuery - Wikibooks Welcome to the XQuery Examples Collection Wikibook! XQuery is a World Wide Web Consortium recommendation for selecting data from documents and databases. Current Status[edit] We are in the process of testing many of these examples using the eXist 2.0 release.
Comparison of continuous integration software Continuous integration describes a set of software engineering practices that speed up the delivery of software by decreasing integration times. Software that accomplish this practice is called continuous integration software. Comparison[edit] In Memory Data Grid Technologies After winning a CSC Leading Edge Forum (LEF) research grant, I (Paul Colmer) wanted to publish some of the highlights of my research to share with the wider technology community. What is an In Memory Data Grid? It is not an in-memory relational database, a NOSQL database or a relational database. It is a different breed of software datastore. In summary an IMDG is an ‘off the shelf’ software product that exhibits the following characteristics: The data model is distributed across many servers in a single location or across multiple locations.
XQuery/Subversion - Wikibooks Motivation[edit] You want to be able to access a Subversion (SVN) repository, including checking out the repository's files directly into the eXist database and committing changed files back to the repository, using XQuery. Method[edit] A subversion XQuery module has been added to the bleeding edge development version of eXist 1.5. You can use it to query remote subversion servers, and even to check out a remote repository to store the repository's contents in the database. Continuous Integration I vividly remember one of my first sightings of a large software project. I was taking a summer internship at a large English electronics company. My manager, part of the QA group, gave me a tour of a site and we entered a huge depressing warehouse stacked full with cubes. I was told that this project had been in development for a couple of years and was currently integrating, and had been integrating for several months.
Brewer's CAP Theorem On Friday 4th June 1976, in a small upstairs room away from the main concert auditorium, the Sex Pistols kicked off their first gig at Manchester’s Lesser Free Trade Hall. There’s some confusion as to who exactly was there in the audience that night, partly because there was another concert just six weeks later, but mostly because it’s considered to be a gig that changed western music culture forever. So iconic and important has that appearance become that David Nolan wrote a book, I Swear I Was There: The Gig That Changed the World, investigating just whose claim to have been present was justified. Because the 4th of June is generally considered to be the genesis of punk rock6. We know three chords but you can only pick two