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URL Masking
There are numerous ways to mask a URL — meaning the URL in the browser's address bar is not the actual URL to the content. The example code in this article assumes the actual content being published is at the same domain as the URL in the browser's address bar. With extra coding, and excepting the Apache rewrite method, the content can come from other domains. (See Block Content Theft via URL Masking for ways to block unauthorized publishing of your content.)
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Cube: Start tracking time in 15 seconds.
Manage your business from your browser Advanced charts and reports give you a complete overview of your business. Just want an overview or the all the details? In Cube everything is just one click away.
Using Social Media to Test Your Idea Before You Try to Sell It
Offerings from Creme Delicious. When starting a business, new entrepreneurs often spend time naming the business and developing a logo and printing business cards and perfecting the look and feel of their packaging before they know whether they have a viable product or service. There’s now a better way — social media has become the ultimate tool for market research. Stephanie Clifford wrote an article for The Times this week about how big corporations are replacing focus groups with social media, but it works for small businesses, too.
Website server Response Code Check
Use the Bulk URL checker tool to check the server response for one URL or large number of URLs and check which ones are active, which ones are redirected to other URLs or which ones are not found (404). You can download the ready list in excel format. The more URLs you put into the list, the more time you have to wait. Bulk URL checker / Server response code checker 4.97/5 (99.48%) 154 votes
SVTMedia Blog
I put together a list of 16 most influential bloggers today and added their 3 most important lessons from various interviews, podcasts, articles throughout their careers. Continue reading If you’re not happy with your current job and you hate waking up on Monday mornings, it’s time to consider creating a personal brand around your passion. If you hear names like Tony Robbins or Jamie Oliver you immediately know who they are, what they do. Building your own personal empire doesn’t sounds that bad, right? Continue reading
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Best Place in the World to Start a Company
The relative merits of various cities as locations for start-ups is a favorite media talking point. Is New York approaching parity with fabled Silicon Valley? Check out the start-up scenes sprouting in formerly down-and-out cities!
Plagiarism Checker
A list of key features: 1. Billions of web pages This tool has the ability to check plagiarism by matching your content against billions of webpages on the Internet. Once you upload your content, it will automatically run it against every existing content on the web within seconds, making it the most sophisticated yet fastest plagiarism scanner you'll ever come across in your lifetime.
OnlineMoney Stuff