Easy Steps to Make GNOME 3 More Efficient Few Linux desktops have brought about such controversy as GNOME 3. It’s been ridiculed, scorned, and hated since it was first released. Thing is, it’s actually a very good desktop. It’s solid, reliable, stable, elegant, simple... and with a few minor tweaks and additions, it can be made into one of the most efficient and user-friendly desktops on the market. Of course, what makes for an efficient and/or user-friendly desktop? I decided to go about this process by first installing a clean Ubuntu GNOME distribution that included GNOME 3.12. Add window buttons For some unknown reason, the developers of GNOME decided to shrug off the standard window buttons (Close, Minimize, Maximize) in favor of a single Close button. By default, you should have the GNOME Tweak Tool installed. Figure 1: Adding the minimize button back to the GNOME 3 windows. Once added, you’ll see the Minimize button, to the left of the close button, ready to serve. Add extensions Add a complete dock
Wallpapers Linux Bokeh Whirls es un set de fondos de escritorio inspirados en algunas de las distribuciones GNU/Linux más conocidas. Los hice con el editor de imágenes GIMP y el editor de gráficos vectoriales Inkscape. El paquete incluye un total de veinte wallpapers. Diecisiete de ellos inspirados en distribuciones GNU/Linux ─algunos cuentan con dos versiones─ más tres que llevan el logotipo de KDE, GNOME y XFCE. La resolución para todos los fondos de escritorio es de 1920x1200 píxeles. El set cuenta con wallpapers para las siguientes distribuciones: Arch Linux, CrunchBang, Debian, Elementary, Gentoo, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Mageia, Manjaro, openSUSE, Pear OS, Puppy Linux, Sabayon y Ubuntu. ACTUALIZACIÓN: ha pedido de un usuario acabo de añadir el fondo de pantalla para Trisquel.
horst3180/arc-theme: A flat theme with transparent elements How To Use Facebook Messenger on Linux Pidgin is the Linux IM client with the most features; Facebook is the most popular social network. Lately, though, anyone using Pidgin to connect to Facebook’s chat feature has been seeing this error message: What’s going on? Don’t panic: there is a plugin that uses the new Messenger API to connect Pidgin to Facebook. Get Facebook Chat Working in Pidgin Again Once you’ve installed the plugin restart Pidgin. If you only see Facebook XMPP make sure you’ve actually restarted Pidgin and try again. Once you find Facebook, sign in using your Facebook username, email address or phone number (all three will work). That should be it! One thing you might notice if you use this for Facebook is that people sign in and out of the service pretty much constantly. You’ll find the Plugin option in the Tools menu; configure Libnotify to get the window seen above. Messenger For Desktop, A Facebook-Centric Alternative If you miss these Facebook-specific features, Messenger For Desktop is worth checking out.
Google Ubuntu 18.04 : Trucs à faire après installation - Lokoyote Ce post fait suite à celui-ci, où je ne démarre pas d’une version « neuve » mais qui fait suite à un passage d’une version 15.10 à 16.04 puis de cette même version 16.04 à 18.04… Il faudrait tout de même que j’essaie avec une version propre, au cas où… Ubuntu 18.04 propose donc son petit lot de nouveauté, avec l’introduction de paquets « snap » ainsi que son nouveau vieil (Gné ?) environnement graphique sous Gnome. Je ne vais pas re-pomper encore une fois ce qui existe sur d’autre sites comme : Je vais surtout détailler certains points… Je vous recommande de bien naviguer dans les options déjà, il y a pas mal de choses à adapter de base à vos habitudes… Réinstaller les thèmes Je ne sais pas si je suis un cas isolé ou non, mais au redémarrage c’était un peu le fouillis niveau interface… Il m’a fallu désinstaller et réinstaller mon thème que j’avais précédemment installé (Arc). Installer Tweak Voir les liens ci-dessus. Mise en veille… Forcer le Alt + Tab uniquement pour le Bureau virtuel actuel
How can I low-level format flash memory in Linux? Santander Personas Banca Privada Empresas nana-4/materia-theme: A Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments Restore Your USB Key to it's original state After having tooled around with a USB Linux version using your image overwritten or multi partitioned flash pen drive, you might find it necessary to revert it back to a single fat partition (restore the flash pen drive to its original state) that can again be read by all computers. Windows users can follow the Windows instructions below to Restore a Flash Drive using the HP USB Format Tool. For those working from Linux this task can easily be accomplished via the Linux Flash Drive Restoration tutorial that follows. Restoring your USB key to its original state using Windows/Mac OS: Windows and or Mac OS users could use the SD Formatter Tool to reformat and restore a USB Drive. Or alternately, Windows users could use BOOTICE Download, extract, and run Pauly's BOOTICE Tool(1) Select your USB Flash Drive from the list, (2) Click Parts Manage (1) Click Repartitioning (1) Under Disk Mode, Choose USB-FDD, USB-HDD, or USB-ZIP mode I use USB-HDD as it works with every BIOS I use. (2) Click OK A.
PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme: Papirus icon theme for Linux Install Oracle Java 8 In Ubuntu Via PPA Repository [JDK8] The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019.The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK licenses. The new license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost -- but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDK licenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using this product. Oracle Java 8 is now stable. As a reminder, the WebUpd8 Oracle Java PPA doesn't include any Java binaries, just a script that automatically downloads and install Oracle Java 8. It's also important to note that the Oracle Java 8 installer is considered in alpha and is offered without any guarantees! If you want to install Oracle Java 7 instead, see THIS post (PPA for all supported Ubuntu / Linux Mint versions). Install Oracle Java 8 (JDK8 and JRE8) in Ubuntu or Linux Mint sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default Or, "javac -version":