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Newslookup News 12 New Jersey DailyEarth NEWS: Atlantic City Press If some state legislators get their way, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy could bring an end to one Jersey Shore tradition — the beach badge. State Sen. Michael Doherty, R-Hunterdon, Warren, and Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Salem, Gloucester, Cumberland, have introduced legislation requiring any town that accepts state or federal aid for rebuilding its beaches to provide beach and restroom access for free. “A beach fee is another word for tax,” Sweeney said Monday. “I just don’t agree with it. ... Under the bipartisan legislation, municipalities that accept aid for rebuilding beaches — retroactive to Nov. 2 — “would not be allowed to adopt or enforce ordinances requiring the collection of fees for beach badges or otherwise as a requirement of being allowed to use or access a beach,” Senate Republicans said in a release. In addition, those towns would be required to provide free public restrooms to beachgoers between Memorial Day and Labor Day. For his part, state Sen.

World News Washington Journal OPEN TRANSCRIPTS Why does C-SPAN take viewer calls? One of C-SPAN's founding philosophies was focusing on the viewer and, through our call-in programs, viewers are able to interact directly with elected officials, policymakers and journalists. In addition to our daily call-in program, the Washington Journal, C-SPAN regularly incorporates viewer call-ins into the schedule to allow people to react to breaking news events. How is the Washington Journal staffed and run? Guided by an executive producer, the Washington Journal has a staff of producers, guest bookers, hosts and production assistants who work as a team to decide what topics are covered and which guests to book for the discussion. Why are there different hosts on the Washington Journal? The role of the C-SPAN call-in host is to facilitate the dialogue between callers and our guests. How many calls does the Washington Journal air per day? How does C-SPAN handle calls that are inaccurate or distasteful? Do you screen your callers?

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