iPad Apps for Kids with Special Needs
iPod Touch/iPhone App Round Up for Users with Significant Disabilities and Those who Teach Them
Updated June 19, 2010 Please note YGWYPF notation means "You get what you pay for!"T&T means the blog author uses this applicationBIC is Best in Category, based only on the authors impression, no other criteria are in play * means that the app has been used by the author
Complete Guide to educational and special needs apps, complete list at One Place for Special Needs
Complete guide to educational and special needs apps With over 300,000 apps it's easy to become overwhelmed by the number of app choices. It's also easy to spend a small fortune on a lot of useless apps.
Apps for Special Needs
These apps for special needs were made by the developers at Moms With Apps to assist children and families. We will update this list periodically. If you have feedback on the apps, please contact the developers as they are very open to collaboration. The descriptions below are NOT reviews – they are descriptions written by the developers. Abilipad by Appy Therapy, aka “the WRITE TOOL for the iPad” was developed by an occupational therapist to facilitate writing.
10 Free iPad Creativity Apps for Young Learners
Teaching our kids to be creative is just as important as teaching them critical thinking skills.Creativity open up students mind to new learning horizons and makes them capable of tackling new and novel situations way better than any explicit instruction would do. We, in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning , strongly believe in the importance of creativity in education and we have dedicated a whole section in this blog to articles covering this topic. We have also reviewed some web tools that teachers can use to integrate creativity in their instruction and today we are going to introduce you to an awesome set of iPad apps that can do the same job but this time for young learners in primary schools. 1- Draw Free for iPad This is a great free iPad app that lets users create beautiful drawings. It has an intuitive interface and is very simple to use, ideal for young learners.
The Differentiator
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Special Education Apps for iPad
Add In my classroom , I was blessed to have students from amazingly diverse backgrounds and with an array of skills and strengths. I worked relentlessly to build in supports and foster an inclusive community for all of my students. This meant cutting, laminating, velcro-ing, washing, re-making, and constructing what felt like a million supportive learning devices for my students with and without special needs. Now, having an iPad, I often play around with apps that I realize would have been incredibly beneficial for my students with special needs. Continuing with our Education Apps for iPad series, here are some apps grouped by category that students, parents, and teachers can leverage to support all learners!
All About Apps for (Special) Education
I keep finding more and more excellent resources around using iPads, iPods and Apps in (Special) education and wanted to share some of my favourite links with you. The first comes from the great Victorian Government site called Ipads for Education . There are a number of resources in the support section, including the handout ‘iPads in Special Education’ .
4 Great Rubrics to Help you Select Educational Apps
As iPads are increasingly infiltrating our educational systems the question of the pedagogical implications ensuing from the use of these mobile gadgets in the classroom come to the surface. Some do look at them as an added distraction and that learning can be more focused without students having access to them during the class. Traditionalists do advocate this view and are , in fact, against the " over-digitization " of education. To these people I say what John Dewy once said " If we teach today as we thought yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow ". I am strongly in favor of the use of mobile gadgetry for educational purposes. I am talking here specifically about iPad.
What Is Differentiated Instruction?
Click the "References" link above to hide these references. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. New York: Basic Books.