Improve Your English by Watching Friends – 3 Steps on How to Actively Watch TV Shows
I am delighted to introduce you to Paul Mains who has written this post. Paul approached me a couple of weeks ago offering to write a piece for my blog. He offered me a choice of topics and I was immediately drawn to the above topic. Many learners watch films and follow TV series in English. However, many often feel guilty and think that they should be doing something more worthwhile to work on their English.
Using Silent Video in the EFL Classroom
This video is the BOMB! It is captivating, absorbing, a story par excellence but also SILENT! Yes, silent films are great for getting students to produce language — and after all is said and done, that most often is the hardest thing to do, getting the students speaking and learning language by just communicating. That is our job, to get the students so absorbed in the communicative act that they forget they are learning. When we forget and are not consciously fixated on the language – we learn so much more!
Top 100 Youtube videos for EFL!
Youtube recently celebrated its 5th anniversary. Wow! See the video karaoke I made with Breakingnewsenglish content. However, today, in honor of youtube and what it does for our classrooms – I’ll leave you with a great gift. My 100 top youtube videos for students!
The Best Online Short Films of 2014
This year was great for shorts. Whether you were learning about the most dangerous sport on earth, what it's like to be stuck in prison, or what it'd feel like to be part of a deadly Western joke, there was something for everyone. Presented below is a roundup of some of my favorite short movies from 2014. This list includes older films as long as they were released online this year, and it doesn't include any titles that have already been highlighted in my weekly I'm Short, Not Stupid column. Let the short film screening party begin!
Songs and Activities for English Language Learners
Songs can be an effective way to introduce or reinforce a grammar topic. Click on the topics below for companion songs and activities. (In a blog article posted Oct. 4, 2016 at, I list some of the benefits of using songs to teach grammar that I’ve observed in my own classroom.) Adjectives in the Song “True Colors”Adverb Clauses in the Song “Baby, I’m Yours”Comparisons with LikeFeel LikeGerunds as Objects of PrepositionsGerund or Infinitive after begin, start, continue, like, love, hate, can’t standGet to Do SomethingGotta: Informal Spoken English for Got ToInfinitives as AdjectivesI’ve Got It and I’ve Got ‘EmMust Have + Past ParticipleNoun ClausesParticipial PhrasesReflexive PronounsShould Have + Past ParticipleThird Person Singular: Mistakes in the Song “Memories” by Maroon 5Used to + a Verb in the Simple FormUsed to vs.
The Reader
This EFL lesson plan is designed around a moving short film commissioned by Bells and directed by Greg Gray. In the lesson students write a narrative, watch a short film and discuss literacy strategies. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: All ages Time: 90 minutes
Extr@ – Learn English with videos
A cool TV series, a funny sitcom, and an English course, all wrapped in one single package to make Extr@, the perfect way of learning natural English having fun.SEE THE OTHER EPISODES HERE !Do extr@ activities hereAnnie and Bridget share a flat. Their next-door neighbour Nick is a disorganized, humorous macho fellow. Bridget's Argentinean penpal, Hector, comes to London to visit her. His limited command of English serves as the central dynamic for the language learning content of the series. His trying to get to grips with the daily English is highly amusing (and enlightening).You do not need a tutor.
The Image Hollywood Created of Africa
After viewing Mama Hope's video, "Alex Presents Commando," Gabriel, Benard, Brian and Derrik (the Kenyan men in this video) told us they wanted to make one that pokes fun at the way African men are portrayed in Hollywood films. They said, "If people believed only what they saw in movies, they would think we are all warlords who love violence." They, like Mama Hope, are tired of the over-sensationalized, one-dimensional depictions of African men and the white savior messaging that permeates our media. They wanted to tell their own stories instead, so we handed them the mic and they made this video. We started this series so you could begin to reimagine Africa.
Best Short Films By Country
Vertical Menu with CSS3 The best short movies by country or continent. Watch the best shorts from USA, Europe, India, Asia, Canada, Australia, South America and Africa! Pixels by Patrick Jean (2010) (France) (2m) * Though set in New York, Pixels is an example of the best from Europe and France.
Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English
► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above
The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein) –[Multimedia-English videos]
A story about unconditional love. Read from the original book by Shel Silverstein. THE BOY WOULD COME= The boy used to come. USED TO can express a habit or a state (a situation), but WOULD can only express a habit- I used to get up at 8 o’clock, but now I get up later = I would get up at 8 o’clock, but now I get up later.- That house used to look very old, but now they have repaired it. (a state. We can’t say: “that house would look very old”)
Short-Sequence ESL movie lessons
Jump to: -Describe Story and Character -Present, Past, and Future (speaking/writing) -Movie Karaoke -Paraphrasing Kraoke -Rewrite the Script -Jigsaw -Guess the Dialogue -Guess the Vocabulary -Movie Vocabulary List -Action Cards -Cloze Encounters -Word-for-Word Dictation -Blind Summary -Hear-the-Word Bingo -Change the Ending -Grammar Focus Big Things in Small Packages
Mexican doodles
I never had a class that didn’t ask if I wear a kilt when I am in my country. I wonder if Mexican teachers working away from home get asked the same thing about sombreros. This is a silly game that I remember from my childhood.