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The History of English in 10 Minutes

The History of English in 10 Minutes
Related:  EnglishBig Bag

Use six different tenses in English | Games to learn English Students often learn just one piece of grammar in a lesson. Most of them master that day’s subject and move on to the next. But, when the time for revision comes, they often don’t remember what they’ve learnt. For example, two weeks ago my class encountered an exercise in which several tenses were revised. First, they demanded that I re-explain the grammar and then they seemed really confused about what form they should use. ADVERT: That was why I decided to stop there and prepare several exercises and a clear mind map. The second infographic is much more detailed. Now that your students understand the grammar, they have to use it as soon as possible. If you cannot do the exercise online, you can try the following paper version of the quiz. six tenses worksheet You can find more exercises to practise different tenses at Five Tenses and Five Tenses additional exercises.

Oxford - Who Killed Marilyn Spencer? - Guy Weston 107 Regional Slang Words - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 25) London Short Fiction: Mud Man Continuing our series of short fiction set in, or influenced by London. This week’s story by Melaina Barnes is the winner of our competition with the British Academy’s Literature Week to find a new modern fairy tale for London. To explore the Literature Week programme — running 11-17 May — and register for events visit the British Academy’s website. Out he comes, dredged from the canal. Clive has a fitful night with dreams of icy water and miring weeds. The next day, his wife leaves early. Clive takes a sip of tea. Clive wakes from a doze and tells himself he’s been dreaming. Clive lies fully dressed on top of the bed and watches TV. His wife chops onions. Clive’s wife arranges for him to see a counsellor. Londonist is proud to be media partner to the British Academy’s Literature Week. Copyright, Melaina Barnes, image by Ekaterina Nosenko in the Londonist Flickr pool. We’re still after your stories, which you should send to Fairy tales For children/by children Fantasy

700 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns Watch 4,000+ movies free online. Includes clas­sics, indies, film noir, doc­u­men­taries and oth­er films, cre­at­ed by some of our great­est actors, actress­es and direc­tors. The col­lec­tion is divid­ed into the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Com­e­dy & Dra­ma; Film Noir, Hor­ror & Hitch­cock; West­erns (many with John Wayne); Mar­tial Arts Movies; Silent Films; Doc­u­men­taries, and Ani­ma­tion. Free Comedy & Dramas 125 Kore­an Fea­ture Films — Free — The Kore­an Film Archive has put on YouTube over 100 Kore­an fea­ture films, includ­ing Im Kwon-taek’s Sopy­on­je and Hong Sang­soo’s The Day the Pig Fell Into a Well. A bonan­za for fans of Kore­an film.70 Movies in HD from Famed Russ­ian Stu­dio Mos­film — Free — Includes films by Tarkovsky, Eisen­stein and Kuro­sawa. collective:unconscious — Free — Five indie film­mak­ers adapt each oth­er’s dreams for the screen. Free Hitchcock, Noir, Horror & Thriller Films Free Kung Fu & Martial Arts Films

Video Lesson: Mr. Bean Follow me on twitter This is a video lesson based around the video “Mr. Bean packs his suitcase” thanks to British Council for bringing it to my attention in their lesson plan on making predictions but I’ve adapted it for use in different ways with different levels. Kids and lower levels The aim of this lesson plan is to practice holiday vocabulary (clothes and items that go in a suitcase) and some basic grammar structure. Project a picture of a suitcase on to the board (or draw one) and ask “What do you put in your suitcase when you go on holiday?” toothbrushtoothpasteswimming shorts/trunkstowelunderpantscan of baked beanscloth/flannelsoapbooksuitcasetrousersshortsshoesteddy bearscissors You could also use this quizlet set to go over clothes vocabulary. If children are old enough to write, put them in pairs and hand out post-it-notes and a pencil to each pair. Mr. in his suitcase. Then stick all the post-its on the board and show the video. Higher levels – video dictations Objects: Verbs:

William Shakespeare born - Apr 23, 1564 According to tradition, the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23, 1564. It is impossible to be certain the exact day on which he was born, but church records show that he was baptized on April 26, and three days was a customary amount of time to wait before baptizing a newborn. Shakespeare’s date of death is conclusively known, however: it was April 23, 1616. He was 52 years old and had retired to Stratford three years before. Although few plays have been performed or analyzed as extensively as the 38 plays ascribed to William Shakespeare, there are few surviving details about the playwright’s life. This dearth of biographical information is due primarily to his station in life; he was not a noble, but the son of John Shakespeare, a leather trader and the town bailiff. He probably attended the grammar school in Stratford, where he would have studied Latin and read classical literature.

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Fun, light, concise and quite accurate.
Excellent warm-up. by liviasegurado Apr 24
