We live in a world where we have to hide to make... - StumbleUpon
Bodhisattva Quotes "At night I dream that you and I are two plants that grew together, roots entwined and that you know..." follow me → Newer Older <div id="about_container" style="display:block;border-top: 1px #000000 dashed;"><a name="me"></a><p class="avatar"><img alt="Bodhisattva Quotes"src=" /></p><p><script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Field Notes Theme.
Buddhism Facts - Interesting Facts on Buddhism - Buddhism Religion Fact
This write up on Buddhism facts contains information on some interesting facts on Buddhism religion facts. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion of the world. Founded by Gautam Buddha, it is a path of spiritual development that helps a person in finding the true nature of life. Buddhism emphasizes on experiencing, rather than teaching or learning. It considers meditation as the means to enlightenment and is based on a number of principles. The followers of Buddhism do not worship any God and follow the noble eightfold path to lead a meaningful existence.
Buddhism and the Brain & SEEDMAGAZINE.COM - StumbleUpon
Credit: Flickr user eschipul Over the last few decades many Buddhists and quite a few neuroscientists have examined Buddhism and neuroscience, with both groups reporting overlap. I’m sorry to say I have been privately dismissive. One hears this sort of thing all the time, from any religion, and I was sure in this case it would break down upon closer scrutiny.