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Git Cheat Sheet — GitHub Guides — GitHub

Git Cheat Sheet — GitHub Guides — GitHub

Git - SVN Crash Course Welcome to the Git version control system! Here we will briefly introduce you to Git usage based on your current Subversion knowledge. You will need the latest Git installed; There is also a potentially useful tutorial in the Git documentation. This page is not maintained anymore! How to Read Me In those small tables, at the left we always list the Git commands for the task, while at the right the corresponding Subversion commands you would use for the job are listed. Before running any command the first time, it's recommended that you at least quickly skim through its manual page. Things You Should Know There are couple important concepts it is good to know when starting with Git. Repositories. Commiting For the first introduction, let's make your project tracked by Git and see how we get around to do daily development in it. Now your tree is officially tracked by Git. That's it. Git embeds special information in the diffs about adds, removals and mode changes: Browsing Merging Going Remote

Git et LDAP en entreprise Le gain apporté par les gestionnaires de configuration distribués n’est plus à démontrer . Dans ce domaine, les projets libres montrent la voie, et en utilisent presque tous un, que ce soit Git , Mercurial , etc. Cela fait maintenant quelques temps que je teste Git , y compris au travail en interface avec SVN , notre gestionnaire de configuration d’entreprise. Pour aller plus loin dans cette utilisation, il fallait envisager de remplacer (ou de doubler) le serveur SVN central par un repository Git central (« « ). La contrainte imposée par mon administrateur système préféré étant d’avoir le même système de gestion des droits d’accès, centralisé sur notre serveur LDAP (où chaque projet est associé à un groupe d’utilisateurs). Voici différentes pistes que nous avons envisagées pour ce faire : Utiliser un hébergement dédié Une première solution est d’externaliser l’hébergement des sources des projets (sur GitHub par exemple). Ces deux outils sont basés sur le même principe : Droits du système

GitHub Pages An Easy Way to Increase Creativity Creativity is commonly thought of as a personality trait that resides within the individual. We count on creative people to produce the songs, movies, and books we love; to invent the new gadgets that can change our lives; and to discover the new scientific theories and philosophies that can change the way we view the world. Over the past several years, however, social psychologists have discovered that creativity is not only a characteristic of the individual, but may also change depending on the situation and context. The question, of course, is what those situations are: what makes us more creative at times and less creative at others? One answer is psychological distance. According to the construal level theory (CLT) of psychological distance, anything that we do not experience as occurring now, here, and to ourselves falls into the “psychologically distant” category. Why does psychological distance increase creativity? A prisoner was attempting to escape from a tower.

Git Magic Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. As Arthur C. Clarke observed, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This is a great way to approach Git: newbies can ignore its inner workings and view Git as a gizmo that can amaze friends and infuriate enemies with its wondrous abilities. Rather than go into details, we provide rough instructions for particular effects. I’m humbled that so many people have worked on translations of these pages. Dustin Sallings, Alberto Bertogli, James Cameron, Douglas Livingstone, Michael Budde, Richard Albury, Tarmigan, Derek Mahar, Frode Aannevik, Keith Rarick, Andy Somerville, Ralf Recker, Øyvind A. François Marier maintains the Debian package originally created by Daniel Baumann. John Hinnegan bought the domain. My gratitude goes to many others for your support and praise. $ git log

Git dans la pratique Nous avons déjà parlé de Git sur ce blog, sur la notion de DVCS, sur son utilisation pour réaliser un build incassable, et sur ces formidables outils de merge que sont les DVCS. Mais qu’en est-il des « Git va vous sauver la vie », « Git c’est trop cool, comment je faisais avant ? » ou des « Git c’est trop compliqué, j’comprends rien, pourquoi on n’utilise pas Subversion ? Après quelques mois d’utilisation de Git dans un projet avec une dizaine de développeurs, la plupart ne connaissant Git que de nom et ayant tous une bonne connaissance de Subversion, chacune des citations précédentes deviennent plus claires : Oui, Git c’est compliqué si l’on veut profiter de tout son potentiel et même parfois pour faire ce que l’on faisait avec d’autres outils de gestion de version,Et oui, Git offre des fonctionnalités et une flexibilité qui peuvent améliorer votre quotidien de développeur. Oui, Git c’est compliqué L’index L’index est une zone qui permet de préparer un commit. Un point sur git reset

Github is my resume I remember the first time I heard that statement - a couple years back Eric Florenzano said it to me on Twitter when I posted my resume publicly and asked for opinions. At the time I laughed at his statement, because it felt like naive arrogance to ditch the idea of a resume and 'traditional' social networking like Facebook and LinkedIn. How wrong I was... Before I go any further, this isn't to say that education, job history, and references aren't important in getting jobs that utilize a lot of Python. They are important, but I think they go more towards shaping you as a person than getting a job. So if you want access to Python jobs (and possibly other open source languages), you need to be able to show working code. Python employers want to review your code in a public repo. That puts the pressure on you doesn't it? Python employers are smart enough to read your commit log. So as a beginner, what can you do? One good trick is to put your ongoing notes in a repo. Github, not LinkedIn

RFC: Simple Internet Question Asking Protocol (for human beings) | mFabrik - mobile sites, apps, HTML5 and CMS software development This is my attempt version 0.1 to teach the world how one should ask questions in the simplest possible way in Internet discussion. To make it simple, I try to keep this short. This post sprouts from my frustration from the lack of people’s ability to form questions one could easily answer. 1. If you want to ask a question in forum, IRC (chat) or mailing list Assume people are busyAssume that people want to help you, even though they are busy, since they volunteer to participate the community discussion and thus they must care about the community To make it win-win situation, you as the question maker, are responsible of making the process of asking the question and answering the question as easy as possible. The less time it takes to undestand your situation the more likely people are willing to contribute their time. 2. Thus, I propose that you always follow the simple three steps when asking a question Then wait patiently for the answer (the busy part). 3. Do not ask yes / no questions.

GitFaq - GitWiki What is Git? Git is a distributed version control system developed by Junio Hamano and Linus Torvalds. Git does not use a centralized server. Git runs on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Darwin, Windows, Android and other operating systems. Why the 'Git' name? Quoting Linus: "I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. ('git' is British slang for "pig headed, think they are always correct, argumentative"). Alternatively, in Linus' own words as the inventor of Git: "git" can mean anything, depending on your mood: Random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not actually used by any common UNIX command. How do I report a bug in Git? Bug reports can be sent to the Git mailing list: Please put "[BUG]" in the subject line. What's the difference between fetch and pull? The short definition is: Fetch: Download (new) objects and a head from another repository. Pull: Fetch (as defined above), and then merge what was downloaded with the current development. No.

ptitfred/magrit - GitHub Computer Tricks The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. How to become a real computer Geek? Little known to most, there are many benefits to being a computer geek. You may get the answer here: The Meaning of Technical Acronyms 1. 2. If you rolled your eyes here, that is a good thing. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

gitster's journal - Fun with keeping local changes around 09:49 am - Fun with keeping local changes aroundIn an earlier entry, I covered how to complete a merge that failed with conflicts, but as an introduction to the entry, briefly mentioned that there are cases merge refuses to even start in order to protect your local changes. This entry is about such safety. Linus often performs patch applications and merges in a dirty work tree with a clean index. A dirty work tree is where you have changes that are not added to the index.A work tree that is not dirty is a clean work tree. A dirty index is where you have changes already added to it (in other words, "git diff --cached" will report some changes).A clean index matches the HEAD. The changes typically are to the Makefile where he already has incremented the version number for the next release (lest he forget) and to the source files he recently sent out "How about doing it this way" feeler patches for (to eat his own dog food). $ git pull error: Entry 'hello.c' would be overwritten by merge.

