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Song Around The World

Song Around The World

Related:  Mind and Soft Heart

When Donald Trump's words scared this Muslim girl, these Army vets responded perfectly. When Melissa Chance Yassini came home from work on Dec. 8, she found her daughter Sofia in tears. Melissa Chance Yassini and her daughter Sofia. Photo by Melissa Chance Yassini/Facebook. I am sorry I am sorry You died last night. You were hit by a car at Howard & 7th in San Francisco when you were riding your bike through the intersection. I was a passenger in the orange prius. We saw the SUV hit you, and speed off. We screamed ‘No! Artist Who Lost A Friend Creates A Comic Tribute That’ll Inspire You To Drop Everything And Start Living Ever feel trapped by life? Ever wanted to quit your job, sell your car, and hit the open road with nothing but what you can carry on your back? Well as you can see from this inspiring comic tribute, the late Patrick Joseph Falterman II did just that. Patrick, who ran a website called, recently died after the plane he was piloting crashed in Liberty County, Texas. He was only 26-years-old but he managed to fit more into his short time than most people do in a lifetime. A friend of his, an artist named Cale behind a website called Things in Squares, decided to create a comic about Patrick to honor his adventurous spirit and positive outlook on life.

31 Quotes That Will Give You Chills I think quotes have a powerful way of conveying an attitude to you which sometimes resonates so much that you feel ‘chills’ inside. Here’s a list of the quotes which have given me the most of these “chills”. Enjoy! Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75. —Benjamin FranklinMost people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions. The Secret Life of Trees: The Astonishing Science of What Trees Feel and How They Communicate Trees dominate the world’s the oldest living organisms. Since the dawn of our species, they have been our silent companions, permeating our most enduring tales and never ceasing to inspire fantastical cosmogonies. Hermann Hesse called them “the most penetrating of preachers.” A forgotten seventeenth-century English gardener wrote of how they “speak to the mind, and tell us many things, and teach us many good lessons.” But trees might be among our lushest metaphors and sensemaking frameworks for knowledge precisely because the richness of what they say is more than metaphorical — they speak a sophisticated silent language, communicating complex information via smell, taste, and electrical impulses.

Sweet Photos of His Sons (2 x) In early 2015, Phillip Haumesser’s wife Natasha gave him a simple request. She wanted him to take more pictures of their children. After all, the two kids were growing up fast—before you know it, they’d be graduating high school. Haircut Prank by Black and White Friends Proves Kids Don't See Color Photo via: Wave 3 News When it was time for Jax, a fun-loving 5-year-old, to get his haircut, he knew exactly what style he wanted—and why. “He said that he wanted his head shaved really short so he could look like his friend Reddy,” Lydia Stith Rosebush, little Jax’s mother, wrote in a Facebook post. “He said he couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday with his hair like Reddy’s so that his teacher wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.” When devising his adorable plan, Jax didn’t seem to take into account one obvious physical dissimilarity between Reddy and himself: their skin color. Jax, who is white, and Reddy, who is black, attend preschool together in Kentucky.

Brooklyn Youth Chorus: Teens Speak Up By Singing Out The Brooklyn Youth Chorus performs Silent Voices, a multi-composer work that addresses social concerns articulated by the young singers themselves. Julienne Schaer/Courtesy of the artist hide caption toggle caption Julienne Schaer/Courtesy of the artist The Brooklyn Youth Chorus performs Silent Voices, a multi-composer work that addresses social concerns articulated by the young singers themselves.

Every day, man plants trees in same spot. 37 years later, his masterpiece takes our breath away The young teenager Jadav “Molai” Payeng decided to help nature out a little bit and started planting trees over thirty years ago. He planted the seeds next to a very and deserted sandbar closely to his birthplace in the Assam region, India. Jadav wanted to create a habitat for wildlife and oppose people who were cutting trees down. Jadav later decided that he would dedicate his life to building his own forest and planting trees. Watch Marvel Director Taika Waititi’s clever new anti-racism PSA. Human Rights Commission (New Zealand) “You may not be in a position to give much to racism, but whatever you feel comfortable giving will make a huge difference,” the director of the upcoming reassures his countrymen and –women. “You don’t have to be a full-on racist—just being a tiny bit racist is enough!”

11 Fascinating Facts About ‘Goodnight Moon’ Goodnight Moon, a deceptively simple children’s book that falls somewhere between a going-to-sleep narrative and a lullaby, will turn 68 later this year—and yet it remains one of the most universal cultural references even all these decades later. Here are a few things you might not have known about Margaret Wise Brown's sparse classic. 1. Goodnight Moon's style reflects real childhood semantics. Cry, Heart, But Never Break: A Remarkable Illustrated Meditation on Loss and Life “Each day, we wake slightly altered, and the person we were yesterday is dead,” John Updike wrote, “so why … be afraid of death, when death comes all the time?” Half a millennium earlier, Montaigne posed the same question somewhat differently in his magnificent meditation on death and the art of living: “To lament that we shall not be alive a hundred years hence, is the same folly as to be sorry we were not alive a hundred years ago.” Yet mortality continues to petrify us — our own, and perhaps even more so that of our loved ones. And if the adult consciousness is so thoroughly unsettled by the notion of death, despite intellectually recognizing it as a necessary and inevitable part of life, how is the child consciousness to settle into comprehension and comfort?
