Steampunk magazine - putting the punk back into steampunk
Now that we have a fresh pot of tea we are once again entering Madeline Foxtrot’s No Torque Zone is The Airship Ambassador, Kevin Steil. Kevin was nice enough to tell me a little bit about what he does and his completely incorrect view of Steampunk. You can see the first part of my interview here. I figured since we know about what you do we should also ask a little bit more personal questions. So I must ask Kevin… is there a Misses Ambassador? KS: Oh, Madeline!
$25 Head-Mounted Display « Jake of All Trades
So it’s 2007: shouldn’t there be more cyborgs? Well, for a mere $25.00 (or less), you can be one big step closer to being one yourself. How so, you ask?
Steam Punk - Television Tropes & Idioms - Iceweasel
"Imagine it... The Victorian Age accelerated. Starships and missiles, fueled by coal and driven by steam.
13 Alternative Search Engines That Find What Google Can’t
Advertisement R.I.P Google. What would be your first reaction if you saw this? Scared, because your life is completely enslaved to Google. Or, hopeful because this suggests that something better has already arrived? Well, no one is chipping on that digital tombstone yet.
The Traveler's Steampunk Blog - Iceweasel
Posted By Traveler on 16. Juni 2010 Who would have thought it… Another facet of Steampunk is making moves to assert itself.
Search: steampunk
We have written about a couple of Steampunk gadgets before. These were the Steampunk Nerf Maverick Gun and a Steampunk Furnace Mouse. Both look cool and this next one is no exception. I have to admit that it’s not something I would ever wear to a party, but it is still quite cool to see.
The 10 Most Dangerous Places to be a Woman in America
July 5, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Lately, the preferred strategy for reproductive rights opponents in the United States seems to be: if you can’t beat Roe v.
Steampunk and perfumes
I´ve thought a lot about steampunk lately. Before I start hanging out on Etsy I din´t even know there was such a thing. Or, I know that there was without knowing that it had a name. I am probably pretty much dated, but I´m after all more than 40 years old and living in a small town, what else could you expect? well, for those of you as lost as I am, I can try to explain what steampunk is. It´s a litterary genre relative to science fiction but not taking place in outer space or the future.
Disney Princess Zodiac
by Jamie Frevele | 2:27 pm, November 19th, 2011 What’s your sign? Who is your favorite Disney princess? Hey, maybe they’re the same! Maybe not! Either way, we found a lovely Tumblr (called Blahlalala Blog Blargh) with 12 Disney heroines as astrological signs.