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The Drinks Every Man Should Know

The Drinks Every Man Should Know

True Facts #1 - StumbleUpon Facts - interesting, provocative, well-seasoned One out of ten children in Europe are conceived on an IKEA bed. Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles or snakes. How to Create an Awesome Summer Reading List Here's my one bit of advice on the subject — summer is for reading stuff you *want* to read, not stuff you *have* to, or stuff you feel like you *need* to. I review books for my web site, and I can't say that I ever enjoy them enough to carry them to the beach, you know what I mean? That's a job. And then at times I'll get into an "I'm too unproductive" mood and suddenly feel like my free time has to be spent learning important things, so I'll go read business books and self help books and other things that I feel like I'm reading because of some specific benefit I need to achieve. But when I hit the beach it's going to be stuff like Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on my Kindle. I will gain nothing from the experience other than whether I liked it or did not.

Turning Lymph Nodes Into Liver-Growing Factories For people suffering from advanced liver disease, the prognosis is bleak. In many patients, such as those with cirrhosis, the liver becomes so clogged with scar tissue that healthy cells are choked off, preventing it from fulfilling its role of filtering toxins. The only cure is a liver transplant. Caramelized Chicken with Jalapeno Cream Want to know how to make one heck of a delicious chicken dish? Good. Because I was going to tell you anyway. 7 Videogame Cocktail Recipes From The Drunken Moogle See more videogame recipes at The Drunken Moogle. And submit your own drink recipe to the Dorkly Facebook page for consideration! Metroid (Metroid Cocktail) Ingredients:1/2 shot Bacardi Big Apple Rum1/2 shot Coconut Rum1/2 glass Kiwi Strawberry Minute Maid (or Kool-Aid)A little less than 1/2 a glass Sprite3 Strawberries Directions: Shake the two rums and Kiwi Strawberry Minute Maid and pour into a lowball glass. Add the Sprite for a bit of flavor and carbonation. Drop in three strawberries as a garnish.

Videos Smosh Video about 8 hours ago Ian and Anthony want to have adventures like Finn on Adventure Time, so they head out and FIND adventure on their own. Saving princesses and challenging villains looks so easy in the cartoon! The 10 Best Foods for Your Looks - Lifestyle You can slather yourself from your forehead to your pinkie toe in organic lotions, but if you think that alone will make you glow, we have some bad news. From its well documented health benefits to its undeniable impact on physical beauty, good nutrition is the pillar of every kind of healthy lifestyle. That doesn't mean you need to swear off bacon and beer or anything. The trick is finding the right balance. But with new studies coming out every month about what we should put in our mouths—not to mention the unending discovery of mysterious superfruits from deep in the forests of wherever—it can be hard to keep track of what, exactly, we should be eating.

"Dark Flow" Discovered at Edge of the Universe: Hundreds of Millions of Stars Racing Towards a Cosmic Hotspot The unexplained motion has hundreds of millions of stars dashing towards a certain part of the sky at over eight hundred kilometers per second. Not much speed in cosmic terms, but the preferred direction certainly is: most cosmological models have things moving in all directions equally at the extreme edges of the universe. Something that could make things aim for a specific spot on such a massive scale hasn't been imagined before. The scientists are keeping to the proven astrophysical strategy of calling anything they don't understand "dark", terming the odd motion a "dark flow". A black hole can't explain the observations - objects would accelerate into the hole, while the NASA scientists see constant motion over a vast expanse of a billion light-years. You have no idea how big that is.

How Sweet It Is - StumbleUpon Me again. Here to convince you that you need yet another trendy, insanely-flavored bottle of booze. I do what I can. I know what you’re thinking. “Does marshmallow vodka really taste that different from that whipped cream vodka you already insisted that I buy? Watermelonade Recipe at - StumbleUpon photo by Roland Bello yield Makes 1 gallon (serves 16) active time 30 min total time 30 min You would be hard-pressed to find something more refreshing than watermelon. This cooler is easy to make, beautiful to behold, and not too sweet.

Badass of the Week: Anthony Omari - StumbleUpon Anthony Omari Late on the night of January 23, 2012, a 24 year-old Kenyan uber-hero named Anthony Omari awoke to find three gigantic dudes with machetes standing over his bed. He knew right away that they weren't there to sell Girl Scout cookies or ask him for a jumping mid-air high-five. Omari is the custodian of Faraja Children's Home in Ngong, Kenya – a sanctuary of healing and love that over the past several years has grown from a tin-roofed one-room shack in the slums of Nairobi into a decent-sized facility that has taken in 37 boys and girls who have been abandoned or orphaned from the street. A place of hope and peace for children who have tragically slipped through the cracks of Kenyan society. Omari's mother, known to her charges only as "Momma", runs the Home, and, ever the diligent son, Anthony lives at the facility and helps his mom make sure that the children are provided for with a warm bed, a hot meal, a primary school education, and medical attention when they need it.

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