Dimensions on drawings - Cabinet Oblique and Cavalier Oblique. Drawing guides - Radius and radii dimensioning - Positioning of dimensions on Engineering and technical drawings for high school students at KS3, KS4 and KS5 - Design & Technology On The Web -
‘Cabinet Oblique’ In Cabinet oblique the scale (depth) is halved whilst in Cavalier oblique the depth scale is the same as in the X and Y directions. One remaining drawing conventions is Oblique drawing – In this convention the angles used are 45 degrees and 90 degrees. The only difference between the two named styles is in the scale of the dimension going away from the viewer. This first example is Cavalier Oblique and shows the full scale (1:1) in the axis This drawing (shown to the left) is symmetric about the horizontal centre-line.
Controllable Power Outlet
In this tutorial we will discuss a small relay board to control the power to a normal AC outlet using 5VDC control. All the usual warnings apply: Main voltage (120VAC or 220VAC) can kill you. This project, done incorrectly, could certainly burn down your house. Have your pet spayed or neutered. Shampoo is better. Do not work on or solder to any part of a project while it is plugged into the wall - just unplug it!
AutoCAD Tutorials for free, 2012 2013 Lessons, Videos - a Complete Course
If you do not have a copy of AutoCAD, you can download a 30 day evaluation copy from Autodesk. Follow this link, or go directly to their website. You will be downloading AutoCAD 2014 and it will work fine with these tutorials. You can also try other CAD programs like ZWCAD, which are less expensive alternatives. Here are complete lessons divided into 4 levels of learning.
(Power Switching devices for Arduino) Left-Right: A "relay electronic brick", a 4-relay board, an 8-relay board, a 4-Power-FET "brick" Having your Arduino control higher-power devices like lights, motors, pumps, doors, and many more is one of the most interesting and useful applications you may get involved with. But it can be a little difficult and possibly dangerous when power line voltages are being controlled. There are significant differences in controlling AC power compared to DC.
Isometric Drawing. 
Isometric drawing is another way of presenting designs/drawings in three dimensions. The example opposite has been drawn with a 30 degree set square. Designs are always drawn at 30 degrees in isometric projection. 1. Draw two basic 30 degree guidelines, one to the left and one to the right, plus a vertical guideline in the centre of the drawing. In this example three edges of the cube have been drawn over the guidelines (they are slightly darker)
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Using Relays with Arduino – Turning on the Lights
Warning!!! This project deals with AC electricity which is dangerous if you don’t know how to treat it safely. You must treat electricity with caution. There are many books and websites about electrical safety procedures and if you’re not sure how to be safe you should read that information. The most basic advice I can give is always assume any exposed wires are live and touching them will hurt a lot at best and kill at worst.
PowerSwitch Tail II
A power cord that switches 120vac power directly from a microcontroller I/O pin (3-12vdc, 3-30ma) "The easiest way to control an AC device with an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone or any other DIY controller." *** Either unit can be field rewired for normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) operation. Soldering required
KMtronic LTD: RS485 Serial controlled Eight Channel Relay Board - 12V
Home :: RS485 :: RS485 8 Channel Relay Controller, 12VDC, RS485 BUS ID: 01, Relays: 1-8 Features: - ID: 01 - Relays from 1 to 8 - Can be connected up to 32 to one PC COM Port (NOTE: if you need to connect more relay boards to one RS485 BUS - all boards must have different ID number) The complete includes: - One RS485 to 8 Digitally Outputs controller (12V) - One 12VDC RELAY board (12V) - 10PIN flat cable approximate 5cm length Required power: 12VDC / minimum 400 mA.
MOC / TRIAC + Ardunio
I used a MOC3011 and a Q4015 TRIAC to use my Arduino to blink a few Christmas light strands. I did this a few months ago, yet never posted it here... The MOC is a optoisolator in a way, as it seperates the arduino from the high voltage 110v circuit. It is also used because the arduino doesn't have the power to directly drive the TRIAC.
Played with it a little when I found it, but am using icircuit from the apple app store on my ipad. icircuit seems to work well and helps debug analog ccts. I have also tried icircuit with 74 TTL counters 74161 cascaded and it worked very well. Impressive. I find that some web based apps slow down my computer crash, usually java goes awry. Perhaps it's time to get a newer computer. by oldsirhippy Feb 20