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European Union Agency

European Union Agency
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DGs - Migration and Home Affairs - What we do - Policies - European Agenda on Migration Why a new European Agenda on Migration? The EU’s external borders have increasingly been the scene of human tragedies to which the EU, together with its Member States, must take immediate action. At the same time, migration needs to be better managed in all its aspects; through this new Agenda, the EU aims at providing its Member States with tools to do so in the medium as well as long term. Migration management is a shared responsibility, not only among EU Member States, but also vis-à-vis non-EU countries of transit and origin of migrants. By combining both internal and external policies, the Agenda provides a new, comprehensive approach grounded in mutual trust and solidarity among EU Member States and institutions. The European Agenda on Migration responds to the priorities identified in the Political Guidelines of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. What are the short term priorities of the European Agenda on Migration?

Danida: Analyse af migration og flygtningebevægelser til Europa 2016/03 A cookie is a small text file, which is placed on your computer or other devices. It makes it possible for us to recognize your computer and gather information about which pages and functions are visited with your computer. Cookies contain only anonymous information. Cookies are used by most websites and are in many cases essential for the website to work properly. Cookies on this website We use cookies on this website for various purposes related to functionality, web analysis and marketing. You can read more about the cookies we use under the three tabs. No to cookies If you wish to decline the use of cookies now or in the future, you can change the permission in your browser settings. Read more about how you control cookies in your browser on What happens if I say no to cookies? If you choose to decline cookies in your browser, your device will not be tracked when you browse the internet. Why inform about cookies?

Chosen: A jQuery Plugin by Harvest to Tame Unwieldy Select Boxes Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. Downloads Project Source Contribute Standard Select Turns This Into This Multiple Select <optgroup> Support Single Select with Groups Multiple Select with Groups Selected and Disabled Support Chosen automatically highlights selected options and removes disabled options. Single Select Multiple Select Hide Search on Single Select The disable_search_threshold option can be specified to hide the search input on single selects if there are n or fewer options. Default Text Support Chosen automatically sets the default field text ("Choose a country...") by reading the select element's data-placeholder value. Note: on single selects, the first element is assumed to be selected by the browser. No Results Text Support Setting the "No results" search text is as easy as passing an option when you create Chosen: Limit Selected Options in Multiselect You can easily limit how many options the user can select: Right-to-Left Support

Fonds pour les frontières extérieures (2007-2013) La présente décision détermine les objectifs du Fonds pour les frontières extérieures (ci-après dénommé «Fonds»), les règles relatives à sa gestion, son enveloppe financière et les critères de répartition de celle-ci. Objectifs du Fonds Le Fonds poursuit quatre objectifs: Actions éligibles Peuvent être financées par le Fonds, soit des actions d’envergure nationale, soit des actions de dimension transnationale ou à l’échelle de l’Union («actions de l’Union»). Concernant les actions nationales, peuvent bénéficier du Fonds celles qui visent: les infrastructures de surveillance des frontières extérieures et celles situées aux points de passage frontaliers; les équipements de surveillance; les moyens de transport; les investissements liés aux technologies de pointe; l’échange et la formation du personnel; les équipements et les systèmes d’échange d’information; les études et les projets pilotes relatifs à l’application de meilleures pratiques. Principes d’action du Fonds Comité et révision Contexte

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Stats and Summaries U.S. Customs and Border Protection Snapshot - March 2016 The CBP Snapshot provides a general overview of CBP leadership, mission sets, basic statistics and more. CBP Border Security Report Fiscal Year 2015 This report summarizes CBP’s fiscal year 2015 border enforcement efforts, which reflect CBP’s focus on transparency and building partnerships to secure a 21st Century border against a variety of threats and adversaries. Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children Beginning last year and specifically in the last few months, CBP has seen an overall increase in the apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children from Central America at the Southwest Border, specifically in the Rio Grande Valley. CBP Use Of Force This report summarizes CBP’s Use of Force statistics, which reflect CBP’s focus on transparency and continued efforts to adapt to the evolving nature of our border environment. Web Performance Metrics

Migration Policy Institute Que veut l'Allemagne ? - Jan-Werner Mueller Exit from comment view mode. Click to hide this space PRINCETON - A présent, chacun sait que l'Allemagne mène le jeu non seulement dans la zone euro, mais dans l'ensemble de l'Europe. A l'intérieur de l'Allemagne, d'interminables débats ont eu lieu sur l'identité allemande - ce qu'un historien a appelé « le différend continuel sur ce qu'être Allemand peut vouloir dire ». Mais en termes de politique étrangère, l'Allemagne de l'Ouest d'après-guerre - et plus tard, l'Allemagne réunifiée - a été totalement prévisible : jamais contre l'Ouest, toujours plus d'Europe. Maintenant, la « République de Berlin » est très sûre de son identité - et est apparemment déboussolée dans ses relations avec le monde. Il existe des raisons structurelles à ce changement. Contrairement aux craintes de beaucoup de ces pays voisins en 1990 (et contrairement à ce que désormais de nombreux analystes prétendent), la République de Berlin n'est pas plus nationaliste que l'ancienne Allemagne de l'Ouest.

Unauthorized Immigrant Population Profiles Learn about the estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States. Where do they live? When did they arrive in the United States, and from which origin countries? What are their levels of education, top industries of employment, incomes, parental and marital status, health care coverage, and more? Hover over a state for data, and for dark teal states, click on state for detailed profile County Profiles To access detailed data profiles for the 117 counties in the United States with the largest unauthorized populations, click on the state of interest below to display individual profiles. Acknowledgments & Methodology This data tool is based on a methodology that imputes unauthorized status using U.S.

Migration Watch UK | MW48 : A summary history of immigration to Britain 1. Introduction 1.1 There have always been episodes of migration to Britain but, as this paper demonstrates, those episodes were small and demographically insignificant until the Second World War. 2. 2.1. 3. 3.1. 4. 4.1. 5. 5.1. 6. 6.1. 7. 7.1. 8. 8.1. 9. 9.1. 10. 10.1. 11. 11.1. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 13. 13.1. 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 15. 15.1. 15.2. 16. 16.1.

Pourquoi Barroso doit partir Par Sylvie Goulard, eurodéputée, membre du Modem et de l'Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates pour l'Europe. La crise des dettes souveraines est en train de devenir une crise de confiance dans l'Europe. Les gouvernements européens ont beau dépenser des milliards pour assister les Etats défaillants, la situation s'aggrave. Et elle s'aggravera encore s'ils s'obstinent à nier que l'euro est venu couronner des décennies de construction communautaire fondée sur des institutions originales. Au lieu de se replier sur les nations, nos dirigeants devraient oser miser enfin sur ce qui nous unit ; il faut redonner à la Commission un président fort, s'appuyer sur le Parlement européen, fixer un horizon commun. Depuis 1950, la Commission européenne incarne l'unité. Nul ne peut non plus croire, en 2011, que des sociétés avides d'interactivité vont accepter que le Conseil européen fasse à huis clos des choix économiques et sociaux majeurs.

International migration: a recent history There is considerable interest in the impact of migration on the UK population, economy and society. Part of a series of UK Perspectives providing an overview of key aspects of the nation over the last three decades, this article presents some key statistics on flows of long-term migrants into and out of the UK, and the impact of migration on the UK population. 1. UK net migration has been positive every year since 1994 Net migration is the difference between the number of long-term immigrants coming to the UK and the number of long-term emigrants leaving the UK, and contributes to population change. Long-term international migration into the UK, 1980 to 2013 download the data for this chart Net migration was at a relatively low level during the 1980s and early 1990s. During the 2000s, net migration increased further, partly as a result of immigration of citizens from the countries that have joined the EU since 2004. 2. download the data for this chart 3. download the data for this chart 4.

Asylum figures The national figures on asylum The Federal Office publishes data updated on a monthly basis concerning developments in the asylum applications filed in Germany, on the ten countries of origin with the highest number of applicants arriving, as well as on the decisions made by the Federal Office concerning the asylum applications, and statistical data on transfer requests that have been filed in the Dublin Procedure. The statistics also provide information on how the data have developed in comparison to previous years. In accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) NO 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics on migration and international protection, the Federal Office is the national data supplier for the European Commission (Eurostat) in the field of asylum statistics. Developments in the numbers of asylum applications Differences between national and European asylum statistics At the moment these statistics are only available in German.
