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Qu'est-ce que l'identité numérique ?

Qu'est-ce que l'identité numérique ?

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Why a hyper-personalized Web is bad for you (Q&A) | Geek Gestalt We all like having things tailored to our specific needs and interests. But Eli Pariser thinks we should beware of the substantial risks inherent in the increasing personalization of the Internet. Better known (so far) as the executive director of the progressive political action committee, Eli Pariser is making noise these days as the author of "The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You." His new book, which was released yesterday, argues that the latest tools being implemented by the likes of Google and Facebook for making our Internet experiences as individual as possible are taking us down some very unsavory paths. First, of course, Pariser explains the dynamic we all face online today: that no two people's Web searches, even on the same topics, return the same results.

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