Pointerpointer.com by Moniker
Related: aexarahi
Ten Formal Complaints in Six Months
Apparently after receiving three, you are meant to have some kind of formal meeting between the parties involved but this never happened. According to the rules, if there are five complaints, an external mediator has to be bought in. This didn't happen either and I was quite disappointed.
Clever Ads Billboard
Here is a series of brilliant billboard ads dedicated to promoting science in Vancouver, by Science World Museum in collaboration with Rethink Canada… World museum – Rethink Canada
The Beauty Of Cinemagraph GIFs
Developed in 2011 by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg, cinemagraphs are GIF images that combine still photography and video to produce a stunning effect. Typically, the entire GIF is motionless except for one or two elements, providing a brilliant juxtaposition between the motion and the motionless. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve collected 43 beautiful cinemagraph GIFs:
DIY Tooth Whitener
Are you a soda/coffee/tea drinker who’s looking for a quick and easy way to brighten up those used-to-be pearly whites? Look no further—we have a do-it-yourself recipe that can help! The magical ingredient in this DIY beauty blend is strawberry. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove tooth discoloration.
10 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less
It usually takes us much longer to change our moods than we’d like it to take. Here are ten things you can do in ten minutes or less that will have a positive emotional effect on you and those you love. . See it online at Oprah.com . This is a deeply moving segment that may be the best ten minutes you've ever invested in front of a computer.
Mykonos Panormos Villas + Fun News!
Minnesota is getting slammed with yet another winter storm (so much for my melting snow!) so I'm really needing this virtual escape today! Overlooking beautiful Panormos Bay on the Greek island of Mykonos is a private community of 11 luxurious homes called the Mykonos Panormos Villas.
Interesting, Weird, and Fun Facts
If only I had known this in high school, I could have used it as an excuse not to study. Stephen Hawking, delivering his famous lecture “Life in the Universe” in 1996, explained how we are entering into a new age of evolution and why intelligence may not be an evolutionary advantage to humans. Hawking explains how biological evolution began very slowly through natural selection of random mutations. What he calls the “Darwinian phase” of evolution took approximately 3.5 billion years of slow and steady progress.
Vinegar & Water Are All You Need for Super Shiny Hair
Used Matches = Killer Smoky Eyes iVillage “Find a matchbook, then light and blow out a match,” advises Nadine Jolie of Nadine Jolie. After it's cooled, “the charcoal tip makes an excellent kohl eyeliner and creates a smoky look everyone will think came courtesy of a department store product.”