node.js - Debuggable Ltd
Posted on 24/9/09 by Felix Geisendörfer What happens if you take an insanely fast JavaScript engine and build an asynchronous I/O library around it? You get node.js, an up and coming project that brings you bloat-free server-side JavaScript. This enables you to write any kind of "backend" service with just a few lines of JavaScript. This code creates a new http server and tells it to listen on port 8000. However, during those 2 seconds the server will continue to accept new connections. Here is another chart from a req/sec benchmark among various server-side JS libs: Now you may think this is all very nice and stuff, but what do you actually need it for? Trying out node.js requires you to have a Linux/Unix machine but it's pretty much as simple as downloading the code and running: . The documentation is pretty excellent and there are lots of friendly people on the mailing list to help if you have any problems. I'd love to hear your thoughts on node.js and any questions you might have.
Useful Node.js Tools, Tutorials And Resources
Advertisement Created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js is a relatively new technology which has gained a lot of popularity among Web developers recently. However, not everyone knows what it really is. Node.js is essentially a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. What this means is simple: it’s an environment which is intended for writing scalable, high performance network applications. It’s like Ruby’s Event Machine or Python’s Twisted, but it takes the event model a bit further—it presents the event loop as a language construct instead of as a library. And that’s not all: what’s really great about Node.js is the thousands of modules available for any purpose, as well as the vibrant community behind this young project. Useful Node.js Tools Socket.IO Socket.IO is a cross-browser Web socket that aims to make real-time apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the distinctions between the various transport mechanisms. Related Posts
Curso de Introducción a node.js
Curso de Introducción a node.js diciembre.19 Archivo de videos Descargar MP3s Luego del éxito del curso de Introducción a HTML5 el jueves 15 dimos un curso de introducción a node.js en vivo. Alrededor de 2000 personas en simultáneo disfrutaron del programa y tuvieron la oportunidad de adentrarse y aprender más del interesante mundo de node.js. Antes y después del programa @cvander estuvo compartiendo interesantes lecturas para sumergirnos en el mundo node.js de lleno: La expectativa y la repercusión del curso se hicieron notar a través de tweets que puedes ver en el storify del Resumen de la Introducción a node.js, así como los comentarios en la fanpage de #mejorandola en facebook. Entra con Twitter Entra con Facebook 14 Comentarios hola / enero.29 blabla Matts / enero.04 Aca hay una referencia muy completa de javascript: Esta en ingles pero es muy tecnico y sencillo de entender. Bumiga / enero.04 luli / diciembre.28 cdr / diciembre.21 Doctore
The Changelog
If you hadn’t heard, JSON API is a format for building awesome APIs on top of JSON. You can see other posts tagged with JSON API here. Recently, a new project related to JSON API was released: Fortune.js. Fortune.js, a web framework for prototyping rich hypermedia APIs, allows you to rapidly prototype the server side of any JSON API api. Check it out: This will give you all the proper routes and format the responses in the right way to conform with the spec. If you didn’t guess, fortune.js makes heavy use of Node, so you can get it from npm: $ npm install fortune I am super pumped about projects like this, because it shows off the great benefits of standardizing around a type like JSON API.
How to write your own native Node.js extension - Olivier Lalonde's blog
UPDATE: There is now a Node.js addon for loading and calling dynamic libraries using pure JavaScript: node-ffi. Also, node-waf is no longer being used to compile Node.js extensions. TRANSLATIONS: This post was translated to Chinese: Introduction This is a follow up to How to roll out your own Javascript API with V8. We will now port the code we have written for V8 to Node.js and package it for npm. The full source code of this tutorial is available from github: git clone You can also install it through npm: npm install notify The code was tested on Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit and Node.js v0.5.0-pre. Getting started First let’s create a node-notify folder and with the following directory structure. This fine looking tree was generated with the tree utility. Now let’s create our test script demo.js and decide upfront what our extension’s API should look like: Writing our Node.js extension
El Libro para Principiantes en Node.js» Un tutorial completo de node.js
Sobre el Tutorial El objetivo de este documento es ayudarte a empezar con el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Node.js, enseñándote todo lo que necesites saber acerca de JavaScript "avanzado" sobre la marcha. Este tutorial va mucho más allá del típico manual "Hola Mundo". Status Estás leyendo la versión final de este libro, es decir, las actualizaciones solo serán hechas para corregir errores o para reflejar cambiar en nuevas versiones de Node.js. Las muestras de código de este libro están probadas para funcionar con la versión 0.6.11 de Node.js. Audiencia Objetivo Este documento probablemente será mejor entendido por los lectores que tengan un trasfondo similar al mío: Programadores experimentados en al menos un lenguaje orientado al objeto, como Ruby, Python, PHP o Java; poca experiencia con JavaScript, y ninguna experiencia en Node.js. Estructura de este documento Empezaremos por mirar cómo el desarrollo en JavaScript en Node.js es diferente del desarrollo en JavaScript en un browser. Ok.
Node.js on Android
I mainly use node.js since one year ago at work, and I really like it. On my work project, I have to create a system which uses, but I don't have enough time to re-create a system using Android Java. But I finally figure out how to run node.js on Android. * This is really advanced topic, so I don't aim for Android beginners. 1. First of all, you have to obtain root permission of your Android. 2. Debian kit for Android is really awesome tool. Debian kit for An Instr $> cd /data/local/tmp $> wget $> sh debian-* ... ... 3. Before install node.js, you also need couple of debain packages. #> apt-get install openssl build-essential python libssl-dev git-core To install node.js for Debian, you might need to compile node.js from source code. If your Android uses ARM architecture, you might be get couple of errors. #> . Congratulation!
Como instalar Node.js en MS Windows 7 #nodejs | Node.js Hispano
Para instalar Node.js simplemente debemos descargar el paquete msi desde node-v0.6.2.msi Windows installer, con esto simplemente seguimos las indicaciones. Instalación de Node.js en Windows - Damos el permiso necesario Instalación de Node.js en Windows - MSI Instalación de Node.js en Windows - Completa Una ves que finaliza la instalación lo cual no toma mas de un minuto reiniciamos nuestro equipo y ejecutamos un consola en la cual verificamos la versión que acabamos de instalar. Instalación de Node.js en Windows - CMD
Cross-compile node.js on ARM - the WigWag devblog.
3/5/13 –> We don’t have time to post updates right now, but if you need a working script for node 0.8 using an ARM toolchain, see example Gist here Note: the information was current as of node 0.7.0 top of tree, from circa Jan 21, 2012. So modify as necessary. There are three major steps/challenges in getting node.js to compile on ARM We need to get V8 to compile on your target arch. Look at our previous article.Need to get all the node.js other dependencies to use the right toolchain.Make sure we tell node’s dependencies where the libs and includes are for your cross-environment. We are going to assume that you have successfully got V8 compiling for your hardware. Understanding the node.js build process. As of 0.6.x, node.js uses gyp (Generate Your Projects) from the Chromium project. node is configured using a python script, configure, in the root of the source. configure has an option for cross compile, –dest-cpu=ARCH where it says arm, ia32 and x64 are valid architectures. and