Is drought a side effect of Southwest warming? The 50 years ending in 2000 were the Southwest's warmest for at least 600 years, underscoring studies showing that human-caused climate change is heating up the region. But the area's climate experts can't say the area's continued drought is also due to long-term climate change. While the Southwest suffered its worst drought from 2000 to 2010 since at least 1900, several much longer and more severe "megadroughts" lasting up to 60 years occurred between the years 100 and about 1600. These are conclusions of the first Southwest Climate Assessment, a document prepared by more than 100 researchers around the West and released in summary form this week. The assessment is a regional version of global climate reports issued regularly by the International Panel on Climate Change, a group established by the United Nations. Despite uncertainty about the current drought's causes, the new climate report predicts that climate change will push the region into more severe droughts in this century.
Climate Change and Global Warming Author and Page information by Anup ShahThis Page Last Updated Monday, February 02, 2015 Global warming and climate change is looked at in this section of the global issues web site. 32 articles on “Climate Change and Global Warming” and 1 related issue: Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction Last updated Sunday, February 01, 2015. The climate is changing. Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. This section looks at what causes climate change, what the impacts are and where scientific consensus currently is. Read “Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction” to learn more. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Last updated Saturday, December 25, 2004. The world mostly agrees that something needs to be done about global warming and climate change. Read “UN Framework Convention on Climate Change” to learn more. Reactions to Climate Change Negotiations and Action Last updated Monday, March 05, 2012. Posted Monday, February 02, 2015.
Rural and Remote Health Journal - View Article Personal View Diabetes on the Navajo nation: what role can gardening and agriculture extension play to reduce it? Citation: Lombard KA, Forster-Cox S, Smeal D, O'Neill MK. Diabetes has emerged as a serious health problem in the Navajo nation, the largest Indigenous tribe in the US. Key words: diabetes, diet, fruit and vegetable, gardening, Indigenous health, Native American health, Navajo, nutrition, semi-arid agriculture. Introduction Diabetes and the Navajo The Navajo nation, with over 250 000 members1, is the largest federally recognized tribe within the USA, encompassing nearly 70 000 km2 within parts of three states: Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah (Fig 1). Figure 1: Map of the Navajo nation (not to scale). Type-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes and the associated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk are on the increase in the USA. The rise in diabetes among the Navajo is also correlated with socio-economic status and the lack of services in remote areas of the reservation. Public Health
Global Warming Made 2018 Temps Historically Hot Global temperatures in 2018 were the fourth warmest on record, US government scientists have confirmed, adding to a stretch of five years that are now collectively the hottest period since modern measurements began. The world in 2018 was 1.5F (0.83C) warmer than the average set between 1951 and 1980, said Nasa and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa). This means 2018’s average global temperatures were the fourth warmest since 1880, placing it behind 2016, 2017 and 2015. This follows a broader pattern of human-induced climate change, which is boosting increasingly punishing heatwaves, sea level rises and extreme weather. There was disastrous flooding in India, a huge typhoon in the Philippines and deadly wildfires in Greece and Sweden. “2018 is yet again an extremely warm year on top of a long-term global warming trend,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Tom Harris Teaches Heartland Institute Fake Science to Students « Global Warming: Man or Myth? A science watchdog has released a report slamming a course taught at Carleton University (Canada) over what they call “biased and inaccurate” claims concerning climate change. The course “Climate Change: An Earth Sciences Perspective”, taught by Tom Harris for two years, is the subject of a 98-page report written by the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism (CASS). The report constitutes a blow-by-blow response citing extensively from the scientific literature to rebut 142 erroneous and fully-quoted claims. On auditing the course, CASS discovered that key messages for students contradict accepted scientific opinion. These messages include: denying that current climate change has an anthropogenic cause; dismissing the problems that carbon dioxide emissions cause because CO2 is plant food; denying the existence of the scientific consensus on the causes of climate change; and claiming that we should prepare instead for global cooling. Texas farmer who lost his livelihood
Evidence of human role in global warming hits strongest statistical benchmark: study OSLO, Feb 25 (Reuters) – Evidence for man-made global warming has reached a “gold standard” level of certainty, adding pressure for cuts in greenhouse gases to limit rising temperatures, scientists said on Monday. “Humanity cannot afford to ignore such clear signals,” the U.S.-led team wrote in the journal Nature Climate Change of satellite measurements of rising temperatures over the past 40 years. They said confidence that human activities were raising the heat at the Earth’s surface had reached a “five-sigma” level, a statistical gauge meaning there is only a one-in-a-million chance that the signal would appear if there was no warming. READ MORE: Security experts say climate change threatens to spark conflicts around the world Such a “gold standard” was applied in 2012, for instance, to confirm the discovery of the Higgs boson subatomic particle, a basic building block of the universe. U.S. READ MORE: Trump just hinted that cold weather disproves global warming. Satellite data
GIS Dixon Spatial Consulting The Effects of Global Warming Global warming is expected to have far-reaching, long-lasting and, in many cases, devastating consequences for planet Earth. For some years, global warming, the gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere, was a topic of heated debate in the scientific community. Today, the overwhelming consensus of researchers is that global warming is real and is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A major report released Sept. 27, 2013, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that scientists are more certain than ever of the link between human activities and global warming. More than 197 international scientific organizations agree that global warming is real and has been caused by human action. Additionally, global warming is having a measurable effect on the planet right now, in a variety of ways. Here is an in-depth look at these changes and more.
US Drought Monitor Global Warming Facts, Causes and Effects of Climate Change Q: What causes global warming? A: Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity is the largest source of heat-trapping pollution, producing about two billion tons of CO2 every year. Curbing dangerous climate change requires very deep cuts in emissions, as well as the use of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide. Q: Is the earth really getting hotter? A: Yes. Climate change deniers have argued that there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but several recent studies, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science, have disproved this claim. Q: Why should I care? A: No.
Water Resources | Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States 2009 Report Key Messages: Climate change has already altered, and will continue to alter, the water cycle, affecting where, when, and how much water is available for all uses. Floods and droughts are likelyat least two-thirds chance of occurring to become more common and more intense as regional and seasonal precipitation patterns change, and rainfall becomes more concentrated into heavy events (with longer, hotter dry periods in between). Precipitation and runoff are likelyat least two-thirds chance of occurring to increase in the Northeast and Midwest in winter and spring, and decrease in the West, especially the Southwest, in spring and summer. Changes in the water cycle, which are consistent with the warming observed over the past several decades, include: For the future, marked regional differences are projected, with increases in annual precipitation, runoff, and soil moisture in much of the Midwest and Northeast, and declines in much of the West, especially the Southwest. Water Cycle Changes
Impacts of global warming and climate change What does a 0.76°C temperature rise mean? More hot days More severe storms, floods, droughts and fire Higher sea levels This small temperature rise could threaten human health, lives, industries and jobs. Global warming threatens agricultural production, fresh water supplies and the survival of native species and ecosystems. This small temperature rise also means we can expect: More hurricanes and cyclones in the Caribbean, the United States and Burma More extensive droughts in eastern Africa, Australia, southern Europe and parts of China and India More devastating floods like those in Pakistan (in 2010), Brazil and Australia (in 2011), and other parts of the world The impacts of a warming world are concerning enough when considered one by one, but the view worsens when you consider them collectively. Climate change is the world’s greatest threat. Global warming has emerged as the single greatest threat to Australia’s biodiversity.