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New Project

New Project (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Your email address is used to create a unique identifier for your account when you sign up. It is also used to inform you of important updates relating to Fluid UI and your account. Your password (encrypted), IP address, and sign in history are saved to allow you sign in from different locations and to be able to ensure the security of your account. Third party services providers Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service: Google Google Analytics is used to anonymously track who is visiting our site, how long they are staying and where they are coming from in order to allow us to improve how we sell the Fluid UI service.

Tal Raviv — Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous I love engineering, and not just because I’m a nerd. The best part of engineering isn’t the technical details or the particular science behind it, rather, it’s the opportunity to solve an unfairly hard problem in a way no one has before. The harder the problem the more exciting it is. As a chemical-turned-software engineer, I can say the thrill is the same. Vim, you complete me Ever watch someone else type at a shell, spelling out every filename, even making typos and fixing them, very slowly? "Hit tab!", you yell, helpfully. I do that when watching someone use vim.

The Data Visualization Beginner’s Toolkit #2: Visualization Tools (Note: if you are new to this series, the DVBTK doesn’t teach you how to do visualization. Rather it is meant to help people find a less chaotic and more effective path towards the acquisition of the necessary skills to become a data visualization pro. To know more, make sure to read the introduction to the series first.) The DVBTK #1 introduced books and study material to make sure you acquire the right knowledge in the right order. Studying is the first step and there’s no level of practice that can substitute for it. That said, it is extremely important to realize that good visualization cannot happen without practice.

OUYA: A New Kind of Video Game Console by OUYA We just added game streaming through OnLive! Final Fantasy will be on OUYA...and we have an exclusive game! And VEVO has agreed to put their music videos on OUYA, XBMC adds a streaming media app, with TuneIn and iHeartRadio adding music! We're honored by all of you who are backing us -- THANK YOU. We are focused on delivering for you, first come first served. Online Wireframe and UI Mockup Tool Extensive Object Library to Create Any Wireframe Whether its a web page, blog layout or an iOS mockup we have objects to match your design. All the objects are grouped into sensible libraries so you can load only the relevant libraries. This makes it very easy to find objects and provides you with a clutter free drawing area. Specially designed objects like web sharing widgets, signup forms, login widgets makes it extremely fast to come up with beautiful looking designs

Smooth Voxel Terrain (Part 2) « 0 FPS Last time we formulated the problem of isosurface extraction and discussed some general approaches at a high level. Today, we’re going to get very specific and look at meshing in particular. For the sake of concreteness, let us suppose that we have approximated our potential field by sampling it onto a cubical grid at some fixed resolution. Teaching my 5 year old daughter to code… So I decided to try and teach my 5 year old daughter some basic logical thinking and development principals. My little girl's shown a keen interest in what I do for a job amongst other things recently. She's a great reader and writer for her age and so I started looking around for a simple scripting language or similar that I could teacher her. Now the thing to remember about kids is this, no matter how smart they are they all have the attention span of a gnat! 3 seconds max, if it's not interesting then they're not interested, period! This limited my scope significantly.

15-Year-Old Maker Astronomically Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test Maryland young maker Jack Andraka isn’t old enough to drive yet, but he’s just pioneered a new, improved test for diagnosing pancreatic cancer that is 90% accurate, 400 times more sensitive, and 26,000 times less expensive than existing methods. Andraka had gotten interested in pancreatic cancer, and knew that early detection is a challenge. He gleaned information on the topic from his “good friend Google,” and began his research. Yes, he even got in trouble in his science class for reading articles on carbon nanotubes instead of doing his classwork.

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