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Internships Internships The UNOG Internship Programme is intended for students: - enrolled in an advanced degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or equivalent, or higher) at the time of application; - or enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor's level or equivalent); - graduated with a university degree (as defined above) and, if selected, must commence the internship either prior to graduation, or within a one year period of graduation. Internships are intended to promote a better understanding of international problems among participants and to provide them with an insight into the work of the United Nations. Interns are not paid. The acquisition of the necessary visas, travel costs and arrangements and living accommodation are the responsibility of the interns or their sponsoring institutions.

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Junior Experts in Delegation Programme Updated: 15.01.2013 A new traineeship programme Following the announced phasing out of the Junior Experts in Delegation (JED) programme by the end of 2012, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (High Representative) and the European Commission (Commission) decided to establish a successor regime from 2013 to continue to attract highly qualified junior professionals from Member States in the European Union Delegations (Delegations). A Joint Decision [190 KB] . of the Commission and the High Representative establishing a High Level Traineeship Programme in the Delegations of the European Union and the Rules Governing this Programme in Partnership with the Member States of the European Union (EU) was adopted on 12.06.2012. [102 KB] which was adopted on 06.07.2012.

Internship Programme Application procedures for United Nations Headquarters Internships in New York Eligible candidates interested in participating in an internship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York can apply by visiting the United Nations Career Portal: All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online well before the deadlines stated in the Internship Job Openings.
