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Journal of Technology Education

Journal of Technology Education

Exploring Ed Tech @ the Bi-Co Arctic Microbes Sleep for 100 Million Years Heat-loving bugs at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean may spend a hundred million years waiting for things to warm up, according to a new study. Casey Hubert of Newcastle University in the United Kingdom and a team of researchers analyzed bacteria populations in sediment samples from the arctic sea floor. As they surmised, microbes became very productive as samples were heated to a balmy 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit). Then something surprising happened: as the samples were heated further, bacterial activity spiked again at 55 degrees C (131 degrees F). In other words, the bugs were flourishing in temperatures far beyond anything they'd see in the frigid confines of the Arctic Ocean. So what's going on? Hubert's theory…proposes that rising currents thrust some cells out of their deep hot niche and into the cold Arctic seawater, where they lie dormant. Image: Cyanobacteria, iStock

Les TIC et l'éducation dans le monde: tendances, enjeux et perspectives; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:77; 2003 Resource Articles | Health and Wellness | Vanderbilt University Addiction Chemical dependency is a treatable, potentially fatal and progressive illness that impacts millions of Americans. Some people have believed the fallacy that controlling drinking (or drugging) is all a matter of will power for the addict. Adding Swimming To Your Fitness Routine Learn the many benefits of swimming and how to get started! Addressing Cancer: Resources for Employees & Supervisors All of us have been impacted by cancer. Adoption Adoption is one of the most unselfish acts a birth parent can make for a child when the birth parents, for whatever reasons, are unable to raise the child themselves. Anger in the Workplace As human beings, we are each subject to a range of emotions from elation to rage. Anger Management Most of us have times when we feel frustrated, irritable, or grouchy. Animal Allergies There are many animals that may cause an animal care worker to develop an allergic reaction, especially if the worker is sensitive to animal allergens. Anxiety Ask the Dietitian

MIT World | Distributed Intelligence Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me to write a comic about Tesla. Ben's also got a book out which is packed full of awesome. There's an old movie from the 80s on Netflix Instant Queue right now about Tesla: The Secret of Nikola Tesla. Stratégies pédagogiques Stratégies pédagogiques Apprentissage mobile Lorsqu'on voit des jeunes avec un mobile ou un smartphone, on pense qu'ils passent leur temps à jouer, écouter de la musique, envoyer des SMS ou téléphoner. Ce n'est pas une fatalité. Désormais, les jeunes ont la possibilité d'apprendre partout, à tout moment, tout ce qu'ils veulent et mettre ainsi à profit les temps d'attente. Apprentissage par résolution de problème (ARP) Ce guide fournit une description des objectifs de chacune des huit étapes de l'ARP, de la démarche souhaitée des étudiants, du rôle du tuteur comme « facilitateur » dans le processus d'analyse du problème, du fonctionnement du groupe ainsi que de deux variantes: l'atelier de raisonnement clinique (ARC) et l'étude de cas guidée (ECG). Common Cartridge Compétice Outil d’accompagnement pour déterminer et gérer les compétences des acteurs des projets éducatifs intégrant des nouvelles technologies (cours en ligne, campus numérique, e-formation, télécollaboration, etc.).

Human Resources Articles for HR Professionals These HR articles will give you the news and information you need to stay up to date in the ever changing HR industry. February 13, 2015 – 814 views Michael Mercer, Ph.D. You sometimes will find it useful to consider an applicant’s appearance or looks when you make hiring decisions. July 15, 2014 – 1,275 views Mel Kleiman - Humetrics Yes, desperation can lead to hiring mistakes, but, more often, desperation guarantees mistakes will be made. June 27, 2014 – 4,752 views HR Resource Although infrequent, there are times when an employer makes an overpayment to an employee. June 27, 2014 – 1,235 views Intermittent FMLA is one more challenge added to the professional plate of human resource managers. June 20, 2014 – 1,109 views Jeffrey A. June 4, 2014 – 1,057 views When it comes to managing employee absences – whether for vacation, sick leave or personal days – every organization faces the delicate balance between what is best for its employees and for the company. June 3, 2014 – 1,090 views

Richland Parish School Board Flip Video Basics Out of the box and into your hands Get your camera and get started Flip Video Spotlight Camcorder Basics Review: Pure Digital Technologies Flip Video Camera Flip Promo Video Shots, Moves, Tips and Techniques for a Great Video Flip Video Spotlight Shooting Tips Keep it steady Pan slowly Use digital zoom sparingly; physically moving is better Use a tripod when available Microphone is on the camera, stay close to main sound source Be conscious of background noise Keep sunlight at the shooter's back; avoid backlight Use more than one artificial light source Classroom Application 40 Interesting Ways to use your Pocket Video Camera in the Classroom by Tom Barrett Movie Making in the Classroom Ideas for Use in Education Math in middle school. Mr. Video in the Classroom

Interesting Halloween Facts Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays celebrated by both adults and children on October 31st every year. It’s a time when miracles are possible and all disbelief is suspended. It’s a day for celebration, for magic, for funny tricks, for scary stories and for family. Here are some Halloween fascinating facts which might be new for you. Educate yourself with Halloween trivia facts to get pleasure from the holidays much more. The origins of Halloween Halloween is one of the oldest holidays in the world, its origins are dating back over 2000 years to the time of the Celts who lived in Britain. The Halloween custom originated in the ancient times from Celts belief that the border between this world and “the Otherworld” becomes thin on All Hallows Eve. The word “Halloween” means All Hallows Eve which was originally a pagan holiday in which they honored the dead. The word “witch” comes from the Old Saxon word “wica” and means “wise one.” Facts about Halloween Pumpkins

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Five Skills for 21st Century Learners Certainly a valid question, but difficult to give a concise answer. After rambling a bit about “educational maturity” and using a few educational buzz words, I moved on to the next question. However, after giving this considerable thought, I have arrived at a five-point skill set that I would like to see our students develop during their experience at the Virtual Learning and Leadership Academy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This is certainly not intended to be a conclusive list – there are many other skills that are important for 21st century learners.
