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20+ Home Science Projects for Kids
52.6k Shares Here are 20+ awesome and FUN Home Science Projects for Kids! These have ALL been tried and tested by ourselves and our kids – we hope you will enjoy them all as much as we have! Learn How Plants Absorb Water – a FUN way for kids to witness how plants absorb water and nutrients!DIY Lava Lamp Experiment – this was so much bubbly FUN!Make your own Magic Aqua Sand!
Summer Fun: Ecosystem Edition
This is not my idea, but I know a good one when I see it, and I had to tuck this away to do this summer with the kids. Some kids at one of our schools did something similar for a science project, and then my friend Michelle, over at Scribbit, detailed the project when she did it with her children up in Alaska. That being said, so that I take no credit whatsoever, this is a really, really cool thing to do with your kids, young and old. Even my sixteen year old daughter was completely engaged for the hours we spent. First, here's what you need for each one: 3 clear 2-liter (empty) soda bottles
NASA Kids' Club
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Fossil Energy: Squeezing Oil Out of Rock
Imagine trying to force oil through a rock. Can't be done, you say? Actually, it can. In fact, oil droplets can squeeze through the tiny pores of underground rock on their own, pushed by the tremendous pressures that exist deep beneath the surface. How does this happen? Imagine a balloon, blown up to its fullest.
Mauritius Oil Spill Cleaning 2020 - MV WAKASHIO
(French Version Below) As we are now facing the worst-case scenario in regard to the shipwreck of the MV WAKASHIO, Eco-Sud a local NGO will be collecting funds for all expenses linked to the cleaning and protection of the lagoon during this crisis. As we are still in the early stages of the oil spill, the funds collected will also potentially be used for the post-crisis expenses such as: - Monitoring the impact of the oil spill on the marine life.- Potential research and studies of the marine life affected by the oil spill.- Fund conservation projects.- Any legal actions that might be considered as well. All expenditures and activities will be reported in full transparency. Note: is offering its platform and service free of charge as a gesture of support toward this ecological disaster.
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