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How to Make Magnesium Oil to Improve Sleep and Reduce Stress

How to Make Magnesium Oil to Improve Sleep and Reduce Stress
I’ve written before about how I use magnesium daily and why I feel it is such a vital part of overall wellness . Many people are deficient in this vital mineral that the body uses for hundreds of reactions. Every cell in the body needs magnesium in some way, and it is vital for bone, tooth, muscle and joint health as well as for optimal sleep and stress reduction. Deficiency of magnesium is widespread because many of us have lifestyle factors that actively deplete magnesium such as lack of sleep, excess stress, or alcohol/caffeine/sugar consumption. On top of that, many natural sources of magnesium are becoming depleted (such as the soil due to over-farming and high pesticide use) and water filtration systems remove much of the naturally occurring magnesium in water. I take magnesium internally and use it on my skin daily in the form of magnesium oil . What you need: What to do: Boil the distilled water. Stir well until completely dissolved. To Use: Spray on arms, legs and stomach daily. Related:  Alternative Medicine

Make Your Own All-Natural Sleep Aid “Nothing cures insomnia likethe realization that it’s time to get up.”~Author Unknown I am fairly confident that most of us, at some time in our lives, have experienced trouble sleeping. For some of us sleeplessness can come during times of transition…like when we move into a new home or travel. Then there’s the type of insomnia that carries on for a couple to three weeks and is usually caused by anxiety or stress. On the other hand, it’s chronic insomnia — or poor quality of sleep occurring three or more nights a week for months at a time – which can be a real cause for concern and generally requires an investigation to uncover the root cause of the problem. Tips to Help You Sleep Root causes for insomnia include a variety of medical, physical and lifestyle components. But in the meantime, there are several tips you can follow that may help you sleep better. Create a bedtime routine. Herbs that Help Herbs such as: An All-Natural Sleep Aid And the secret is the Valerian. Ingredients Method 1. 2.

"10000 Times Stronger Killer Of Cancer Than Chemo" - Do Share It: Amazing Video Graviola Tree comes from the deep rainforest jungles along the Amazon. Its various parts, including the leaves, roots, fruit, fruit seeds, and bark, have been used for centuries by medicine men and women and natives of South America to treat asthma, liver problems, arthritis, heart disease. Listed in an internal memo at the National Cancer Institute in 1976, the Graviola tree and its cancer healing powers would be unknown to the American public until the year 2000, after millions of lives had already been lost to cancer and to cancers greatest 'helper', chemotherapy. Over twenty laboratory studies, kept quiet, have shown this tree to be 10,000 times more powerful than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapy. However, unlike Adriamycin which can make you very sick, knock out your hair, and even cause death (in some cases), Graviola does no collateral damage. The first rule of medicine: Do No Harm. Doctors and patients around the USA are now using this product with amazing results.

How To Make Your Own Homemade Pain Relieving Cream Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image – This is a great formula we just discovered for a homemade pain relieving cream. One tip we would definitely suggest is to read the comments on the original article. For those wanting to research this worthy subject in even greater depth – we have also created a couple of pages on the subject of natural pain relief that you might also be interested in, these contain many other suggestions: 10 Herbs For Pain Relief Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen Ok, here is the link to the full pain relieving cream tutorial:

My Dance With Cancer Quick Slippers, Felted Feet. I paused for a day from my steel scarf and my newest cardigan and my current socks... to knit some new slippers. The ones I have been wearing are too big and fall off and slip around (aren't slippers supposed to slip?), and seeing as they were store bought (gasp) I knew I could do better by my feet. I had some Classic Wool left over from my Inukshuk project, and knew it would felt well. I found lots of felted patterns, but most have a high "boot" style, with the ankle covered and my feet get too hot in that style. Slippers: Yarn: 2 balls of Patons Classic Wool (or any feltable worsted weight wool), Worked with 2 str ands held together: in this case, dark grey and light grey. Sew the heel flap to the sides (the 10 st cast off) and sew closed the toe opening (cast on sts). Felt in the washing machine (approx one cycle through the hot wash, but check halfway to make sure). OK, back to the socks and the steel scarf and the new cardigan and the charity finger puppets....

Herbs For Cholesterol Top 10 Herbs For Regulating Cholesterol image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Undoubtedly, if there is one factor you should consider to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, it would be controlling your blood cholesterol levels. Once there is too much cholesterol in the body, the excess accumulates along the arterial walls which eventually narrows them and obstructs the flow of blood to the heart, leading to potential cardiovascular disorders. As there are herbs for almost all kinds of diseases, there are also of course herbs for reducing cholesterol. Garlic Extensive studies have been conducted on garlic for its cholesterol regulating abilities and some studies suggest it can decrease blood cholesterol by a few percentage points. [2] Other researchers found that the more frequent the intake of garlic, the greater the reduction in cholesterol levels. Turmeric Fenugreek Ginger Artichoke Alfalfa Guggul

This Food Contains 100 TIMES More Probiotics than a Supplement This Food Contains 100 TIMES More Probiotics than a Supplement By Dr. Mercola Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is a formally trained Russian neurologist whose child developed autism.As a result of her own research into autism, she ended up developing what might be one of the most profoundly important treatment strategies not just for autism, but for a wide range of neurological-, psychological-, and autoimmune disorders as well.I believe her Gut and Psychology Syndrome, and Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS) Nutritional program is vitally important for MOST people, as the majority of people have such poor gut health due to poor diet and toxic exposures. What is Gut and Physiology Syndrome? In this interview, we discuss how your gut affects your immune system, as there’s profound dynamic interaction between them. “Why is that? How Your Gut Flora Directs Your Immune System “Different reactions can also overlap on top of each other. So what’s the answer? GAPS and Autoimmune Disease More Information

Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities This guide is written for anyone seeking help from federal programs to foster innovative enterprises in agriculture and forestry in the United States. Specifically, the guide addresses program resources in community development; sustainable land management; and value-added and diversified agriculture and forestry. Thus, it can help farmers, entrepreneurs, community developers, conservationists, and many other individuals, as well as private and public organizations, both for-profit and not-for-profit. The guide can also help USDA and other agency employees become aware and take better advantage of the enormous array of federal programs and resources available to their clients in supporting agricultural and forestry innovations. Website design and maintenance as well as distribution of hard copies of this guide are conducted by the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology

Milk Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents Cancer by Mike Barrett Used for nearly 2,000 years as a natural herbal remedy for various ailments, including those related to the liver and kidneys, milk thistle is a highly underrated natural remedy that everyone should know about. The plant is well-known for it’s abilities to promote liver health by strengthening liver cell membranes and helping the organ to flush out toxins, but it seems that it seems that one of it’s amazing beneficial properties is going a bit unrecognized – milk thistle’s ability to fight and prevent cancer. Milk Thistle as a Cancer Remedy, Protects Against Chemo’s Toxic Effects In 2007, research published in Integrative Cancer Therapies reviewed numerous clinical studies suggesting milk thistle’s positive effects on cancer. The University of Maryland Medical Center states: “Early laboratory studies also suggest that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may have anticancer effects. Adding Milk Thistle to the Natural Remedies List Additional Sources Webmd

The Pioneer Woman's Sweet Potato Casserole or is it a Dessert Crisp? You be the judge... It's no secret that I love sweet potatoes. I've seen this casserole recipe in various cookbooks, but it was the Pioneer Woman's blog that finally convinced me to try this recipe. I zeroed in on this sweet potato casserole for two reasons-- it looked simple, and I had lots of pecans (do you say PEE-CANS or PE-KAHNS?). I wondered if my family would miss my Candied Yams (with melted marshmallows on half to appease the grownup kids) , but this year, I wanted to be different. P-Dub always does a great tutorial, but once again-- let me show you how I did it: Technically, these are Garnet Yams. In the meantime, let's make the topping. One cup of pecans, and 1 cup of brown sugar... Chop the pecans-- fine, but not too fine (hence, I didn't use the food processor). You need 3/4 of a stick of butter, and 1/2 cup of flour. Roast these babies at 375F for 30-35 minutes, or until fork tender. These are roasted perfectly. Cut them in half and scoop out the "meat". You need two eggs, whisked. Ingredients

Top 10 Home Remedies For Arthritis Top 10 Home Remedies For Arthritis Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Background Photo – Wikimedia (public domain) What is Arthritis? Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the joints. There are over 100 different forms of Arthritis. 10 Home Made Remedies That Offer Arthritis Sufferers Relief 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Note: We also have another 2 pagea related to this arthritis – Top 10 Herbs For Arthritis and How To Make Hot Pepper Cream For Arthritis And Joint Pain References [1] “Arthritis.” [2] Chapman, James. [3] Water, Sheryl. [4] Breyer, Melissa. [5] Moss, Margaret. [6] “Cinnamon and Honey.” [7] Rahman, Habibur, Chinna Eswaraiah, and Kamala Vakati. [8] Zhang, Y, et al. [9] “Turmeric (Curcumin).”

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: by Sayer Ji The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree. Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis. Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Remarkably, the researchers also found that pomegranate extract treatment resulted in the following beneficial effects:

600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image – Jag_cz – We found a simply astonishing page all about Turmeric and had to share! There are several things that are amazing about the page we discovered. Then there is the fact that the mighty turmeric has been in use for over 6000 years, with an incredible safety record. Even more amazing is the way the article weaves a crystal-clear narrative that exposes the farce behind the fact that the modern medical world will perhaps never approve turmeric “officially” for medical use. But most amazing of all, to me, was the comment from the man who states calmly that he is one of the world’s longest survivors of the kidney transplant operation (34 years since the op, the world record is 40 years) and he takes capsules of turmeric (and other herbs) daily. Enjoy! ps.

Milk Thistle Preparations Working with liver issues as often as I do, you can bet I’ve dispensed a lot of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) in my time. And for a long while, I rotated between giving a strong tincture and a strong decoction. I certainly saw results, but was always a bit frustrated by what felt like unlocked potential to me. I’d long suspected the best form of delivery was directly eating the seed, but I’ve had a very difficult time getting client compliance. Over the last year though, I’ve discovered that if you grind the seed fine enough (to a fine powder) that it tastes really nice, especially in smoothies and apple sauce. It’s especially useful for those stabbing liver pains that occur from stress or bad food in people with viral hepatitis. Current dosage I’m working with is 2-3 Tb per day for an adult male of average size. The taste is kind of malty, smooth and a bit oily, actually very yummy if you grind it fine enough to eradicate any grit.
