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Manuel PHP .com - La référence en Cours et Manuels PHP / MYSQL / HTML en francais, forums, scripts

Manuel PHP .com - La référence en Cours et Manuels PHP / MYSQL / HTML en francais, forums, scripts vous propose un certain nombre de solutions pour rentabiliser votre site ! En effet, nous avons décidé de vous proposer différentes solutions proposées par des prestataires professionnels afin de vous permettre de rentabiliser votre site internet. Que vous soyer un particulier novice ou un professionnel expert, ces solutions sont parfaitement adaptées pour vous. Pour chaque prestataire, de nombreuses informations vous sont proposées comme le seuil de paiement, une note...

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Fonts 15.1 Introduction Setting font properties will be among the most common uses of style sheets. Unfortunately, there exists no well-defined and universally accepted taxonomy for classifying fonts, and terms that apply to one font family may not be appropriate for others. E.g., 'italic' is commonly used to label slanted text, but slanted text may also be labeled as being Oblique, Slanted, Incline, Cursive or Kursiv. Therefore it is not a simple problem to map typical font selection properties to a specific font. 15.2 Font matching algorithm

8 WordPress Plugins for Building a Video Game Site Posted on 26 March, 2009 By Kim Woodbridge For video game week, I listed some themes suitable for gaming sites and places to find free and cheap games. If you want to use WordPress to build a videogame site, there are a number of plugins that can assist you.

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Level Design A plethora of level-design related texts and pieces from my brain. Mapography I’ve made a bunch of maps in my time. Art Assets – best practice guide Scale & Units Set your system and project units for your software to work consistently with Unity e.g. Metric. Working to scale can be important for both lighting and physics simulation;Be aware for example; Max system unit default is inches and Maya is centimetres.Unity has different scaling for FBX and 3D application files on import, check FBX import scale setting in Inspector.If in doubt export a metre cube with your scene to match in Unity.Animation frame rate defaults can be different in packages, is a good idea to set consistently across your pipeline – e.g. 30fps for example. Files & Objects

Smart Fixed Navigation A fixed navigation that allows your users to access the menu at any time while they are experiencing your website. It's smaller than a full-width fixed header, and replaces the back-to-top button with a smarter UX solution. Browser support ie Chrome Firefox Safari Opera 9+ Web pages with a lot of content require a quick way for the user to get back to the top, where the navigation is (most of the time). How to draw a head: master the 8 most common angles Learning how to draw a head is no easy feat. But as a story artist – or any aspiring artist – you should be able to draw characters from any angle, so mastering this skill is vital. While there are an almost infinite number of angles to choose from, there are some that come up regularly in the visual storytelling process. This short lesson will cover what these angles are, and break down how to draw a head from those angles – so grab your best pencils and follow along. The head is an incredibly complex structure. I’m not smart enough to process all that complexity at the same time, so I try to break it down into a couple simple shapes, which, for heads, is (1) a sphere for the cranium, and (2) a pyramid for the nose.

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