These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings
At just 22 years old, Italian artist Diego Fazo has developed the skill to create photo-realistic drawings using a simple charcoal pencil. His latest creation, pictured below, has drawn hundreds of positive comments on his Deviant Art profile. Don’t tell me you can tell the image below is a drawing and not a high-definition photograph, because I don’t buy it. In fact people were so skeptical this incredible piece of art was drawn by hand that young Diego Fazo had to put up some photos of the work in progress just to lay doubts to rest. And looking at his-mind-blowing masterpiece, can you really blame people for questioning it’s hand-drawn? Like other talented artists who started their careers on Deviant Art, Diego is a self-taught pencil master whose technique matured with the passing of the years. Scroll down for more of his awesome drawings, and check out his Deviant Art profile, as well. Reddit Stumble
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Gorgeous Hand Drawn Illustrations by Si Scott
Here you have a series of illustrations called “animals” by Si Scott. Every design is hand drawn perfection! You can tell he has an incredible attention to detail. Enjoy!
The Ultimate List of Uses for Old Computers
Are you wondering what to do with that old computer? Well, I will start by skipping the usual… I will not talk about the obvious uses which you probably already know like: “Sell it on eBay”, “Cannibalize it”, “Give it to the Kids”, “Donate it”, “Recycle it” etc. If you wanted to do any of those you wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place, would you? Or other uses that are simply not practical for 99.9% of us… Like building a cluster… That is, if you have more than one old pc, and are prepared to spend more on electricity than what these computers are worth. I am going to give you real no-nonsense uses, which will save you money, make your life easier, and will be plain fun.
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How To Draw
"How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! From simple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we've got you covered. All projects come from and contain pictures for each step so you can start your masterpiece today!
April Art Exhibitions: 10 Must-See Shows This Month (PHOTOS)
Barry McGeeWHAT: Barry McGee WHERE: <a href=" target="_blank">ICA Boston</a> WHEN: April 6 - September 2 WHY: The Bay Area street artist formerly known as "Twist" mixes and matches elements of sign painting, comic book imagery and hobo art in his happy-sad images, which grapple with the dysfunctional realities of urban life. Image: Barry McGee: Untitled (Crawling Man), 1999/2012; house paint on tin galley trays mounted on plywood; 77 1/4 x 68 x 132 in.; private collection. Photo: Tom Powel Imaging.
Pencil drawings by Kate Riley
The British artist Kate Riley (Cath Riley) draws only with a pencil. Her ascetic work evaluated Nike, GQ, M & C Saatchi and The New York Times. Many of the works of Kate are in private collections of British, American and Swiss collectors.
Before and After Special Effects from Various Notable Scenes
Special effects are crazy and if they’re overused, can be off-putting (I’m looking at your Star Wars Episodes 1-3). But used right, and special effects can make a scene and drastically reduce set budgets. Check out these before and after shots of rather notable sets that we stumbled upon, including a pair from everyone’s favorite zombie show, The Walking Dead. Related The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From January 2013 Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month.
Marco Zamora
Marco Zamora was born and currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California. In 2004 he graduated from California Institute of the Arts, with a Bachelor of Fine Art. Using the paintbrush and pen to draw, Marco develops imagery about the urban landscape and the people that inhabit it. Producing a richly complex and experimental image, Marco goes into a neighborhood and shoots a spot, recontectualizing and collaging figures to create each paintings identity.
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