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SocrativeTeacher Age Restrictions. You may only use the Site and Services if you are: (i) at least 13 years of age; or (ii) if you are under 13 years of age, with the consent of your teacher or a legal parent or guardian. By using the Site and Services, you hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age or, if you are under 13 years of age, that you have the consent of your teacher, legal parent, or guardian to use the Site and Services. Verification of Identity. You acknowledge that we may choose, but are not obligated, to make any inquiries, either directly or through third parties, that we deem necessary to validate any user’s registration information, including without limitation engaging third parties to provide identity or other verification services. Teachers and Educators. If you are a teacher or educator, and will use the Socrative Services as an education tool, please read this section carefully. Changes. General Use. Mobile Applications. Registering to Use the Site and Services.

ActionTrack – Team Action Zone ActionTrackadmin2013-11-21T17:11:20+00:00 ActionTrack on täysin uudenlainen paikkatietoja hyödyntävä palvelu, joka tuo digitaalisen kokemuksen mihin tahansa fyysiseen tilaan. TAZ ActionTrack alusta mahdollistaa kenen tahansa luovan paikkatietoa hyödyntäviä aktiviteetteja ilman erityisosaamista. Käyttäjät voivat ladata älypuhelimiinsa aktiviteetteja ilmaisella ActionTrack sovelluksella. Aktiviteetti voi olla esimerkiksi alueopas, opastettu kävely, aarteenmetsästys, markkinointikampanja, reaaliaikainen kilpailu tai interaktiivinen tarina. ActionTrack sopii kaikille kohderyhmille ja lukemattomiin käyttötarkoituksiin. ActionTrackin etuja: Sovelluskohteita Viihde: Team buildingAarteenmetsästys“Amazing races”KilpailutapahtumatKiertokäynnitSeikkailu- ja mysteeripelit Hyöty:OppiminenOpastusMyynnin edistäminenKäyttäjien sitouttaminenUudet ansaintamallitTeematapahtumat Aktiviteettien luominen ActionTrackissä Klikkaa kuvaa nähdäksesi sen suurempana

Socrative Student The Locatify TurfHunt app TurfHunt is a location-based app for Android and iOS which provides a platform for creating and playing competitive treasure hunt games. The games are created in the Creator CMS by players or game facilitators and can be shared with other groups. TurfHunt is perfect for birthday parties and personal use between small groups. TurfHunt is also used as a generic test app for people wanting to test tours and games made in the Locatify Creator CMS prior to upgrading to SmartGuide or a Branded App. TurfHunt treasure hunt games and guides are not suitable for educational or business use. The app shows a map with the players location and a bunch of different challenges located in the area. The games are played solo or as teams as real-time competitive treasure hunts. Games are created in the Creator CMS where an administrator can invite players, change game play settings, publish games and monitor player activity via the game observer tool. Signup Low cost Easy navigation Multilingual Easy to use

TodaysMeet ARIS - Mobile Learning Experiences - Creating educational games on the iPhone
