Launches Code Studio, A Toolset And Curriculum For Teaching Kids Programming
Since its creation,‘s mission has been to get coding into curriculums for students as schools nationwide. Today, the nonprofit group is launching Code Studio, a combined set of tools and curriculum to get students in kindergarten through high school interested in the underlying concepts behind coding through guided lesson plans. Rather than having kids pick up a language like Python or Java (as you would in a college or AP Computer Science class), Code Studio teaches the underlying concepts in programming through the manipulation of blocks of logic that, when stacked together in a particular order, move a character around a scene or draw a shape. The interface works a lot like MIT’s Scratch, though director of product Mona Akmal told me over a Google Hangout that there are a few key difference’s between MIT’s offering and Code Studio, chief among them the use of HTML5 (so it can run in most browsers) and the puzzle-based lesson plans for K-12 students. IMAGE BY
iPad-sovelluksia koodauksen harjoitteluun
Ötökästä luuppiin, eli koodaustunti Hopscotchilla | My
Hopscotch on iPad-sovellus, jonka kanssa voi aloittaa hauskasti ja kevyesti koodaukseen tutustumisen. Ötökästä luuppiin -tunti on suunniteltu kouluikäisille, mutta toimii myös aikuisten ja alle kouluikäisten kanssa. Pienten tehtävien kautta tutustutaan Hopscotchiin ja oivalletaan pari koodauksen perusjuttua. Meidän Ötökkä-tuntiemme opetussuunnitelma on poimittu Hopscotchin amerikkalaisilta kehittäjiltä. Alkuperäinen suunnitelma on perinpohjaisempi ja hitaammin etenevä kuin meidän versiomme. Hopscotchin kieli on englanti, mutta värikoodit auttavat luku- ja kielitaidotonta pysymään mukana. Tehtävä 1. Oivallus: mitään ei tapahdu, ennen kuin on koodattu. Ryhmä avaa Hopscotchin, pääsee valitsemaan oman ötökkänsä, ja rapsuttelu saa alkaa. Kasvattamiskoodin onnistuminen riemastuttaa. Jos ja kun jonkin iPadin ääniasetukset temppuilevat, eikä kutistaminen onnistukaan, kannattaa kokeilla säännön vaihtamista. Tehtävä 2. Oivallus: koodin pitää olla järjestyksessä. Oivallus: satunnaisuus! Tehtävä 3.
ScratchJr: Coding for kindergarten
Can children learn to code at the same age they’re learning to tie their shoes? That’s the idea behind ScratchJr, a free iPad app released this week by researchers at the MIT Media Lab, Tufts University, and Playful Invention Company (PICO). With ScratchJr (, children ages five to seven can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn how to create and express themselves with the computer, not just interact with it. "As young children code with ScratchJr, they develop design and problem-solving skills that are foundational for later academic success," said Marina Umaschi Bers, professor in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development at Tufts, and director of the Tufts’ Development Technologies research group, which co-developed ScratchJr. With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games.
Great Tools and Apps to Teach Students Computer Programming
June 7, 2014 Learning how to write a computer program is a lot like learning a new language. There are nouns, verbs, and sentences. With far fewer words than a spoken language, it may be easier too. A student of languages can pick it up just as quickly as a student of math. To help, here are a set of tools that teach computer programming. KineScript Using the same visual programming metaphor as MIT's Scratch, this app helps students craft animated stories. Targeted for kids, this free desktop app teaches the popular programming language Ruby. Build a simple mobile app using the drag-and-drop code editor of this iPad app. Instead of a cumbersome screen-sharing app, use this free website to share the code you type in real-time. Also inspired by the visual design of MIT's Scratch, this colorful iPad app introduces young students to programming. Resources to teach programming in primary school. Apps to teach everyone from children to adults how to program.
Teaching Coding in Class: 17 Apps to Try
November 17, 2014 Today as I was going through my bookmarks, I come across this excellent visual created by Sean Junkins where he features a bunch of powerful apps to help you teach coding in the classroom. Unfortunately, the visual does not render legible enough when turned into large infographic. So instead, I am sharing with you the apps featured in it. 1- Learning the basics A- Daisy the Dinosaur Learn the basics of computer programming with Daisy the Dinosaur! B- Move The Turtle Move The Turtle is an educational application for iPhone and iPad that teaches children the basics of creating computer programs, using intuitive graphic commands.2- Video tutorials Udacity courses are taught by industry experts from Facebook, Google, Cloudera and MongoDB. C- Khan Academy This is the official iPad app of the popular Khan Academy platform. D- Tree House Learn from over 1000 videos created by expert teachers on web design, coding, business, and much more. B- Cargo Bot Presenting Cargo-Bot.