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What Katie Ate

What Katie Ate

| Recipes from a Young Lawyer Blondie Layer Cake with White Chocolate Icing Caitlin celebrated her birthday last week. And in preparation of the big day, I scanned my collection of recipes and cookbooks, searching for the perfect layer cake. Last year I made her the pumpkin crepe cake. The year before that, the butternut squash layer cake. This year, I decided, it was time to stray from the harvest theme. Pure Vegetarian By Lakshmi This is one of those recipes I whipped up with whatever was at hand. Usually the method works, sometimes not. With paneer, smetana and cream it is impossible to fail. Smetana is an Eastern European specialty made by souring heavy cream.

she who eats a cup of first-flash green tea from yame, fukuoka prefecture, and some fresh local strawberries to accompany me as i sit down and open a (cook)book or two that arrived a few days earlier, thinking about my next trip. this is how i would like to spend this entire weekend. in reality, there won't be much time that i can spend this way, between work and other errands to do. but i still like to take some time to slow down a bit, appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the lush mountain scenery outside our windows, and breathe in some fresh green air. and enjoy freshly-brewed coffee (or tea) and some nibbles. small pleasures. hope you all have a wonderful weekend! -cx

Cook Your Dream There's nothing better than real home prepared food. Even the simplest dish, when prepared with good quality fresh local and seasonal ingredients, can taste like a dream. That being said, all food taste best when enjoyed in the company of friends and family. I love meeting my friends and family, and sharing food with them. Cooking together, laughing together.

Desserts for Breakfast Every now and then on rare occasion, I remember to step back and snap a shot of my photography setup. Here's the one I used for the fig, mascarpone, and pistachio tart from a few posts back, for those interested parties. [click on photo above for a larger image.] I know not much has been going on in this little corner of the blogosphere this week. But! Brownies for Dolce & Gabbana : Cafe Fernando – Food Blog - brownie - dolce & gabbana - swide - Brownies October 30th, 2010 | Category: Brownies, Chocolate I have to admit, I was a bit lost when Dolce & Gabbana requested me to create a recipe for their digital magazine, Swide. As soon as I read that email, I wished I were Pierre Hermé. Le voyage créatif This July I met up with Annette Joseph in her amazing apartment in Italy for a little summer get-together with cooking, eating and dancing on the agenda. If you know Annette Joseph from before, then you know she knows how to throw a party and make it all look oh-so effortlessly, she is a food and lifestyle stylist after all with years of experience under the belt for magazines such as Better Homes and Gardens, and is an lifestyle and entertainment expert on the Today show. My lucky part was to be able to watch her work her magic up close and personal, enjoy heartfelt and fun conversation along the way, and play with my camera.

Joy the Baker — I feel like I’m grasping tight to the things around me these days. I’m probably the first to shrug off the change of season, the change of moving cities, and the change of traveling a ton as no big deal…. but it all adds up to matter and I have to admit I feel a little crazy in the brain. This season I’ve started a new workout routine. Since I’ve moved away from my beloved SoulCycle in California, I’ve started practicing Bikram Yoga in New Orleans. I’m terrible. Homemade Hot Sauce! Some of us are hot sauce people. I hear the other some of us say that it “takes over” and “burns” and all that nonsense. Clearly, I am hot sauce person. It’s actually rather disconcerting how much so sometimes.

Carrot Banana Bread Carrot Banana Bread As a baby I had carotenaemia. Daily, my parents fended off incessant inquiries from prying cashiers and worried neighbors. The 2011 SAVEUR Best Food Blog Awards: The Winners When we opened nominations for this year's Best Food Blog Awards, we had no idea we'd find ourselves deluged with over 40,000 individual plugs for websites. Narrowing them down to six finalists in seventeen categories was no easy task — but an even harder job fell to the thousands of you who voted, picking just one blog above all others in its category. Our warmest thanks go to everyone who cast their vote; our heartiest congratulations to all our finalists. Here are your 2011 SAVEUR Best Food Blog Award winners! Finalists

Saffron Lane :: Seasonal Food, Celebration + Life Welcome to Saffron Lane, a blog dedicated to seasonal food, celebration and life. I'm Elizabeth, a chef, food writer, recipe developer and food stylist.My culinary career began at an early age. While other ten-year-olds were setting up lemonade stands, I was meticulously crafting gourmet chocolates and picking fresh berries from the backyard (to pair with them, of course) for my stand.

Angel Food Cake Last summer when I was in New York, a French acquaintance sent out a missive, looking for an Angel Food Cake pan in Paris. I’ve been thinking about making one for a number of years. But there are a number of American baked goods that don’t quite translate, and this classic cake – made like a big, baked meringue – well…I was pretty certain this would be one of them. For one thing, the French don’t normally do tall cakes (except for le Croquembouche, a tower of cream-filled pastry puffs, which is generally reserved for weddings), and the local palate would probably find Angel Food Cake a bit on the sweet side. Detox smoothies Toxins-free for life Looking to increase your energy levels, to lose weight, get clearer skin, prevent premature ageing and to help preventing diseases? Then look no further! This 5 days step-by-step detox will help you implement long-lasting healthy habits that yields results.

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