The Amazing Race: English Edition – The Canswedian English Teacher
I teach a class where the students don’t receive a grade… It is for students who don’t take Spanish, French or German and have extra English/Swedish instead. At times I am left banging my head against the wall – or grumbling a few choice words – because the class lacks the structure and drive I so crave in my regular English classes. My co-teacher and I work fantastic together, and have tried to do what we can with them. However, I am constantly asking myself – how am I supposed to encourage the students and make them realize that they should give a hooey about these oh-so-important-lessons?! This summer, I had a little thought bubble float up one day. Why not do something like The Amazing Race with them?
proofreading and editing tips
General tips for proofing Read it out loud and also silently. Read it backwards to focus on the spelling of words. Read it upside down to focus on typology.
Worksheet-free Vocab Revision Activities – Clare's ELT Compendium
What do you do in those last 5 minutes of class when you’ve finished everything that was planned? Or when energy levels hit a low during a lesson? Or in that lull while the next student gets ready to present, or whatever? We all know about the need to revise and recycle new vocabulary in language lessons, and in this post I want to share a few vocabulary revision activities that teachers can slot into any downtime that might occur in a lesson!
We can sort adjectives into several different categories one of them being possessive adjectives - ones that show ownership. There are lots of ways to practicing using possessive adjectives in class. What I’ve put together here are some fun and out of the ordinary games you can use to practice using possessive adjectives with your ESL students.
Addition – Expanded Form – One Worksheet Missing Addends – One Worksheet Subtraction – Missing Minuends – One Worksheet Subtraction – Missing Subtrahends – One Worksheet
How to learn English for free: 50 websites for free English lessons – Espress...
Videos & YouTube channels: – More than 1000 videos from various teachers. Sort by level or topicTED talks – Good for more advanced learners; use the captions or transcripts.Rachel’s English – Great videos on pronunciation, slang, & moreJenniferESL – More than 10 years of English-teaching videosGo Natural English – Fun and energetic American English teacherEnglish Anyone – Conversations, advanced listening, beginners’ course & moremmmEnglish – Australian English teacherEnglish with Lucy – British English teacherSpeak English with Vanessa – Natural expressions, pronunciation, phrasal verbsFluency MC – Teaches English through rhythm and rapPapa Teach Me – British English pronunciation, prepositions, vocabularyEnglishClass101 – 400+ videos on many different topics Podcasts & listening:
Proofreading Symbols and Abbreviations
Common Proofreading Symbols Common Proofreading Abbreviations (The abbreviation would appear in the margin, probably with a line or arrow pointing to the offending element.)
The Giant Storymaker – Ideas for a Hundred Million Stories
Storytelling is one of the most important acts of communication. Every day, in our contacts with friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances we share stories, anecdotes – things that happened to use, stories we read about in the news, on social media, stories we heard through others. _______________________________ In class, story building and storytelling can get somewhat neglected. Most modern coursebooks have little by way of getting learners to narrate. Photo Credit: Gisela Giardino via Compfight And yet storytelling for fun, storymaking and sharing can be serious or playful, and learners can be given the opportunity to practise producing sustained talk/long turns or write imaginative fiction producing their own stories or story episodes.
A Brief History of National Grammar Day
National Grammar Day, which is celebrated on March 4, was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, the author of Things That Make Us [Sic] and founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG). Former President George W. Bush sent a letter commemorating the day in its inaugural year.
Coloring Squared, räknemålor
Go to: Learning Addition Practice Addition Learning Subtraction Practice Subtraction Coloring Squared would like for you to enjoy a free 1st grade math fact pages for you to download. If you enjoy them, check out more of our content. Coloring Squared: First Grade $9.95
Video lessons
In this video we will be showing you why we like How It Should Have Ended For Kids. We're focusing on two playlists: Silly Songs and Fixed Fairy Tales, with some practical ideas about how we use them in teaching young learners. Here's a link to an interactive video quiz at our site for one of the videos from the channel, and here's a link to the channel itself.
This site does offer some free material. However to get the most out of it the individual fee is $19.95. I think it is well worth it. The comprehension work available is great! The worksheets provide the reading and the comprehension questions...great resource by mandimedley Jun 29