Patrician McCarthy: What's Your Innate Gift?
“We make things happen by knowing who we are,” says Mien Shiang Institute founder Patrician McCarthy. Drawing on the Taoist technique of medical facial diagnosis, McCarthy illustrates how the ancient art of “face reading” can shed new light on our own strengths and weaknesses, and help us work with others more effectively. Patrician McCarthy is the first Mien Shiang expert to translate this ancient science for the mainstream American public.
e-learning isn't working... but it could be so good!
This is a guest post written by Sarah Horrigan-Fullard and was originally posted here. Sarah works for the University of Sheffield leading the e-learning and digital media team and part time for the Open University as an associate lecturer. e-learning isn’t working…. Okay. That’s a bit controversial… right? And, to be honest, if I didn’t believe in the power and potential of learning in new and non-traditional ways (see how I skirt around calling it ‘e-learning’?)
Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image
Is your head bleeding? Is your heart bleeding? Here's my thought (and, I say this with full disclosure that I am no IT expert and have limited knowledge of the hacking space beyond a personal interest in better understanding technology - peace and love... peace and love...), but the process of text-based passwords needs to be tossed out.
The Power Of The Mind: How To Train Yourself To Be More Successful : Managing
How can you use the latest discoveries in brain science to improve your life? Here are some techniques. November 02, 2011
Salman Rushdie and Facebook’s pseudonym policy
This article arises from Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, the New America Foundation, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, visit the Future Tense blog and the Future Tense home page. You can also follow us on Twitter. What would George Orwell make of Facebook?
Request advice via helpdesk → Blog New Colour Management Infokit Released Posted by Matt Faber on Monday 07 April 2014 Tags: Colour management for digitisation projects Jisc Digital Media have published a new infokit on colour management for digitisation projects.
The Guide To Search: Why Social & Mobile Are The Future
Search is currently in a transition period right now. As algorithms become more complex and the major search engines introduce new features, it's clear that our expectations about how search should work and what it can do for us has risen with every new development. It's not enough that it just suggests relevant information. Now we demand that it comes faster, becomes more accurate and matches our tastes and interests.
Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills
The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new.
The Dropout Economy - 10 Ideas for the Next 10 Years
Middle-class kids are taught from an early age that they should work hard and finish school. Yet 3 out of 10 students dropped out of high school as recently as 2006, and less than a third of young people have finished college. Many economists attribute the sluggish wage growth in the U.S. to educational stagnation, which is one reason politicians of every stripe call for doubling or tripling the number of college graduates. But what if the millions of so-called dropouts are onto something? As conventional high schools and colleges prepare the next generation for jobs that won't exist, we're on the cusp of a dropout revolution, one that will spark an era of experimentation in new ways to learn and new ways to live.
Scott's eLearning Library
It’s that time of year again when thoughts turn to planning the annual learning resources conference in order to offer some blue-sky thinking and fresh ideas on how to reinvigorate the library service, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share a quick blog post about some of the developments I’ve been working on with fellow librarians and RSC colleagues lately. Continue reading I can’t claim the credit for this one, the idea’s adapted from a post in Doug’s blog (via my eagle-eyed friend Merv Stapleton ), but makes for such a neat little activity to do with learners to check their digital footprints I had to share.
Why social media strategy should not start with a drive for Facebook fans
Why does every social media strategy seemingly start with a company cajoling people to come “like” their Facebook page? This post will explain why that is usually a bad strategy if you are aiming at creating long-term, loyal customers. I’ve been honored to be selected to help judge a global company’s internal social media competition.
100 Ways To Develop Your Mind
This weeks Sunday Siesta has been postponed as I have been working all weekend on this article. It’s my longest article ever at over 4500 words but I think it was worth the time and the effort. I have been resisting doing this post for a while now. However, it kept niggling away at the back of my mind and I kept getting more and more ideas to add to it so here it is.
RiP: A Remix Manifesto
by Maria Popova Why you’re an outlaw just by reading this, or how the era we live in will change creative culture forever. It’s no secret we’re big proponents of remix culture around here — and strongly believe that the cross-pollination of ideas, the fundamental backbone of creativity, should be celebrated rather than hindered by copyright law. Which is why we love RiP: A Remix Manifesto, a documentary about copyright and remix culture. Filmmaker Brett Gaylor, of Opensource Cinema fame, digs deep into the flaws of copyright in the information age, exploring the ever-murkier line between content consumers and producers.
Technology blog
Protesters in favour of Proposition 8 outside the US supreme court, which threw it out. Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters Charles Arthur: Plus Symantec talking to bankers?, Apple's App Store analysed, the Prop 8 naysayers, coathangers v music, and more Continue reading...